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Architectural Pasts in your
A Mobile App Vision for Showcasing Brooklyn
Museum's Institutional History and Architectural
Image Collections

LIS 698: Practicum
Anna Rybakov         Brooklyn Museum: exterior. 1909.
Visual Chronology
                                                         grand staircase entrance


1st section: West wing            1907-1908

                                     ground level
                                     entrance w/ glass

                         ground level entry                   2004
Processing in the Archives
 inventory: boxes of 2 photo

 formats: prints, film & glass
 negatives, transparencies, slides,

 subject: interiors
    general, gallery space, dept
    offices & workspace, events,
    construction, illustrative
                                      above: compact shelving in
                                      the archive
Processing in the Archives
    tasks: rehouse, relabel, identify,

    research tools: annual reports,
    quarterlies, press releases,
    LUNA, BM libraries & archives
    online, NYARC catalog, finding                  above: annual reports
    aids, BM history books

from left to right:
original envelope, newly typed four-flap, 5x7 neg
-preserve & fully understand
collection scope
-prepare for digitization (Spring '13)
-upload images & metadata into
museum database to be shared on
website &/or institutionally, and on
the Brooklyn Visual Heritage
                                              above: selection of boxing in various
collaborative website                         stages of processing

-learn best processing & digitization

        where does this collection fit in? what makes it valuable?
Evolution of research project
 Main question:
 How do we bring these assorted interior images into a
 broader, not solely visual context?

 Primary solution:
 mobile apps BUT
                          -what makes a good app?
                          -how can we test success?
                          -what platform do we design on?
                         -what device do we design for?
                          -benefits? limitations?
Mobile app Technologies
 AR, geo-locative, gamification, QR codes

 -AR indoors
 -limited info
 -QR for crowds
     --intrusion of space
                            Museum of London's StreetMuseum AR app
                            Image source: Flickr
Mobile app considerations
 What type of app suits my needs best?
 Smartphone vs. tablet

Tablet Pros:
-larger screen
-more robust info
-data visualization
-preserve mobility

                      Use-optimized portrait & landscape views. Biblion mobile app.
                      Image source: Potion Design
Tablet vs. Smartphone
Tablet quick facts
-poised to reach saturation
-Apple dominates=1
primary platform
-average age 34
-even gender split
-tablet usage spikes during
non-work hours
-tablets used more for
entertainment/gaming &
Evolution of research project
 Museum function has changed.
 exhibitive    experiential         transformative

 User needs & expectations have changed.
 -instant gratification
 -unparalleled access

 Response should change.
 -offer comprehensive singular content w/ human element

    PROPOSAL: Brooklyn Museum's Archmuse app
What is it?
A comprehensive multimedia experience linking library
& archives materials specific to Brooklyn Museum's
architectural history & puts them into evidence-based
historic context

     Images, press releases, letters, excerpts from annual
     reports/quarterlies, newspaper articles, audio & video,
     architectural plans, personal accounts, scholarly essays,

          A large permanent exhibition in digital space
                 open 24/7, wherever you are, no wifi needed
         from building sketch to opening exhibition & everything in between
Digital Inspiration
NYPL's comprehensive iPad publications

-open access to legendary
-non-linear navigation &
discovery in infoscape
-range of themes: varied
Digital Inspiration:

-clean displays
     --image to text ratio
-magazine style format
-intuitive navigation
     --de-prioritized menu
-seamless aggregator of
mixed format/content
What might Archmuse look like?

    curated theme stacks

                             shelf visualization w/ color coded
                             content types

                                 Image source: iTunes App Store
iPad app + website
-dynamic, multimedia content
-outside links & resources
-optimized views based on content
-virtual guided tour
-on site tour
-social features
-categorized, navigable but slightly
nebulous displays...artificially recreate
the "researching in archives"               above: mock up iPad app featuring
experience                                  Brooklyn Museum floor plan, c.1897
-more traditional, static website to
allow discovery
                                    HOME                    discrete drop down
                                                             limited nav menu
   begin with short exteriors
        timelapse animation

                            TOURS          STACKS   concept-themed thumbnail clouds:
                                                    Origins, Cornerstone, Museum of
                                                    Everything, Modernization,
                                                    Extension, Master Plan, Museum as

  3D virtual
                         on-site                      each theme has its own
                                                      subsections containing
                                                      multimedia related to topic:
                                                      Origins: timeline, Brooklyn
                                                      Apprentices' Library, founding
                                                      documents, images,
      discrete toolbar                                programming, members list, bios,
-permanent digital
"exhibition" unique to BM
-repackaging many existing
-deeper understanding of
building & museum's past
-aggregate disparate
sources into 1 infoscape
-promote museum's
mission & its
-partnership: scholars,
researchers, institutions

