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ICT Seagulls Project 2013
 School Name:
Little Angels School
 Circle Name:
Elevate Students Quality Circle
 Project Title :
Save Students Uniting Against
21st January 2013
Team Name Elevate Students Quality Circle (ESQC)
Motto One Step for a Better Change
Instated On 21st January, 2013
Meetings Every Sunday, 1 hour
Facilitators Mrs. Sarita Dewan & Mr. Nirajan Adhikari
 Anshuka Rani Das Leader
Shiska Raut Deputy Leader
Aashma Poudel Secretary
Asma Pun Member
Ayush Thapa Member
Ashmita Ghimire Member
Nikita Yadav Member
Esha Rajbhandari Member
Activity January February March April May June
of problem
We brainstormed to see what project we could take up.
During the brainstorming session we shared our ideas
and came up with the following list:
 Awareness campaign on personnel hygiene
 Providing stationary materials to the underprivileged
students of rural areas.
 Awareness on violence against women & teenage
 Awareness to promote open defecation free zone.
 Campaign on road safety
Violence against women is a burning issue in
todays context even though many women are
empowered and aware now. In Nepal, although,
women are leading in many sectors, there are
many girls especially in slum areas who are facing
harassment and violence. All the members of our
group agreed that this problem would be the most
appropriate as per our financial means as well as
our project time duration.
When we read in the newspapers about the cases of
women and girls who are facing the problems of
violence, we observed cases of women and girls
violence in one month as recorded in the newspapers.
There are hundreds of such cases unrecorded
throughout the country. In this situation, we decided to
do what is possible within our capability and then
started a project named STUDENTS UNITING
AGAINST VIOLENCE (SAVE). In this project we will
ask support from the volunteer groups or various
organizations that are working in the field of girls/
women violence in Nepal. We will collect some money
from the students voluntarily and will use that money to
support the orphanage by providing some support. The
support program will be targeting local slums. The
types of cases and their number according to the
newspaper from January 26th to February 27.
Kantipur Women violence 9
Rape 5
Articles on women violence 5
Kathmandu Post Women violence 6
Rape 18
Protests 9
Articles on women violence 10
Himalayan Times Rape 8
Polygamy 1
Child labour 1
Protest 2
Articles on Women violence 2
The Republica Sexual abuse 1
Articles on women violence 9
ICT Seagulls Presentation
ICT Seagulls Presentation
In addition to the news paper articles we also went
to observe the " Occupy Baluwatar Movement  in
Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal on 20th April 2013 in
order to gain an insight on the current state of
women violence in Nepal.
On the suggestion of our facilitator Mrs. Sarita
Dewan, we also visited Prerana, a non-
governmental organization which helps the poor
and needy people, where we met Mr. Moti Lal
Lama, the program coordinator of the organization.
After having a conversation with Mr. Lama, he gave
us feedback to visit slum area of Manohara, among
the various alternatives which were slum areas of
Sankhamul, Tripureshwor, Bhaisipati and
Interviewer Person Question Answer
Anshuka Rani Das Bimala Ghimire
( Chief of Projects,
Has the situation of women
violence increased in Nepal or
it has just been coming to
media a lot?
The problem has not increased but
the people have become more aware
than before and they are approaching
concerned authority to get their rights
and justice.
Shiska Raut Bimala Ghimire Do teenagers face violence
The problem has high intensity among
the age group of 18-25 years but it has
affected teenagers too.
Asma Pun Moti Lama
( Secretary-
What are the programs that
you all have been Carrying out
for Women problems?
We have been conducting programs
like awareness on women
empowerment, sanitation, skill
development training and support
Nikita Yadav Moti Lama Which area of Kathmandu has
the highest intensity of this
Almost every field is affected but the
slum area is the most affected
because it is lacking in most of the
services and faces many problems.
Aashma Poudel Moti Lama Do people frankly confess their
No, they don't. But these days the
number of women reporting violence
has increased not because the
problem has increased but due to
aware citizens these days.
