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Titulariedade conferida " Notório Saber" - 2011
UFF- Federal university From the state of Rio de Janeiro- NITERÓI- Bachelard, Social Science
1981 - 1990
*Licenciatura in Social sciences-Prof. Sociology - UFF - 1990
*Bacharelado in Social sciences - Sociologist, Political Scientist, Antropóloga - UFF - 1990
Postgraduate in Therapy through the Movement - Body and subjetivação
Faculty Angel Vianna - FAV - 2007 / 2008
*Pós - Graduated in Art - Therapy in Education and Health
FAHUPE - 1993/1994
* Teacher of Physical Expression and System Laban of analysis of the movement
Centre of studies of the movement - direction out Angel Vianna-1986 - Faculty Angel