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Practicum presentation

  • 1. Architectural Pasts in your Palm: A Mobile App Vision for Showcasing Brooklyn Museum's Institutional History and Architectural Image Collections LIS 698: Practicum Anna Rybakov Brooklyn Museum: exterior. 1909.
  • 2. Visual Chronology grand staircase entrance 1897 1st section: West wing 1907-1908 ground level entrance w/ glass canopy 1937 ground level entry 2004
  • 3. Processing in the Archives inventory: boxes of 2 photo collections formats: prints, film & glass negatives, transparencies, slides, oversize subject: interiors general, gallery space, dept offices & workspace, events, construction, illustrative materials above: compact shelving in the archive
  • 4. Processing in the Archives tasks: rehouse, relabel, identify, preserve research tools: annual reports, quarterlies, press releases, LUNA, BM libraries & archives online, NYARC catalog, finding above: annual reports aids, BM history books from left to right: original envelope, newly typed four-flap, 5x7 neg
  • 5. Goals PROJECT -preserve & fully understand collection scope -prepare for digitization (Spring '13) -upload images & metadata into museum database to be shared on website &/or institutionally, and on the Brooklyn Visual Heritage above: selection of boxing in various collaborative website stages of processing PERSONAL -learn best processing & digitization practices where does this collection fit in? what makes it valuable?
  • 6. Evolution of research project Main question: How do we bring these assorted interior images into a broader, not solely visual context? Primary solution: mobile apps BUT -what makes a good app? -how can we test success? -what platform do we design on? -what device do we design for? -benefits? limitations?
  • 7. Mobile app Technologies Trends: AR, geo-locative, gamification, QR codes Cons: -AR indoors --accuracy --setup -connectivity -limited info -navigation -QR for crowds --intrusion of space Museum of London's StreetMuseum AR app Image source: Flickr
  • 8. Mobile app considerations What type of app suits my needs best? Smartphone vs. tablet Tablet Pros: -larger screen -more robust info -connectivity -navigation -data visualization -preserve mobility Use-optimized portrait & landscape views. Biblion mobile app. Image source: Potion Design
  • 9. Tablet vs. Smartphone Tablet quick facts -poised to reach saturation -Apple dominates=1 primary platform -average age 34 -even gender split -tablet usage spikes during non-work hours -tablets used more for entertainment/gaming & media
  • 10. Evolution of research project Museum function has changed. exhibitive experiential transformative User needs & expectations have changed. -sophisticated -curious -instant gratification -unparalleled access Response should change. -offer comprehensive singular content w/ human element PROPOSAL: Brooklyn Museum's Archmuse app
  • 11. Archmuse-Overview What is it? A comprehensive multimedia experience linking library & archives materials specific to Brooklyn Museum's architectural history & puts them into evidence-based historic context Content Images, press releases, letters, excerpts from annual reports/quarterlies, newspaper articles, audio & video, architectural plans, personal accounts, scholarly essays, tours A large permanent exhibition in digital space open 24/7, wherever you are, no wifi needed
  • 12. Archmuse-Concept from building sketch to opening exhibition & everything in between
  • 13. Archmuse-Inspiration Digital Inspiration NYPL's comprehensive iPad publications -open access to legendary collection -non-linear navigation & discovery in infoscape -range of themes: varied focus -exploration -immersive -educational -accessible
  • 14. Archmuse-Inspiration Digital Inspiration: Flipboard -clean displays --image to text ratio -magazine style format -intuitive navigation --de-prioritized menu -seamless aggregator of mixed format/content
  • 15. Archmuse-Visualization What might Archmuse look like? curated theme stacks shelf visualization w/ color coded content types Image source: iTunes App Store
  • 16. Archmuse-Features iPad app + website -dynamic, multimedia content -bookmarking -outside links & resources -optimized views based on content -virtual guided tour -on site tour -social features -categorized, navigable but slightly nebulous displays...artificially recreate the "researching in archives" above: mock up iPad app featuring experience Brooklyn Museum floor plan, c.1897 -more traditional, static website to allow discovery
  • 17. Archmuse-Sitemap HOME discrete drop down limited nav menu begin with short exteriors timelapse animation TOURS STACKS concept-themed thumbnail clouds: Origins, Cornerstone, Museum of Everything, Modernization, Extension, Master Plan, Museum as Progenitor HEADLINES 3D virtual on-site each theme has its own subsections containing multimedia related to topic: Origins: timeline, Brooklyn Apprentices' Library, founding documents, images, discrete toolbar programming, members list, bios, etc.
  • 18. Archmuse-Goals -permanent digital "exhibition" unique to BM -repackaging many existing resources -deeper understanding of building & museum's past -aggregate disparate sources into 1 infoscape -promote museum's mission & its library/archives -partnership: scholars, researchers, institutions