We have selected a local slum in Bhaktapur ( Manohara
slum) which consists of 600 households as our problem
area. The target of our project "Students Uniting Against
Violence(SAVE)" is to aware the girls of this slum about
violence by interacting with them in a positive manner and
through awareness campaigns. We especially are
targeting the teenage girls in this local slum as they have
less security and facilities compared to the slums of
Kathmandu. We are also planning to give some
materialistic support to the slum girls and some health
Interviewer Person Question Answer
Aayush Thapa Kul Bahadur Lamai
(Dail Community)
How big is this slum?
What is the condition of
people and children here?
This slum is very big and has about
600 households and is about 1km in
The condition here is really bad here.
People don't have general facilities
too. Both women and men work as
laborers and some keep livestock too.
Children go to school but they don't
have access to resources and most
children work.
Anshuka Rani Das Are there cases of violence in
the slum?
Yes, there are. Domestic violence is
vaster and many cases of harassment
have been reported too.
Asma Pun Do the girls here have any idea
about violence and
I don't think so because as people
here are conservative and backward
they don't have idea about violence.
Shiska Raut How many schools are here in
the slum?
There is only one school that is
Saraswati Primary School and Dial
community also gives education to
little children and provides food to
many children.
(principal of Shree Saraswati Primary school )
Interviewer Person Question Answer
Aayush Thapa Mrs Indira Mahat
(principal of saraswati
school )
How many children study here
in this school?
There are about 400-500 students
studying here.
How is the condition of Girls
The condition of girls is fine.
Has any program related to
women violence carried out
here in the slum?
No there hasn't been any program
related to women violence but there
is a group of girls working in "Kishori
Shakti Samuha' which empowers
teenage girls and give them physical
Has any student in this school
been facing violence or
harassment of any types?
There are children who work in
other's house to earn money. Mostly
those girls become the victim of
harassment and violence.
Interviewer Person Question Answer
Anshuka Rani Das Kishori Sitaula
(leader of Kishori Shakti
You are the leader of your group
Kishori Shakti Samuha . How
does this group work?
Yes we have a group of around 18-20
teenage girls. We teach the girls about
the physical changes and help them in
empowering themselves. We also give
materialistic supports.
Aayush Thapa Do people readily tell about the
problems they are facing?
No they don't. They tend to hide the
problems they are facing in the fear of
being humiliated.
Shiska Raut What types of problem related to
violence is frequent here?
The problem of domestic violence is
frequent here. Woman and girl children
are beaten up by their father in most
cases. Girls are harassed too.
Nikita Yadav What is the situation of
sanitation here?
There is very poor hygiene and
sanitation here. As we are settled down
in the banks of River . The river water is
really polluted due to its frequent use
and there are no toilets here. Only 30%
of people have toilets in their house
others who don't have use the
community toilet.
Asma Pun Has any incident occurred
Yes, these incidents keep happening. but
people have been a little aware that they
need to fight for justice and rights.
Manohara is a place located at Bhaktapur, in the banks
of the river Manohara . People have been residing in
that area for six years. We selected the manohara slum
of Bhaktapur because of the following reasons:
1. Poor environment sanitation.
2. Pitiful condition of girls.
3. Increasing rate of violence in the slum community.
4. Only a primary level school in a community of 600
5. Different organizations are working there but none of
them have targeted women violence as the problem.
6. People belonging to 23 different ethnic groups reside in
the same slum.
After the observation of the slum area we found out the
Dail Community provides food every morning to the
children and the teenagers of the slum. After having a
talk with the principal of 'Shree Saraswati Prathamic
Vidyalaya' , we found out that minimum 25 teenage girls
from the slum come to the school and the dial
community. So we decided to target 30 students within
the age group of 12- 16 yrs that come to the school, as
the are still immature and need more awareness and
Plan [P]
Friendly interaction with the girls
living in the slum area.
Find out their problem.
Analyze their problem
Do [D]
Organize awareness program
Concerning violence against women
& Personnel hygiene, display wall
magazines, Paste posters etc.
Check [C]
Evaluate the outcome.
Suggest improvement.
Celebrate success.
