This document provides information on performance evaluation methods for a strategic sourcing manager. It outlines 12 common methods: management by objectives, critical incident method, behaviorally anchored rating scales, behavioral observation scales, 360 degree appraisal, and checklist and weighted checklist method. For each method, it provides a brief definition and highlights some key aspects, such as how objectives are set for management by objectives or advantages of 360 degree feedback. The document serves as a reference for selecting and understanding different approaches to evaluating a strategic sourcing manager's performance.
(1) The document discusses the topic of the Internet of Things (IoT). It defines IoT and traces its history from 1997.
(2) Key enabling technologies for IoT are identified as RFID, sensors, smart technologies, and nanotechnologies. The state of IoT research and development is reviewed.
(3) Potential applications of IoT are explored in various scenarios including shopping, food/nutrition, healthcare, smart homes, and transportation.
(4) Challenges of IoT are discussed around standardization, innovation management, privacy, security and governance. Potential solutions focus on legislation, education, and self-regulation.
(5) The future impact and role of
La Guerra Fría fue un enfrentamiento entre los Estados Unidos (capitalista) y la Unión Soviética (comunista) por la influencia global desde 1947 hasta 1991. Cada potencia deseaba expandir su sistema político y económico. Aunque la URSS hizo esfuerzos por mantener el comunismo, entró en crisis y adoptó políticas de apertura como la perestroika, permitiendo elecciones democráticas en Europa del Este. La caída del Muro de Berlín en 1989 marcó el fin de la Guerra Fría en Europa, aunque algunos conflict
Este documento presenta un plan de proyecto para la empresa Aceites La Ribera. El proyecto tiene como objetivo enfrentar situaciones realistas para los estudiantes. El plan describe los objetivos, entregables, factores de éxito, roles, implementación, recursos, costos, programación, riesgos, y planes de calidad y rendimiento del proyecto.
This document is a membership application for the Broadway-Flushing Homeowners' Association. It requests the applicant's contact information and indicates that annual membership dues are $25. It also provides options for volunteers and additional contributions to strengthen legal and reserve funds, with suggested donation levels. Finally, it includes a proxy statement to appoint officers to create a quorum and vote on the applicant's behalf at membership meetings if they cannot attend.
This document provides biographies for Ken Miller and Carole Artigiani. Ken Miller is being honored at the Global Kids anniversary gala for his long-standing support and leadership as a board member and chair of Global Kids. He has a distinguished career in finance and nonprofit work promoting social justice and international relations. Carole Artigiani is the founder of Global Kids, which she established in 1989 to develop youth leaders through global education programs. She served as executive director for 21 years and continues to support the organization as president emerita and board member.
At CALUMS, we are committed to providing the highest quality Master Degree in Sports Management with an emphasis on golf. Graduates of this program will gain advanced knowledge and competencies in the golf concentration.
Este documento resume los problemas más comunes que ocurren en las computadoras y sus posibles soluciones. Algunos problemas comunes incluyen la disminución del rendimiento de la computadora debido a programas fragmentados, spyware o archivos corruptos. Otro problema son las pantallas de error y los programas que se cierran repentinamente, lo que puede deberse a spyware, programas defectuosos, archivos de Windows corruptos o falta de memoria RAM. Las soluciones propuestas incluyen verificar los programas instalados, eliminar archivos innecesarios, actual
The document summarizes feedback from an IESC education workshop covering gaps in professional development, recognizing how people learn, and the focus for the future. Key gaps identified include the need for more training in various industry sectors, as well as masters level programs. Successful learning methods noted were interactive workshops and blended online and classroom learning. Over the next 12-18 months, CILT should focus on collaborating platforms and products, expanding passenger transport training, and developing common education tools like online learning and discussion boards.
This document is a compare and contrast essay analyzing the disaster films Titanic and Pompeii. It summarizes the main characters, love stories, disasters, and sad outcomes in both films. The main characters in Titanic are Jack and Rose, a poor artist and wealthy woman who fall in love despite obstacles. In Pompeii, the characters are Milo, a gladiator, and Cassia, a princess, who also fall in love. Both films feature disasters where many lives are lost - Titanic collides with an iceberg and sinks, while Pompeii is destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Both endings show widespread death and loss of life as a result of the disasters.
