A quick overview of the growth of the real-time stream and how Bazaar Labs will create curate entertainment real-time content. Screenshots of the first app, flixup!, which is a "Rotten Tomatoes for Twitter"
The document discusses misconceptions about mobile user experience. It notes that simply making content smaller is a misconception, and that the purpose of an app needs to be clear. Apps should only require a few clicks, as mobile sessions tend to be brief. Static mockups are not enough, as touch gestures and ergonomics are important. The document also advises considering more than just smartphones, as people use multiple connected devices.
This document discusses niche media and communities in the digital age. It covers the transition of traditional print media to online formats, with three case studies of Good Magazine, Wired Magazine, and Soundvenue adapting to the internet. Key topics covered include niche content for specialized audiences, the rise of online communities, and the changing role of editors from gatekeepers to curators of conversations across multiple platforms.
Deutsche EuroShop "Retail - Managing in the current environment"Deutsche EuroShop AG
This document summarizes a presentation given at a real estate conference in London on December 2, 2009. It discusses Deutsche EuroShop, a German company that solely invests in shopping centers. It provides an overview of Deutsche EuroShop's portfolio of 16 shopping centers in Germany, Poland, Austria and Hungary. The presentation also examines trends in the German retail market, the tenant mix and lease maturity at Deutsche EuroShop's centers, and the consequences of flexibility for landlords. It concludes with a case study of Deutsche EuroShop's expansion of the Altmarkt-Galerie shopping center in Dresden.
The document discusses communication trends in AIESEC Italy based on a survey of 15 local committees. Some key findings include:
- Only 2 of the 15 committees update their website every week
- 11 committees have media partners but only 2 have more than 2 partners
- 6 committees provide education about the organization's brand and internal communication tools at least twice per year
- 12 of the 15 committees have a communication plan
Live streaming has become a multi-billion dollar business in China. Several factors contributed to its growth, including a large internet user base with widespread smartphone and 4G network access. Established platforms like YY have proven the viability of tip-based monetization models, attracting hundreds of apps. The user demographic has also diversified beyond the early stereotype, expanding to include more women, young users, and those from first-tier cities. Content variety has grown as well, keeping more users engaged on platforms. With incentives for content creators and proven models for monetization, live streaming continues growing in China.
This document discusses the Clubhouse app, an audio-based social media platform gaining popularity. It notes Elon Musk's participation increased users. Key facts about Clubhouse are that it now has 10 million users, a $1 billion valuation, and 2 million active weekly users. The document suggests creating a Clubhouse clone app could be lucrative as audio-based social apps are a growing trend, and the concept has untapped potential since Clubhouse is currently only on iOS. It provides contact information for Apptunix, a mobile app development company that can build a Clubhouse clone app.
Ever wonder what the ruckus is behind Periscope?:
After Meerkat created the initial buzz for live streaming, Twitter quickly stepped in buying Periscope in March 2015 establishing it's hold on live streaming. Find out how your brand can make a ruckus using this app.
2 dimensional a streaming meets social platform - angellist pdfRyan Carroll
2Dimensional - “a freemium Chinese Anime & Manhua Comic social media platform, that allows for the uploading of (UGC) user-generated content, a connected "watch-party feature", and the purchasing of related merchandise from China!”
Snapchat was the most downloaded free app of 2016 due to its focus on sharing photos and videos in the moment through Snapchat Stories. Other popular apps like Facebook Messenger, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube also added live photo and video sharing features that allow users to see what is happening with friends and followers right now rather than at some point in the past. This obsession with consuming and sharing content in the present moment reflects how mobile technology and constant connectivity have changed expectations about immediacy. Developers must design apps that can deliver content online and offline, with push notifications, if they want to keep up with users' demand for experiences that are focused on the now.
China Digital Life - Digital Marketing ecosystem in world's most dynamic digi...Nagendra Singh
The story has been told from the perspective of a 27-year old Chinese and his activities through the day. This is a result of my personal experience and research while working in China. Goes without saying that it's just a glimpse of world's biggest and most exciting digital market.
