Arturo Rinaldi is an Italian freelance network designer, electronics engineer, and ICT developer with interests in digital communications, programming, and open-source software defined radio projects. He has a Master's Degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Messina and over 10 years of experience designing wired and wireless networks as well as freelance engineering services. He is proficient in languages like Python, Java, and SQL and has technical skills in areas such as Linux, networking, signal processing, and communications systems.
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Resume A. Rinaldi - ENG
1. Arturo Rinaldi
Date of Birth March 20th, 1980 in Messina (Italy)
Contact Via Vignetta 20 Mobile (1) : +39-340-5795584
Information 21013 Gallarate (VA), Italy Mobile (2) : +39-393-1676152
Skype: E-mail:
Facebook: Twitter: artynet2
LinkedIn: Arturo Rinaldi Google+: artynetdue
Citizenship ITALY
Research Digital communications, Object-Oriented Programming (Python and Java), DSP, GNU Radio
Interests (Open-source DSP), ICT
Career History March 2012 - Present
Network Designer at Law and Commercial 鍖rms - Freelance service
Design, con鍖guration and test of mixed wired/wireless infrastructure for general purpose use. Im-
provement of the overall network e鍖ciency by application of content 鍖ltering (i.e. URL and instant
messaging services blocking). Sometimes I was also asked to take care of QoS and bandwidth
management within the network itself.
April 2009 - Present
Electronics Engineering, ICT Development, GNU Radio, Communication Systems -
Freelance Service
The goal of my thesis research was to build an open-source tool, useful for the student, for evaluating
the Bit Error Rates of the digital modulations (in real-time also) over the wired (AWGN) and the
wireless channels both modeled in a mathematical way combining Python with the GNU Radio
platform. Altough I 鍖nished my thesis research a long time ago, I still actively participate in the
GNU Radio community.
Education 28 May 2012 - 13 July 2012
Emerald Cultural Institute, Dublin, IRELAND
GEN4 Intensive Plus English Course (7 weeks)
General English Language course. Subjects : Grammar, Literature and use of everyday
January 2012
Italian Engineers Order - Branch of Messina, Messina, ITALY
Engineering Qualifying Examination (Italy) (GPA : 62/100)
Section A - Identi鍖cation Number : 2736
Fields : Civil, Industrial and IT Engineering
October 1998 - November 2011
Facolt` di Ingegneria - Universit` degli Studi di Messina, Messina, ITALY
a a
Masters Degree (5-year Course) in Electronics Engineering (GPA : 102/110)
Thesis Topic : GNU Radio and Digital Modulations
Candidacy Exam : Emulation of a Radio Link by means of Software Radio
Supervisor : Professor Salvatore Serrano
Second Supervisor : Professor Giuseppe Campobello
Area of Study : DSP
September 2010
Cambridge ESOL Examinations - Branch of Messina, Messina, ITALY
First Certi鍖cate in English (FCE) achieved with Grade B (GPA : 79/100)
2. September 1993 - June 1998
Liceo Scienti鍖co Statale G.Seguenza, Messina, ITALY
High-School graduation (Scienti鍖c Diploma) (GPA : 60/60)
Lectures as Linux Day 2012
speaker Lecture Topic : Instant Messaging, Social Networks and Browsers : a comprehensive guide to
improve your online experience
Linux Day 2011
Lecture Topic : Social network at your service : how to customize the browsing experience
Linux Day 2010
Lecture Topic : PyLab : A valuable alternative to Matlab
Technical Skills Matlab experience : Linear Algebra, Fourier Transforms, Nonlinear Numerical Methods, Poly-
nomials, Statistics, N -Dimensional Filters, Visualization
Matlab toolboxes : Communications, Control System, Filter Design, Signal Processing
Programming : Java, Python, UNIX Shell Scripting, SQL, Html, XML
Information Technology : Networking (UDP, TCP, DNS, Dynamic routing), Service (SQL, POP,
Computer Applications : TEX (L TEX, BibTEX, PSTricks), most common productivity packages
(for Windows, Linux and MacOs X platforms), Microsoft O鍖ce, Openo鍖ce, Libreo鍖ce, GIMP,
Audacity, Audio & Video Codecs, Firefox, Thunderbird, Filezilla, SSH, git, mercurial
Operating Systems : Microsoft Windows family, Apple OS X, Linux, Android, iOS
Communication and Signal Processing : Probability, Random Variables, Stochastic Processes,
Language Skills Languages actually spoken:
Italian : Native language
English : Advanced
Spanish : Basic knowlegde
Activities Design and implementation of a dual system consisting of a Voltage/Frequency converter and a
Frequency/Voltage converter.
Design and implementation of a short-range, low-cost TX/RX Radio System operating in the
RF spectrum.
Design of a Java-based client/server application involving a SQL database, threads and GUIs.
The project consisted in a phonebook, with di鍖erent blank spaces to 鍖ll in the main GUI(Name,
address, phone number and so on), interfacing with a SQL database running on the server side.
The client was able to recall data from the database and to delete stored data as well through
SQL queries nested in the java code as simple strings. Being multi-threaded, the user was also
able to launch di鍖erent instances of the same application. The entire work was then reverse-
engineered and described in every single detail with an UML 鍖ow graph as required from my
Tweaking of the script, part of the Ubuntuzilla Project, to retrieve the
latest versions(localized in di鍖erent languages) of the Mozilla Foundation software(i.e. Firefox,
Thunderbird and Seamonkey). After being downloaded, the binary 鍖les are packaged in the
*.deb 鍖le format so that a debian-based Linux distribution user is able to install/uninstall the
application in a very simple way.
Deploying open-source code on the Internet in my spare time.
3. Other Full availability to work on site and to move abroad as well.
I hereby authorize the use of my personal and professional details solely for circulation within
the company according to the Italian Legislative Decree no 196/2003.
R卒sum卒 updated to March 13, 2013.
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