I want to care for others like JESUS cares for me =)
YOU love me, and I LOVE YOU!
They say a person can live even wdout LoviNg suM1 BUt this isnT pOssiBle WiTh mE..wel, Every1 is entitled to his/her own OpinioN, thEy can folloW their toil though, its their prerogatIve anyWay..
But FRom mY oWN poInt of view, The essence of beinG a HUman is TO LOVE and TO BE LOVED!
anD so i kNow am so much blessed Having him In my Life! he that strengthens tHe evRy muscLe of mY hearT anD The onLy elecTriCal ImPulSe tHat keEps The aUtomAticIty oF My hEArt BEcaUSe hiS LOVE remaiNs tO be As mY OnLy SA noDe..
hiS prEsenCe SeeMs tO be The AdreNaLine rUshIng ThrougH my vEins, iT makes me STRONG and When i LAck