Blue Rubicon's digital inspiration July 2010Blue Rubicon
This document provides brief summaries of various topics including social media control rooms, mapping tourist vs local photos in London, communities for dads and animal/child content websites. It also mentions a Microsoft phone marketing campaign, a prize for living to 150, crowdsourcing traffic and fashion designs, and crowdsourcing solutions to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Further topics include an improv group that stages public scenes, an interactive map of local growers, what BP could have spent money on, sharing a company's digital history, checking if a client is on Wikileaks, music streaming and sleep cycle apps, and an augmented reality browser.
A Guide to the Top 8 Live Streaming PlatformsBen Ramedani
the world of live streaming is constantly evolving. New platforms emerge, features change, and audience preferences shift. The key is to be adaptable, experiment with different platforms, and find the one that best suits your unique voice and content style. So, grab your virtual microphone, hit that "Live" button, and get ready to connect with your audience in real-time! Happy streaming!
The document provides statistics about social media usage in South Africa and worldwide. In South Africa, there are approximately 4.1 million Facebook users, 1 million Twitter users, and 12 million people who access the internet through mobile applications. Worldwide, if Facebook was a country it would be the third most populated, Twitter sees 1 billion tweets per week, and people spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. The document also contains demographic breakdowns of social media users in South Africa.
Digitz: Digital Trends Report - February 2016Azam J. Khan
The purpose of this report is to give readers an overview of Pakistan’s digital industry landscape. The report shows how social media is evolving and how brands locally and globally are effectively using the medium to reach out to an ever growing social audience. The report also includes research on trends, topics and innovations that are being talked about worldwide.
Communityfactory Inc. is a social media company founded in 2007 in Japan. It launched the social networking platform Linno for Japanese college students. In 2008, it started developing social apps for mixi and other platforms. By 2011, it had developed 16 apps with over 11 million registered users. Its app "kentei" was the top social app on mixi with over 7 million users. The company's mission is to provide new ways of communication to users through a variety of social tools. It aims to facilitate better communication through its products and services.
At this presentation, you will know how Stories can keep your audience engaged and inspired. I will introduce some instruments and tactics to make your stories standing out and leading the audience to your website, as well as mistakes you should avoid.
Speak to me! Siri, Alexa, Chatbots. Is this new breed the future of user inte...Year of the X
This document discusses the rise of conversational interfaces and chatbots. It notes that chatbots are becoming an integral part of our lives, living inside messaging apps on phones, homes, cars, and everywhere. The document predicts that by 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationships with enterprises through chatbots and virtual assistants without human interaction. It outlines how chatbots can benefit businesses by simplifying tasks like online booking, reducing customer support costs, and increasing revenue and savings. The takeaway is that chatbots may be useful for businesses to answer customer questions, provide services, and drive efficiencies.
How are new trends in social media changing the way we do business?Cathy Hackl, APR
This document discusses how new trends in social media are changing business. It provides details on emerging platforms like Snapchat, Vine, Meerkat, Periscope, and Yik Yak, which are gaining large numbers of young, engaged users. These platforms encourage authenticity, live sharing, and location-based posting. The document suggests these new forms of social media will impact how businesses communicate with customers, and that platforms allowing live streaming will be particularly influential. It concludes by stating social media has transformed business and how brands reach audiences, and these mobile trends will further change how companies engage with people.
The document discusses how mobile marketing leverages smartphones by layering cities and locations with new meaning through mobile apps and augmented reality. It provides statistics on smartphone usage such as the number of subscribers and how smartphones are becoming the primary means of accessing the internet. It then outlines strategies for mobile marketing, such as having a presence on app stores, engaging users with storytelling, games and location-based content, and facilitating social sharing and in-app purchases.
Using artificial intelligence and more specifically bots, in social media, communicating with customers and what its impact will be for humans in customer service.
The document discusses trends in the smartphone market including the growth of the iPhone. It provides statistics on the iPhone's market share and success of the App Store. Examples are given of popular app categories for the iPhone like mobile location-based services, social networking, gaming and advertising. Emerging trends like augmented reality, micropayments and social gaming are also examined along with case studies of specific apps. Contact information is provided for an app review website that reports on Apple, iPhone and app news.
Ableton Live Suite Crack Free Download 2025emaanhashmi468
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Ableton Live Suite 12 Crack is a powerful and highly versatile digital audio workstation (DAW) that is widely used for music production and live performances.
