Bonares is located in southwest Spain in the province of Huelva. It has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild, rainy winters. The document describes the history and culture of Bonares, including its founding in 1369. It discusses several popular festivals celebrated in Bonares such as the Open-Air Dance in May, the Pilgrimage to Corchito the following Saturday, and participation in the annual Rocio festival. Local crafts like saddlery, pottery, and embroidery are mentioned. The cuisine of Bonares is noted for fruits, nuts, beans, and seafood dishes.
(Falco tinnunculus)
揃 What does it look like?
The Cern鱈calo is a predatory bird of small size that
doesn't exceed 35 cm in length and 75 cm in
wingspread and is very similar looking to falcons.
揃 What does it eat?
It eats every type of rodent, a lot of reptiles and small
揃 Where does it live?
It occupies many habitats, for example: beaches,
cities, cliffs, groves...
揃 How does it reproduce?
These birds take advantage of whichever available nest
and sometimes they build their own. The breeding
season are the months of April and May, they are
oviparous, they usually have 6 eggs and they have to
incubate for 30 days.
(Alectoris rufa)
揃What does it look like?
It looks fat and has brown tones. The
beak and around the eyes are bright
red, it has a bluish gray chest and
belly ocher. The legs and tail are red.
揃What does it eat?
This bird feeds on grasses, wild plants,
insects, etc.
揃Where does it live?
The partridge lives in dry, sandy
places, and plains, provided that these
places have short and compact
vegetation to hide.
揃 How does it reproduce?
5. Butterfly Silk
(Bombyx mory)
What does it look like?Butterfly Silk has a
plump appearance, with a white ashy color
and a very hairy body. Atrophied wings has
two parts.
What does it eat?Silkworms feed on the
brown leaves, while butterflies during his
short life do not take any food.Silkworms
feed on the leaves brown, and while their
short life as butterflies, they do not eat any
Where does it live?It is native to North
How does it reproduce?First they lay eggs
which hatch and become larvae , then they
become silkworms , then pupae and finally
silk butterflies
(Apodemus Sylvaticus)
What does it look like?
The fieldmouse is a small rodent, that
rarely exceeds 22cm, of wich half is the
tail. It weighs around 15gr and 36gr. It
has long ears, big eyes and a round pupil.
It has light dark fur.
What does it eat?
It feeds on seeds, buds, vegetables, wild
fruits, insects, eggs and chicken eggs. It
is omnivorous.
Where does it live?
It lives in forests, in fields, gardens..
They make a hole, under ground or under
rocks to live there.
How does it reproduce?
It can reproduce between 3 and 10 mouse
pups, 6 or 8 times per year, so it can
reproduce 80 mouse pups every year.
((Porcellio ScaberPorcellio Scaber))
揃What does it look like?
Cochinilla is a sm尊all animal that can
reach a length between 18 and
27mm. It has seven pairs of legs
and is usually gray.
揃Where does it live?
It lives under rocks and in places
where there is darkness and
揃How does it live?
It is oviparous. It usually lays a
total of 40 eggs, the eggs are
carried by the mother in the belly.
What does it look like?
It is an invertebrate animal with an
elongated body and deprressed. Its body is
yellowish,orange, brown and even greenish.
They have nails that they use for climbing,
walking and caching prey. The head has a pair
of long antennas to explore the terrain.
What does it eat?
They feed on all types of smalls animals.
Where does it live?
They live on land areas but they are usually in
rocky areas and live hidden under stones.
How does it reproduce?
It卒s reproduction is oviparous, meaning that lays
(Quercus suber)
揃What does it look like?
The cork oak is a tree that measures 10 or 12 feet high, although
there are specimens that reach 15 feet.
They have a very rough and spongy bark, pale gray and brown color,
while the inside is pink. It is an evergreen tree, its leaves are oval,
pointed, with smooth or sinuous edges. The leave have a dimension of
6 x 3 cm. The leaves are black and green on the top and lighter on the
揃What plant family does it belong to?
It comes from the family of the Fagaceae Fag叩ceas
揃What is the plants origin? How was it introduced to Bonares
The cork oak is a tree native to the south of Europe and the North
of Africa, is a very common and abundant species.
揃Does it produce any fruit/food?
The cork oak produces the fruit called acorn, although the flavor is
more bitter. It is present isolated or in pairs, seated in cones with
hard scales and open facing up
揃important to the economy?
Although is important in something economies in Bonares it is not
揃In what type of climate and conditions does it grow?