Take Action [A]
Final implementation.
Follow up.
DIAGRAMWe drew a fishbone diagram in order to find the causes of our
Reduce gender
related Issues
Interaction with the teenagers
of the slum
To aware women about gender
based issues
Manohara Slum
Saturdays, public holidays
Women, especially teenage
girls living in the slum
a. Picture Presentation
b. Mass & individual counseling
c. Putting up posters
d. Awareness on women health
e. Awareness on women
We prepared a 5W1H chart in order to list out the various programs that we were
planning to conduct.
We decided to ask for support and donation from
the students and teachers of various blocks of our
school. So, at the beginning of May, 2013 we
members of SQC Elevate, gave speech about the
present condition of women violence in Nepal and
also information them about our project related to
women violence, it's objectives and encouraged
them to support us by donating money and
materials. We also made wall magazines, posters
and pasted them in the various blocks of our school
to inform the students about our project and to
support us in our donation drive . We even
displayed some placards related to our project and
women violence to influence and attract the
attention of the students and teachers.
ICT Seagulls Presentation
On 5th-17th May, 2013 , we, the members of SQC
Elevate, went to the different blocks of our school to
collect the donations. As they say, 'with a little effort,
we can do something huge' we collected little
amount of donations from the various blocks
through the teachers and directly through the
students. We received a lot of support from the
school management and the total amount we
collected was Rs.16,000/-. Some of the students
also donated some stationery items
I. Water scarcity
II. Lack of proper toilets
III. Gender discrimination
IV.Domestic violence
V. Flood and water borne diseases
VI.Lack of proper educational institution
VII.Pollution and poor sanitation
VIII.Conflict between people of the community
After the need analysis, we decided to give eleven
different sanitary items to the targeted group. On
20th and 21st May 2013, we , the members of SQC
Elevate went to buy the materials and bought the
material from the amount we collected and also
saved some amount of the budget. We bought the
following items for the targeted group and made
thirty sanitary kits containing the following items:
Materials' Name Rate per
Quantity Total
1. Lifebuoy Soap NRs.19/- 30 NRs.570/-
2. Ear Buds NRs.20/- 30 NRs.600/-
3. Nail Trimmer NRs.45/- 30 NRs.1350/
4. Towel NRs.175/- 30 NRs.5250/
5. Dettol Disinfectant NRs. 50/- 30 NRs.1500/
6. Crepe Bandage NRs.32/- 30 NRs.960/-
7. Digene Tablets NRs.20/- 30 NRs.600/-
8. Niko tablets
NRs.10/- 30 NRs.300/-
9. Sancho NRs.25/- 30 NRs.750/-
Comb NRs.15/- 30 NRs.450/-
Handyplast NRs.1.2/- 150 NRs.180/-
TOTAL= 450 NRs.
We had planned to conduct our program on 26th May, 2013 ,
Sunday but because of the upcoming school activities and
lack of time we couldn't conduct the program. So, after
discussing about the program with the people of the Shree
Saraswati Primary School, we decided to conduct our
program on 2nd June, 2013. We have divided our program
into three parts:
1. Awareness about violence
 Current status of women in Nepal.
 Types, effects and causes of women violence.
 Cleanliness and care during menstrual period.
2. Demonstration of self-defense techniques
 Basic defense techniques
3.Distribution of sanitary kits
 General information about the materials inside the sanitary
 Primary health awareness
According to our scheduled plan on 2nd June 2070,
eight members of SQC Elevate along with the facilitators
Mrs. Sarita Dewan and Mr. Nirajan Adhikari went to
Shree Saraswati Primary School to conduct our
Awareness & Support Program, accompanied by fifteen
SQC volunteers of class IX.
We received a warm welcome by the students and
teachers of Shree Saraswati Primary School. We put up
posters related to our theme on the walls of the school.