The document discusses communication trends in AIESEC Italy based on a survey of 15 local committees. Some key findings include:
- Only 2 of the 15 committees update their website every week
- 11 committees have media partners but only 2 have more than 2 partners
- 6 committees provide education about the organization's brand and internal communication tools at least twice per year
- 12 of the 15 committees have a communication plan
Live streaming has become a multi-billion dollar business in China. Several factors contributed to its growth, including a large internet user base with widespread smartphone and 4G network access. Established platforms like YY have proven the viability of tip-based monetization models, attracting hundreds of apps. The user demographic has also diversified beyond the early stereotype, expanding to include more women, young users, and those from first-tier cities. Content variety has grown as well, keeping more users engaged on platforms. With incentives for content creators and proven models for monetization, live streaming continues growing in China.
This document discusses the Clubhouse app, an audio-based social media platform gaining popularity. It notes Elon Musk's participation increased users. Key facts about Clubhouse are that it now has 10 million users, a $1 billion valuation, and 2 million active weekly users. The document suggests creating a Clubhouse clone app could be lucrative as audio-based social apps are a growing trend, and the concept has untapped potential since Clubhouse is currently only on iOS. It provides contact information for Apptunix, a mobile app development company that can build a Clubhouse clone app.
Ever wonder what the ruckus is behind Periscope?:
After Meerkat created the initial buzz for live streaming, Twitter quickly stepped in buying Periscope in March 2015 establishing it's hold on live streaming. Find out how your brand can make a ruckus using this app.
2 dimensional a streaming meets social platform - angellist pdfRyan Carroll
2Dimensional - “a freemium Chinese Anime & Manhua Comic social media platform, that allows for the uploading of (UGC) user-generated content, a connected "watch-party feature", and the purchasing of related merchandise from China!”
Snapchat was the most downloaded free app of 2016 due to its focus on sharing photos and videos in the moment through Snapchat Stories. Other popular apps like Facebook Messenger, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube also added live photo and video sharing features that allow users to see what is happening with friends and followers right now rather than at some point in the past. This obsession with consuming and sharing content in the present moment reflects how mobile technology and constant connectivity have changed expectations about immediacy. Developers must design apps that can deliver content online and offline, with push notifications, if they want to keep up with users' demand for experiences that are focused on the now.
China Digital Life - Digital Marketing ecosystem in world's most dynamic digi...Nagendra Singh
The story has been told from the perspective of a 27-year old Chinese and his activities through the day. This is a result of my personal experience and research while working in China. Goes without saying that it's just a glimpse of world's biggest and most exciting digital market.
Blue Rubicon's digital inspiration July 2010Blue Rubicon
This document provides brief summaries of various topics including social media control rooms, mapping tourist vs local photos in London, communities for dads and animal/child content websites. It also mentions a Microsoft phone marketing campaign, a prize for living to 150, crowdsourcing traffic and fashion designs, and crowdsourcing solutions to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Further topics include an improv group that stages public scenes, an interactive map of local growers, what BP could have spent money on, sharing a company's digital history, checking if a client is on Wikileaks, music streaming and sleep cycle apps, and an augmented reality browser.
A Guide to the Top 8 Live Streaming PlatformsBen Ramedani
the world of live streaming is constantly evolving. New platforms emerge, features change, and audience preferences shift. The key is to be adaptable, experiment with different platforms, and find the one that best suits your unique voice and content style. So, grab your virtual microphone, hit that "Live" button, and get ready to connect with your audience in real-time! Happy streaming!
The document provides statistics about social media usage in South Africa and worldwide. In South Africa, there are approximately 4.1 million Facebook users, 1 million Twitter users, and 12 million people who access the internet through mobile applications. Worldwide, if Facebook was a country it would be the third most populated, Twitter sees 1 billion tweets per week, and people spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. The document also contains demographic breakdowns of social media users in South Africa.
Digitz: Digital Trends Report - February 2016Azam J. Khan
The purpose of this report is to give readers an overview of Pakistan’s digital industry landscape. The report shows how social media is evolving and how brands locally and globally are effectively using the medium to reach out to an ever growing social audience. The report also includes research on trends, topics and innovations that are being talked about worldwide.
