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-Arum ≧◡≦ mЯs.Hectic-

Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Semarang, Indonesia
Kadiv Internal
Who I am??? ~,~a i dUnnO wHo i am~ as FaR aS I kNow~ I'm jUst sMaLL giRL iN a bi9 wOrLd~ =>LuV ALLAH..^^ =>LuV my PaReNt..^^ =>LuV my bRotHeR..^^ =>LuV my PhaMeLy..^^ =>LuV my BeSt FriEnDs (AsEaNvFivE)..^^ =>LuV INDONESIA..^^ =>LuV aLL my FriEnDs..^^ =>nD LuV eVeryOnE WhO iS LuV mE..^^ =>I wAnt tO mAkE my PaReNt pRoUd wiTh mE..^^ =>aLsO mAkE my pArEnt sMiLe wiTh aNytHiNg I dO..^^ ....(¯`v´¯) ..... ·.¸.·´ ...¸.·´ .. ( ☻/ /▌♥♥ / \ ...... 0% [♥ cerewet ♥] █ 30% [♥ baexZ ♥] ██ 77% [♥ maNieZz ♥] ████80% [♥ Setia ♥] ████████100% [♥ cUtE ♥]