As per our target group, thirty girl students of 12-16
years were ready for the program, we had awareness
program against women violence and sanitation kit as
support for them. The principal of the school Mrs. Indira
Mahat was present there as the invited guest along with
other teachers. Then, we carried on with our awareness
ICT Seagulls Presentation
ICT Seagulls Presentation
ICT Seagulls Presentation
We have finished the 1st phase of our project SAVE:
Support & Awareness Program which was conducted in
the Manohara slum. We members have also agreed on
the 2nd phase of our project in which we will conduct
Education for Girl Child campaign in the rural areas near
the Kathmandu valley in the days to come. We have
decided to provide stationary items including course
books, exercise books as well as resource books to the
underprivileged girls.
 We have learned to manage the time for SQC
meetings, studies and other activities.
 Planning has been a major learning process due to
which far sighted vision has been developed.
 Communication skills have been developed among
the group members.
 Speaking skills has been developed and improved
due to which leadership has been developed.
 Co-ordination, co-operation and unity have been
uplifted among the group members.
 Fluency in development of instant preparations.
 Social changes:
o Identification and reduction of social problem
existing in the present society such as: Awareness
on various topics like; Violence against women, its
defense and sanitation.
 Behavioral changes:
o Respect, happiness, love, friendliness, humanity,
o Unity and learning that we gained which changed
our behavior.
o Difficulty in managing time for group meetings.
o As we are in the 10th standard and this is the year
we graduate from the school level, pressure of
studies from teachers and parents has been a
major problem.
o Lack of co-ordination during the project completion.
o Difficulty in identification and choosing the right
problem for the project.
 We would like to thank Dr. Hayal Koksal and
KALBEMER for starting ICT Seagulls project.
 We would like to extend our sincere gratitude towards
our facilitators and teachers for their guidance and
 The whole student body for supporting us in our
donation drive.
 The computer department for their advisory help.
 The junior SQC members for their co-operation.
 The management team of L.A.S.
ICT Seagulls Presentation

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ICT Seagulls Presentation

  • 2. School Name: Little Angels School Circle Name: Elevate Students Quality Circle Project Title : Save Students Uniting Against Violence Date: 21st January 2013
  • 3. Team Name Elevate Students Quality Circle (ESQC) Motto One Step for a Better Change Instated On 21st January, 2013 Meetings Every Sunday, 1 hour Facilitators Mrs. Sarita Dewan & Mr. Nirajan Adhikari Members: Anshuka Rani Das Leader Shiska Raut Deputy Leader Aashma Poudel Secretary Asma Pun Member Ayush Thapa Member Ashmita Ghimire Member Nikita Yadav Member Esha Rajbhandari Member
  • 5. Activity January February March April May June Circle formation Identification of problem Problem analysis Planning Implementati on Final observation Reflection
  • 6. CHOOSING A PROJECT We brainstormed to see what project we could take up. During the brainstorming session we shared our ideas and came up with the following list: Awareness campaign on personnel hygiene Providing stationary materials to the underprivileged students of rural areas. Awareness on violence against women & teenage health. Awareness to promote open defecation free zone. Campaign on road safety
  • 7. DETERMINATION OF PROBLEM Violence against women is a burning issue in todays context even though many women are empowered and aware now. In Nepal, although, women are leading in many sectors, there are many girls especially in slum areas who are facing harassment and violence. All the members of our group agreed that this problem would be the most appropriate as per our financial means as well as our project time duration.
  • 8. CHOOSING THE PROBLEM When we read in the newspapers about the cases of women and girls who are facing the problems of violence, we observed cases of women and girls violence in one month as recorded in the newspapers. There are hundreds of such cases unrecorded throughout the country. In this situation, we decided to do what is possible within our capability and then started a project named STUDENTS UNITING AGAINST VIOLENCE (SAVE). In this project we will ask support from the volunteer groups or various organizations that are working in the field of girls/ women violence in Nepal. We will collect some money from the students voluntarily and will use that money to support the orphanage by providing some support. The support program will be targeting local slums. The types of cases and their number according to the newspaper from January 26th to February 27.