This document is a price list for food items at a restaurant in rupiah, with the exchange rate of 1$=10,900 rupiah. It lists the prices in dollars and rupiah for 5 dishes: nasi goreng for $34 or 370,600 rupiah, gado-gado for $87 or 948,300 rupiah, nasi rames for $99 or 1,079,100 rupiah, nasi pecel for $23 or 250,700 rupiah, and nasi tumpang for $67 or 730,300 rupiah. The document title states it is for the prices of food at a restaurant called "R
Laporan penjualan 10 unit kendaraan bermotor oleh dealer "Maju" yang mencakup kode, jenis, nama kendaraan, jumlah penjualan, harga satuan, potongan harga, harga penjualan bersih, jenis penjualan dan bonus. Rata-rata harga penjualan bersih adalah Rp. 16.096.000 dengan total penjualan Rp. 160.960.000 dan harga tertinggi Rp. 20.580.000 dan terendah Rp. 12.350.000
This document is a price list for food items at a restaurant in rupiah, with the exchange rate of 1$=10,900Rp. It lists the prices of 5 dishes - nasi goreng, gado-gado, nasi rames, nasi pecel, and nasi tumpang - in both US dollars and Indonesian rupiah. The total food prices at Rumah Makan Enak Selalu restaurant are given.
La Guerra Fría fue un enfrentamiento entre los Estados Unidos (capitalista) y la Unión Soviética (comunista) por la influencia global desde 1947 hasta 1991. Cada potencia deseaba expandir su sistema político y económico. Aunque la URSS hizo esfuerzos por mantener el comunismo, entró en crisis y adoptó políticas de apertura como la perestroika, permitiendo elecciones democráticas en Europa del Este. La caída del Muro de Berlín en 1989 marcó el fin de la Guerra Fría en Europa, aunque algunos conflict
Este documento presenta un plan de proyecto para la empresa Aceites La Ribera. El proyecto tiene como objetivo enfrentar situaciones realistas para los estudiantes. El plan describe los objetivos, entregables, factores de éxito, roles, implementación, recursos, costos, programación, riesgos, y planes de calidad y rendimiento del proyecto.
This document is a membership application for the Broadway-Flushing Homeowners' Association. It requests the applicant's contact information and indicates that annual membership dues are $25. It also provides options for volunteers and additional contributions to strengthen legal and reserve funds, with suggested donation levels. Finally, it includes a proxy statement to appoint officers to create a quorum and vote on the applicant's behalf at membership meetings if they cannot attend.
This document provides biographies for Ken Miller and Carole Artigiani. Ken Miller is being honored at the Global Kids anniversary gala for his long-standing support and leadership as a board member and chair of Global Kids. He has a distinguished career in finance and nonprofit work promoting social justice and international relations. Carole Artigiani is the founder of Global Kids, which she established in 1989 to develop youth leaders through global education programs. She served as executive director for 21 years and continues to support the organization as president emerita and board member.
At CALUMS, we are committed to providing the highest quality Master Degree in Sports Management with an emphasis on golf. Graduates of this program will gain advanced knowledge and competencies in the golf concentration.
Este documento resume los problemas más comunes que ocurren en las computadoras y sus posibles soluciones. Algunos problemas comunes incluyen la disminución del rendimiento de la computadora debido a programas fragmentados, spyware o archivos corruptos. Otro problema son las pantallas de error y los programas que se cierran repentinamente, lo que puede deberse a spyware, programas defectuosos, archivos de Windows corruptos o falta de memoria RAM. Las soluciones propuestas incluyen verificar los programas instalados, eliminar archivos innecesarios, actual
The document summarizes feedback from an IESC education workshop covering gaps in professional development, recognizing how people learn, and the focus for the future. Key gaps identified include the need for more training in various industry sectors, as well as masters level programs. Successful learning methods noted were interactive workshops and blended online and classroom learning. Over the next 12-18 months, CILT should focus on collaborating platforms and products, expanding passenger transport training, and developing common education tools like online learning and discussion boards.