The climate in which the Mediterranean cork oak inhabits is
characterized by dry summers with little rainfall and high
temperatures. Winters tend to have mild temperatures and abundant
rainfall, so altering periods of very dry years with periods of very wet
years. This can stop plant growth. However, in this climate, in the
areas of oceanic influence, both temperature and drought are
(olea europaea)
揃 Whats does it look like?
The olive tree is an evergreen tree and slow growth, and
can reach 15 metres. Its trunk is twisted and is grey. Its
leaves are long and they measure from 3 cm to 8 cm in length
and its color is dark green by the bundle and lighter on the
underside and its canopy is extended.
揃 What is the plants origin?
It is native to the area around the Aegean Sea, such as
Turkey and Greece. It was spread to the countries bordering
the Mediterranean Sea.
揃 Does it produce any fruit/food?
The fruit of the olive tree is the olive, oil is extracted from
the olive.
揃 In what type of climate and conditions does it grow?
Olives are grown in Mediterranean climate and in all soil types
(Chamaerops humilis)
What does it look like?
The fan palm is a palm tree. It is tall and
has a short underground trunk and is
very twiggy.
What plant family does it belong to?
It's of the family from Palm叩ceas
Does it produce any fruits?
It produce a fruit called the date
In what type of climate and conditions
does it grow?
The plant grows near the beach and on
(Eucaliptus globulus)
What does it looks like?
The white eucalyptus is a tree who has a big and white
stem and green and long leaves.
What plant family does it belong to?
This plant is belong to mit叩ceas family.
What is the plant origin? How was it introduced to
His origin is from Australia.
It became to Europe in 1869 with more plants.
Does it produce any fruit/food?
Yes his flowers that its produced in November,
December and January.
What does it look like?
The date palm is a slender and elegant
tree that can measure up to 32 meters
high. The trunk is formed by the base
of the old leaves and in it termination
there is a tuft of big leaves.
.Whatis plant family does it belong
It cames to the family of the palm叩ceas.
. What is the plant origin? How was it
introduced to Bonares?
It is originated in the Western Asia
and in the North Africa.
. Does it produce any fruit/ food?
15. The climate of Bonares
The climate of Bonares is Mediterranean, with high
temperatures in summer and medium temperatures in
winter. In summer there aren卒t precipitations and in
winter and spring there are some precipitations.
16. History of Bonares
Bonaresis located in Huelva. The city has a population of
6,282 inhabitants. It was founded under the jurisdiction
of the County of Niebla in the year 1369.In the XIX
century it became an independent municipality.
17. I
By the archeological remains,
it is known that the term lands
were inhabited since ancient
times. Possibly the first
century of our Roman period,
there are the remains of a
Roman villa founded on a farm
called Los Bojeos.
In the morning...
It is a party that is
celebrated in honor to the 12
crosses, and every year one of
them organizes the
festivities. It's always
celebrated on the third
Thursday of May, and consists
on a parade in the afternoon
followed by the corresponding
cross, their sponsors and
everyone that belong to that
cross dressed with flamencos
The trip to the Corchito
It is a romeria that is
celebrated the following
Saturday to the opne-air dance,
it starts with the reveille and a
mass in honor to the cross of
that year, and then the tour is
made around all the village, in
horses and manolas, until arrived
to the Corchito and in what all
the village participated.
The Romer鱈a
The Rocio starts with a journey
of all the villages to the hamlet
called El Roc鱈o. Bonares usually
goes on Thursday, but the date
changes every year. The
journey is done in trucks, horses
or manolas, and it goes on for all
that day, since the morning to
the night when they arrive in
the Rocio. Some brotherhoods
sleep in the trip. People stay in
the Rocio for five days, and in
the early morning on Monday,
the almonte単os jump the bars
and take the virgin outside.
Regarding the craft tasksRegarding the craft tasks
such as saddlery andsuch as saddlery and
plaiting, or manufactureplaiting, or manufacture
of polychrome potteryof polychrome pottery
and embroidery are stilland embroidery are still
made in Bonaresmade in Bonares
The fruity musts and mistelas
are most characteristic products
of the cuisine of Bonares ,
enzapat叩s beans, cruets, toast
with cod, pole叩, revoltillos ,
cake which is mainly consumed in
the time of Easter and Lent are
also producedT
Editor's Notes
#18: Military settlements were discovered im the 5th century.
Niebla was conquered by Alfonso X El Sabio.