  • 9. PAPER NAME CASE TYPE NUMBER OF CASES Kantipur Women violence 9 Rape 5 Articles on women violence 5 Kathmandu Post Women violence 6 Rape 18 Protests 9 Articles on women violence 10 Himalayan Times Rape 8 Polygamy 1 Child labour 1 Protest 2 Articles on Women violence 2 The Republica Sexual abuse 1 Articles on women violence 9
  • 12. CHOOSING THE PROBLEM CONT In addition to the news paper articles we also went to observe the " Occupy Baluwatar Movement in Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal on 20th April 2013 in order to gain an insight on the current state of women violence in Nepal. On the suggestion of our facilitator Mrs. Sarita Dewan, we also visited Prerana, a non- governmental organization which helps the poor and needy people, where we met Mr. Moti Lal Lama, the program coordinator of the organization. After having a conversation with Mr. Lama, he gave us feedback to visit slum area of Manohara, among the various alternatives which were slum areas of Sankhamul, Tripureshwor, Bhaisipati and Manohara.
  • 13. Interviewer Person Question Answer Anshuka Rani Das Bimala Ghimire ( Chief of Projects, Prerana) Has the situation of women violence increased in Nepal or it has just been coming to media a lot? The problem has not increased but the people have become more aware than before and they are approaching concerned authority to get their rights and justice. Shiska Raut Bimala Ghimire Do teenagers face violence too? The problem has high intensity among the age group of 18-25 years but it has affected teenagers too. Asma Pun Moti Lama ( Secretary- Prerana) What are the programs that you all have been Carrying out for Women problems? We have been conducting programs like awareness on women empowerment, sanitation, skill development training and support programs. Nikita Yadav Moti Lama Which area of Kathmandu has the highest intensity of this problem? Almost every field is affected but the slum area is the most affected because it is lacking in most of the services and faces many problems. Aashma Poudel Moti Lama Do people frankly confess their problems? No, they don't. But these days the number of women reporting violence has increased not because the problem has increased but due to aware citizens these days. AN INTERVIEW WITH PRERANA ORGANIZATION
  • 14. PROBLEM AREA We have selected a local slum in Bhaktapur ( Manohara slum) which consists of 600 households as our problem area. The target of our project "Students Uniting Against Violence(SAVE)" is to aware the girls of this slum about violence by interacting with them in a positive manner and through awareness campaigns. We especially are targeting the teenage girls in this local slum as they have less security and facilities compared to the slums of Kathmandu. We are also planning to give some materialistic support to the slum girls and some health advices.
  • 15. Interviewer Person Question Answer Aayush Thapa Kul Bahadur Lamai (Dail Community) How big is this slum? What is the condition of people and children here? This slum is very big and has about 600 households and is about 1km in radius. The condition here is really bad here. People don't have general facilities too. Both women and men work as laborers and some keep livestock too. Children go to school but they don't have access to resources and most children work. Anshuka Rani Das Are there cases of violence in the slum? Yes, there are. Domestic violence is vaster and many cases of harassment have been reported too. Asma Pun Do the girls here have any idea about violence and harassments? I don't think so because as people here are conservative and backward they don't have idea about violence. Shiska Raut How many schools are here in the slum? There is only one school that is Saraswati Primary School and Dial community also gives education to little children and provides food to many children. AN INTERVIEW WITH KUL BAHADUR LAMAI (DAIL COMMUNITY)
  • 16. AN INTERVIEW WITH MRS. INDIRA MAHAT (principal of Shree Saraswati Primary school ) Interviewer Person Question Answer Aayush Thapa Mrs Indira Mahat (principal of saraswati school ) How many children study here in this school? There are about 400-500 students studying here. How is the condition of Girls here? The condition of girls is fine. Has any program related to women violence carried out here in the slum? No there hasn't been any program related to women violence but there is a group of girls working in "Kishori Shakti Samuha' which empowers teenage girls and give them physical education. Has any student in this school been facing violence or harassment of any types? There are children who work in other's house to earn money. Mostly those girls become the victim of harassment and violence.