This document is a compare and contrast essay analyzing the disaster films Titanic and Pompeii. It summarizes the main characters, love stories, disasters, and sad outcomes in both films. The main characters in Titanic are Jack and Rose, a poor artist and wealthy woman who fall in love despite obstacles. In Pompeii, the characters are Milo, a gladiator, and Cassia, a princess, who also fall in love. Both films feature disasters where many lives are lost - Titanic collides with an iceberg and sinks, while Pompeii is destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Both endings show widespread death and loss of life as a result of the disasters.
This document is a price list for food items at a restaurant in rupiah, with the exchange rate of 1$=10,900 rupiah. It lists the prices in dollars and rupiah for 5 dishes: nasi goreng for $34 or 370,600 rupiah, gado-gado for $87 or 948,300 rupiah, nasi rames for $99 or 1,079,100 rupiah, nasi pecel for $23 or 250,700 rupiah, and nasi tumpang for $67 or 730,300 rupiah. The document title states it is for the prices of food at a restaurant called "R
Laporan penjualan 10 unit kendaraan bermotor oleh dealer "Maju" yang mencakup kode, jenis, nama kendaraan, jumlah penjualan, harga satuan, potongan harga, harga penjualan bersih, jenis penjualan dan bonus. Rata-rata harga penjualan bersih adalah Rp. 16.096.000 dengan total penjualan Rp. 160.960.000 dan harga tertinggi Rp. 20.580.000 dan terendah Rp. 12.350.000
This document is a price list for food items at a restaurant in rupiah, with the exchange rate of 1$=10,900Rp. It lists the prices of 5 dishes - nasi goreng, gado-gado, nasi rames, nasi pecel, and nasi tumpang - in both US dollars and Indonesian rupiah. The total food prices at Rumah Makan Enak Selalu restaurant are given.
The document contains a payroll table for 10 employees of CV. Makmur Selalu that includes information on pension funds, taxes, name, rank, basic salary, bonus, and transportation allowance. It also provides formulas to calculate total salary based on basic salary, bonus, transportation allowance, taxes, and pension funds. Total salary is calculated as basic salary + bonus + transportation allowance - taxes - pension funds. Bonus is 15.7% of basic salary. Transportation allowance depends on rank and marital status.
A menu from a restaurant lists 5 food items with their prices in both US dollars and Indonesian rupiah. Nasi Goreng costs $34 or Rp370,600. Gado-Gado costs $87 or Rp948,300. Nasi Rames costs $99 or Rp1,079,100. Nasi Pecel costs $23 or Rp250,700. Nasi Tumpeng costs $67 or Rp730,300. The exchange rate is 1$=10,900Rp. The document is from a restaurant called Rumah Makan Enak Selalu.
The document is a payroll report from CV. Radia that lists 7 employees with their job titles, marital status, number of children, base salary, allowances for position and children, and total salary received. It also lists standard deductions for retirement fund, health fund, and income tax that are applied to employees.
This document contains a payroll summary for 10 employees of CV. Makmur Selalu. It lists each employee's name, job level, basic salary, bonuses, taxes, pension deductions and total salary. Basic salary is 980,000 for level 1 and 1,250,000 for level 2. Bonuses are given based on the number of children and transport allowances vary depending on location and marital status. The total salary is calculated as basic salary plus bonuses and transport minus taxes and pension deductions.
This document contains a payroll summary for 10 employees of CV. Makmur Selalu. It lists each employee's name, job level, salary, bonuses, tax deductions, pension deductions and total pay. Salary is based on job level, with level 1 being 980,000 Rp and level 2 being 1,250,000 Rp. Bonuses are provided based on the number of children and are 15.7% of base salary. Transportation allowances are provided based on location and marital status, ranging from 25,000 to 110,000 Rp. Total pay is calculated as salary plus bonuses and transportation minus tax and pension deductions.
The document is a payroll report listing 7 employees of CV. Radia including their job title, family status, basic salary, allowances, number of children, and total salary received. It provides details on standard allowances for pension funds and health care. The payroll report is from CV. Radia located on Jl. Mr Sartono 46 in Surakarta.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.