The document describes the Font, Paragraph, and Editing groups in the Home tab of the MS Word ribbon. It explains the various formatting options available, such as changing font style, size, color, adding bullets and numbering, text alignment, indentation, and finding and replacing text. Shortcut keys for some common functions are also provided.
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7.  Font:- It Specifies the text font.
 Font Style :- This specifies font style i.e.,
Bold, Italic.
 Font Size:- It specifies font size in points.
 Font Color:- It specifies the color of the
selected text.
 Underline:- Enable the user to underline
selected text and color the underline.
Font Group
8. ï‚ž We have also Font group in ribbon of home
tab. Which has a lot important role in writing
ï‚ž In this group we can choose any writing font
style, in any size.
ï‚ž We can make our text bold, underline(in
different styles), Italic style and in any case
also by changing case option.
ï‚ž We can change our text colors and we can
highlight any important phrase in our text in
any color we want.
9. ï‚ž We also have dialog box option in right lower corner of
font by click on dialog box symbol a dialog box appears.
ï‚ž In it there are two options
• Font
• Character Spacing
ï‚ž In Font we can change Font style, Font size, Color,
Underline styles and different effects along with Preview.
ï‚ž In Character Spacing option we can control spacing
between characters, and change its position (lowered,
raised) along with preview.
10. Shortcut Keys
ï‚ž (Ctrl+B) Bold the selected text.
ï‚ž (Ctrl+I) Italicize the selected text.
ï‚ž (Ctrl+U) Underline the selected text.
ï‚ž (Ctrl+=) Create the small letters below text
ï‚ž (Ctrl+Shift++) Create the small letters above text
ï‚ž (Ctrl+[ ) Decrease the font size.
ï‚ž (Ctrl+] ) Increase the font size.
ï‚ž (Ctrl+Shift+F) Change the font face.
ï‚ž (Ctrl+Shift+P) Change the font size.
13. ï‚ž 3rd group of Home Tab Ribbon is use Align the text to the
right or left or to the center.
ï‚ž Also use to give your document bullets and numbering.
ï‚ž Following are the options in it
• Bullets & Numbering
• Text Alignment ( Right( CTRL+R), Left(CTRL+L), Justify(CTRL+J) and Center
Text(CTRL+E )
• Indents
• Sort
• Show/Hide(CTRL+*)
• Line Spacing
• Shading
• Bottom Borders
14. ï‚žBullets & Numbering:- The lists in MS
Word-2010 allow us to format and
organize text with numbers, bullets or in
an outline.
ï‚žSort:- We can quickly and easily sort the
text of bulleted or numbered list
alphabetically or numbers in sequence.
ï‚žAlignment:- It align the text to left, right or
ï‚žIndentation:- It determines the distance of
paragraph from margin.
Paragraph Group
17. ï‚ž Editing is the last option in Home tab ribbon
and having its own importance.
ï‚ž Like if we have to find some specific Name,
text or number by reading it takes a lot of time
but MS word 2007 ease our this trouble by
putting Find option. through this we can find
any word in our document and edit it or
replace it with other correct or efficient text.
ï‚ž We can also select our text or something by
clicking on select option in Editing panel.