  • 17. AN INTERVIEW WITH KISHORI SITAULA (LEADER OF KISHORI SHAKTI SAMUHA) Interviewer Person Question Answer Anshuka Rani Das Kishori Sitaula (leader of Kishori Shakti Samuha) You are the leader of your group Kishori Shakti Samuha . How does this group work? Yes we have a group of around 18-20 teenage girls. We teach the girls about the physical changes and help them in empowering themselves. We also give materialistic supports. Aayush Thapa Do people readily tell about the problems they are facing? No they don't. They tend to hide the problems they are facing in the fear of being humiliated. Shiska Raut What types of problem related to violence is frequent here? The problem of domestic violence is frequent here. Woman and girl children are beaten up by their father in most cases. Girls are harassed too. Nikita Yadav What is the situation of sanitation here? There is very poor hygiene and sanitation here. As we are settled down in the banks of River . The river water is really polluted due to its frequent use and there are no toilets here. Only 30% of people have toilets in their house others who don't have use the community toilet. Asma Pun Has any incident occurred recently? Yes, these incidents keep happening. but people have been a little aware that they need to fight for justice and rights.
  • 18. WHY WE SELECTED MANOHARA SLUM Manohara is a place located at Bhaktapur, in the banks of the river Manohara . People have been residing in that area for six years. We selected the manohara slum of Bhaktapur because of the following reasons: 1. Poor environment sanitation. 2. Pitiful condition of girls. 3. Increasing rate of violence in the slum community. 4. Only a primary level school in a community of 600 households. 5. Different organizations are working there but none of them have targeted women violence as the problem. 6. People belonging to 23 different ethnic groups reside in the same slum.
  • 19. TARGETED GROUP After the observation of the slum area we found out the Dail Community provides food every morning to the children and the teenagers of the slum. After having a talk with the principal of 'Shree Saraswati Prathamic Vidyalaya' , we found out that minimum 25 teenage girls from the slum come to the school and the dial community. So we decided to target 30 students within the age group of 12- 16 yrs that come to the school, as the are still immature and need more awareness and empowerment.
  • 20. Plan [P] Friendly interaction with the girls living in the slum area. Find out their problem. Analyze their problem Do [D] Organize awareness program Concerning violence against women & Personnel hygiene, display wall magazines, Paste posters etc. Check [C] Evaluate the outcome. Suggest improvement. Celebrate success. Take Action [A] Final implementation. Follow up. PDCA CHART
  • 22. Program What Why Where Who How When Reduce gender related Issues Interaction with the teenagers of the slum To aware women about gender based issues Manohara Slum (Bhaktapur) Saturdays, public holidays Women, especially teenage girls living in the slum a. Picture Presentation b. Mass & individual counseling c. Putting up posters d. Awareness on women health e. Awareness on women violence 5W1H CHART We prepared a 5W1H chart in order to list out the various programs that we were planning to conduct.
  • 23. SHARING PROJECT DETAILS We decided to ask for support and donation from the students and teachers of various blocks of our school. So, at the beginning of May, 2013 we members of SQC Elevate, gave speech about the present condition of women violence in Nepal and also information them about our project related to women violence, it's objectives and encouraged them to support us by donating money and materials. We also made wall magazines, posters and pasted them in the various blocks of our school to inform the students about our project and to support us in our donation drive . We even displayed some placards related to our project and women violence to influence and attract the attention of the students and teachers.
