533 1 английский язык. millie-starter. 1кл. учебник в 2ч. ч.1-колтавская а.а...ddfefa237 информатика и икт. 3кл. методич. пособие бененсон, паутова-2012 -248с
Малод.гимназя:презентация к урокуau-elistaThis document provides statements about whether certain animals can or cannot perform certain actions. It lists animals like spiders, dolphins, rabbits, parrots, and elephants, followed by actions like crawl, climb, swim, fly, or talk, indicating whether each animal can or cannot perform each action with "CAN" or "CAN'T". It also includes exercises to find hidden animals in a word search and correct sentences about pets by filling in blanks with the right words from a key.
Малод.гимназя:презентация к урокуau-elistaThis document provides statements about whether certain animals can or cannot perform certain actions. It lists animals like spiders, dolphins, rabbits, parrots, and elephants, followed by actions like crawl, climb, swim, fly, or talk, indicating whether each animal can or cannot perform each action with "CAN" or "CAN'T". It also includes exercises to find hidden animals in a word search and correct sentences about pets by filling in blanks with the right words from a key.
12. Надо составить предложения из следующих слов.
«Cats»: Is, dog, my, red. Bad, is, pig, his.
«Dogs»: Cat, my, big, is. Fox, is his, small.
Конкурс №4 «Составьте
14. Составьте названия животных из букв. За каждое
правильное слово-1 балл. Команды получают
«Cats»: B,r,e,z,a. E,h,n. I,g,p.
«Dogs»: A,i,b,b,r,t. G,r,o,f. X,f,o.
Конкурс №6 «Животное
15. Конкурс №7 «Читай быстро и
A cat can skip. But it can’t swim. A cockerel has a clock. Bob must sing.
Tom’s cat is funny.
Dogs can jump. Big pigs can’t run. A fox has a box. A frog is ugly. Tom cannot swim.