Manager, strategy director and business consultant with a strong digital background and an eye for business. Dragon-Ant mix, always on a mission.
* 2017 was voted nr 2 in the Adformatie (think Dutch AdAge) Top100 of people that make a difference in our industry
* Speaker at Cannes lions Festival in 2016 Health and 2017 Innovation
* Jury President > ADCN Strategy 2016, Spinawards Digital Campaign 2016
* Jury Member > AME 2016, Spinaward 2006-2011, Crossmedia 2015, Effie (from 2014), Global Media 2015, Futurist of the Year 2015, ADCN Branded Content 2014, Mobile App World Press 2013, IT trend watcher 2012, IDFA interactive doc's 2010.
* Masterclasses new media Mediafonds & Sandbe...