  • 25. COLLECTION OF DONATION On 5th-17th May, 2013 , we, the members of SQC Elevate, went to the different blocks of our school to collect the donations. As they say, 'with a little effort, we can do something huge' we collected little amount of donations from the various blocks through the teachers and directly through the students. We received a lot of support from the school management and the total amount we collected was Rs.16,000/-. Some of the students also donated some stationery items
  • 26. PROBLEMS OF MANOHARA SLUM I. Water scarcity II. Lack of proper toilets III. Gender discrimination IV.Domestic violence V. Flood and water borne diseases VI.Lack of proper educational institution VII.Pollution and poor sanitation VIII.Conflict between people of the community
  • 27. After the need analysis, we decided to give eleven different sanitary items to the targeted group. On 20th and 21st May 2013, we , the members of SQC Elevate went to buy the materials and bought the material from the amount we collected and also saved some amount of the budget. We bought the following items for the targeted group and made thirty sanitary kits containing the following items:
  • 28. S. N. Materials' Name Rate per item Quantity Total Amount 1. Lifebuoy Soap NRs.19/- 30 NRs.570/- 2. Ear Buds NRs.20/- 30 NRs.600/- 3. Nail Trimmer NRs.45/- 30 NRs.1350/ - 4. Towel NRs.175/- 30 NRs.5250/ - 5. Dettol Disinfectant NRs. 50/- 30 NRs.1500/ - 6. Crepe Bandage NRs.32/- 30 NRs.960/- 7. Digene Tablets NRs.20/- 30 NRs.600/- 8. Niko tablets (paracetamol) NRs.10/- 30 NRs.300/- 9. Sancho NRs.25/- 30 NRs.750/- 10 . Comb NRs.15/- 30 NRs.450/- 11 . Handyplast NRs.1.2/- 150 NRs.180/- TOTAL= 450 NRs.
  • 29. PROGRAM PLAN We had planned to conduct our program on 26th May, 2013 , Sunday but because of the upcoming school activities and lack of time we couldn't conduct the program. So, after discussing about the program with the people of the Shree Saraswati Primary School, we decided to conduct our program on 2nd June, 2013. We have divided our program into three parts: 1. Awareness about violence Current status of women in Nepal. Types, effects and causes of women violence. Cleanliness and care during menstrual period. 2. Demonstration of self-defense techniques Basic defense techniques 3.Distribution of sanitary kits General information about the materials inside the sanitary kits. Primary health awareness
  • 30. AWARENESS & SUPPORT PROGRAM According to our scheduled plan on 2nd June 2070, eight members of SQC Elevate along with the facilitators Mrs. Sarita Dewan and Mr. Nirajan Adhikari went to Shree Saraswati Primary School to conduct our Awareness & Support Program, accompanied by fifteen SQC volunteers of class IX. We received a warm welcome by the students and teachers of Shree Saraswati Primary School. We put up posters related to our theme on the walls of the school. As per our target group, thirty girl students of 12-16 years were ready for the program, we had awareness program against women violence and sanitation kit as support for them. The principal of the school Mrs. Indira Mahat was present there as the invited guest along with other teachers. Then, we carried on with our awareness program.
  • 34. FURTHER PROGRAMS TO BE CONDUCTED We have finished the 1st phase of our project SAVE: Support & Awareness Program which was conducted in the Manohara slum. We members have also agreed on the 2nd phase of our project in which we will conduct Education for Girl Child campaign in the rural areas near the Kathmandu valley in the days to come. We have decided to provide stationary items including course books, exercise books as well as resource books to the underprivileged girls.
  • 35. LEARNINGS We have learned to manage the time for SQC meetings, studies and other activities. Planning has been a major learning process due to which far sighted vision has been developed. Communication skills have been developed among the group members. Speaking skills has been developed and improved due to which leadership has been developed. Co-ordination, co-operation and unity have been uplifted among the group members. Fluency in development of instant preparations.
  • 36. GOOD EFFECTS (CHANGES) Social changes: o Identification and reduction of social problem existing in the present society such as: Awareness on various topics like; Violence against women, its defense and sanitation. Behavioral changes: o Respect, happiness, love, friendliness, humanity, etc. o Unity and learning that we gained which changed our behavior.
  • 37. DIFFICULTIES FACED o Difficulty in managing time for group meetings. o As we are in the 10th standard and this is the year we graduate from the school level, pressure of studies from teachers and parents has been a major problem. o Lack of co-ordination during the project completion. o Difficulty in identification and choosing the right problem for the project.
  • 38. VOTE OF THANKS We would like to thank Dr. Hayal Koksal and KALBEMER for starting ICT Seagulls project. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude towards our facilitators and teachers for their guidance and support. The whole student body for supporting us in our donation drive. The computer department for their advisory help. The junior SQC members for their co-operation. The management team of L.A.S.