This document lists several important international organizations and provides brief descriptions of their purposes and roles. The United Nations (UN) is listed along with specialized UN agencies like UNESCO, UNICEF, FAO, and others that focus on areas such as education, children's issues, food and agriculture. Additional non-UN organizations mentioned include the International Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, and Transparency International.
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international organisations
UN= the United Nations
UNESCO = United Nations Educational Scientific cultural organisation
UNICEF = the United nation international
children emergency Fund
FAO = food and agriculture organisation
ICRC = International country of the Red Cross
UNHCR = United high commissioner for refugees coming for refuges
T I = transparency international
DWF = (doctors without frontiers) fighting
Epidemics around the World
WHO = the world health organisation providing medical care during disasters.
AI = amnesty International safe grading human rights