My talk on Hadoop stack operations engineering at OSPConAlex Chistyakov
My talk on Hadoop stack operations engineering at OSPCon Nov 2015 (
Micro-services have been getting a lot of attention in the past year, but is it really a viable solution or just a passing fad? In this presentation we'll look deep into 's service architecture and talk about how and why we found ourselves naturally migrating from a central web application to a flock of micro-services.
Andrey Borodin "Architecture of online backup for various DBMS"Fwdays
We are developing WAL-G, a cloud backup tool. We used to have only copies of PostgreSQL, but now we support MongoDB, MySQL, FoundationDB and others.
In this talk, I will talk about the features and differences of these databases in terms of backup in the Cloud.
My talk on Hadoop stack operations engineering at OSPConAlex Chistyakov
My talk on Hadoop stack operations engineering at OSPCon Nov 2015 (
Micro-services have been getting a lot of attention in the past year, but is it really a viable solution or just a passing fad? In this presentation we'll look deep into 's service architecture and talk about how and why we found ourselves naturally migrating from a central web application to a flock of micro-services.
Andrey Borodin "Architecture of online backup for various DBMS"Fwdays
We are developing WAL-G, a cloud backup tool. We used to have only copies of PostgreSQL, but now we support MongoDB, MySQL, FoundationDB and others.
In this talk, I will talk about the features and differences of these databases in terms of backup in the Cloud.
Nettys popularity continues to grow, and well recall its main components, and walk along
WebSocket c Selectivity Compression as the main transport for web games, and Long-Polling is the key to saving stubborn old people.