This document proposes a new approach to modeling identity types in type theory using computational paths.
[1] It introduces computational paths as syntactic objects representing proofs of equality between terms. A groupoid structure is induced on paths that models identity types.
[2] Higher structures, like a bicategory, can be constructed from paths of paths. This bicategory forms a weak 2-groupoid modeling higher identity types.
[3] The approach is proven compatible with previous work modeling identity types but provides a more intuitive syntactic presentation using computational paths. Future work includes fully specifying reductions between paths and studying even higher induced weak groupoid structures.
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Computational paths, identity type and groupoid model
2. Motivation
Mathematics becoming increasingly abstract and complex
Automatic Proof Checkers
Type Theory: Identity type as a bridge between computer science and
Objective: To propose a more intuitive approach to the identity type
3. Intensional Identity Type
Witness p as proof of propositional equality between two objects of the
same type
Connection between extensionality and intensionality
Homotopy Type Theory: Semantic connection with homotopy (paths)
HOFMANN - STREICHER 1994: Groupoid structure refutes the principle of
the unicity of proofs of equality
LUMSDAINE 2009: weak structure
5. Identity Type: New Approach
We propose a new approach to the identity type
Objective: to be more intuitive than the classic approach
Based on Computational Paths, entity originally proposed by Gabbay and Ruy de
Queiroz in 1994
Paths as part of the syntax of type theory: algebra of paths (or calculus of paths)
Main objectives of this work: Detailed explanation of our new approach and
proof of essential properties, such as the groupoid structure
6. Beta Equality
Given terms P e Q if we say that they are if:
reduction together with : theory of
9. Computational Paths
Composition of axioms and inference rules s that establishes the
propositional equality between two terms a : A and b : A
Notation a =s b : A
Composition done by applications of the transitivity
10. Computational Paths: Example
Path between and :
From we obtain
From we obtain
To obtain the final path between and , we just need to
concatenate both paths using the transitivity, obtaining:
15. Term Rewriting System LNDEQ-TRS
Reduction between different paths
Simple examples: and ; and
Anjolina (1994) and Ruy & Anjolina (2011): Term rewriting system
Total of 39 reduction rules 7 essential to the current work
19. rw-equality
Each LNDEQ-TRS is known as rw rule
From s to t in 1 rule:
From s to t in multiple rules:
Rw-equality s =rw t: sequence R0, ....., Rn , with such that:
Rw-equality is an equivalence class (since it has been defined as a
transitive, symmetric and reflexive closure)
20. LNDRW-TRS2 Redundancies between Paths of
Redundancies caused by rw-equality
There is a version for each redunction previously showed
22. Category Arw Induced by Computational Paths
Objects: terms a: A
Morphisms: Paths s between objects a,b: A. iff a =s b
Weak category: Equality holds only up to rw-equality
Identity Laws:
23. ARW is a Weak Groupoid
Every arrow is an isomorphism
We need to show that every morphism s has an inverse morphism t
Set :
24. Higher Strucure: 2 - Arw
Category A2rw(a,b) for each pair of objects Arw
Objects of A2rw(a,b) are paths s: a =s b and morphisms between paths
s,r are sets of rw-equalities s =rw r
Associativity and transitivity hold weakly up to rw2-equality
(analogous to Arw)
Considering equivalence classes of rw2, equalities hold on the nose
on the second level. Structure [2 Arw]
Is [2 Arw] a bicategory? Is it a weak 2-grupoid?
25. Bicategory
Horizontal Composition
Associativity and identity of the horizontal composition
Interchange law
Coherence law: Mac Lanes pentagon and triangle
26. [2 Arw] is a Bicategory
Horizontal composition :
We define as:
27. [2 Arw] is a Bicategory
Associativity assoc of : Natural isomorphism between
Given by the isomorphism of each component:
Identity :
We only need to check each component:
Analogous to : Use trr
30. [2 Arw]: Results
We have showed that [2 Arw] is a bicategory
From the fact that [2 Arw] is a bicategory, that A2rw is a weak
groupoid and Arw a groupoid, we conclude that [2 Arw] is a weak 2-
It is possible to think of weak groupoids with higher number of levels.
Eventually, we can think of a weak groupoid with an infinite number
of levels, the weak
31. Conclusion
We have proposed a new approach based on computer
Computer paths are present in the syntax of type theory, opposite to
being only a semantical interpretation
Using computational paths, it is possible to induce higher groupoids.
We have obtained results compatible with the ones obtained by
Hofmann-Streicher for the traditional identity type
32. Future Work
Mapping of all possible rw2-rules
The study of induced weak groupoids with order higher than 2
Possibility of obtaining, to our approach based on computational
paths, results similar to the ones obtained by Lumsdaine. In other
words, to prove that it is possible to induce a