Communityfactory Inc. is a social media company founded in 2007 in Japan. It launched the social networking platform Linno for Japanese college students. In 2008, it started developing social apps for mixi and other platforms. By 2011, it had developed 16 apps with over 11 million registered users. Its app "kentei" was the top social app on mixi with over 7 million users. The company's mission is to provide new ways of communication to users through a variety of social tools. It aims to facilitate better communication through its products and services.
At this presentation, you will know how Stories can keep your audience engaged and inspired. I will introduce some instruments and tactics to make your stories standing out and leading the audience to your website, as well as mistakes you should avoid.
Speak to me! Siri, Alexa, Chatbots. Is this new breed the future of user inte...Year of the X
This document discusses the rise of conversational interfaces and chatbots. It notes that chatbots are becoming an integral part of our lives, living inside messaging apps on phones, homes, cars, and everywhere. The document predicts that by 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationships with enterprises through chatbots and virtual assistants without human interaction. It outlines how chatbots can benefit businesses by simplifying tasks like online booking, reducing customer support costs, and increasing revenue and savings. The takeaway is that chatbots may be useful for businesses to answer customer questions, provide services, and drive efficiencies.
How are new trends in social media changing the way we do business?Cathy Hackl, APR
This document discusses how new trends in social media are changing business. It provides details on emerging platforms like Snapchat, Vine, Meerkat, Periscope, and Yik Yak, which are gaining large numbers of young, engaged users. These platforms encourage authenticity, live sharing, and location-based posting. The document suggests these new forms of social media will impact how businesses communicate with customers, and that platforms allowing live streaming will be particularly influential. It concludes by stating social media has transformed business and how brands reach audiences, and these mobile trends will further change how companies engage with people.
The document discusses how mobile marketing leverages smartphones by layering cities and locations with new meaning through mobile apps and augmented reality. It provides statistics on smartphone usage such as the number of subscribers and how smartphones are becoming the primary means of accessing the internet. It then outlines strategies for mobile marketing, such as having a presence on app stores, engaging users with storytelling, games and location-based content, and facilitating social sharing and in-app purchases.
Using artificial intelligence and more specifically bots, in social media, communicating with customers and what its impact will be for humans in customer service.
The document discusses trends in the smartphone market including the growth of the iPhone. It provides statistics on the iPhone's market share and success of the App Store. Examples are given of popular app categories for the iPhone like mobile location-based services, social networking, gaming and advertising. Emerging trends like augmented reality, micropayments and social gaming are also examined along with case studies of specific apps. Contact information is provided for an app review website that reports on Apple, iPhone and app news.
Ableton Live Suite Crack Free Download 2025emaanhashmi468
COPY & PASTE LINK??? https://up-community.pro/dl/
Ableton Live Suite 12 Crack is a powerful and highly versatile digital audio workstation (DAW) that is widely used for music production and live performances.
Richardson has worked with some of the biggest names in music because of his talent. He is known as the go-to producer for people who want to make powerful, number-one music because of his ability to grasp an artist's vision and enhance it through production.
The Last Anthill of the Wild Wild North.pptxLeeFrank12
A slideshow presenting The Last Anthill of the Wild Wild North - a tragi-comedy musical based on the meteoric rise and fall of the larrikin bushman who inspired Crocodile Dundee. The production explores themes of identity, fame, evolving perceptions of Australian identity, and the poignant irony of aspiring to embody a fictionalized version of oneself. Songs from the play can be heard here
As for the play itself: The play opens in a dreamlike swirl of sound and movement—a lone boy’s melody drifting through a landscape of towering anthills as Holden Lee, an enigmatic actor, arrives, setting the wheels of fate in motion.
At an awards night, Jack Hendricks, a rugged buffalo hunter, stands in the spotlight, clutching the Territorian of the Year trophy. Applause echoes, but in the haze of flashbulbs and swirling voices, he glimpses Holden in the crowd, the man who has turned Jack’s life into fiction.
Jack’s story unfolds—his reckless charm, his fling with Merle, and the three months he survived alone in the Kimberlies, a feat that made him a legend. Holden, desperate for stardom, latches onto this legend, shaping it into a hit film. Jack, lost between admiration and resentment, watches Holden’s version of him take on a life of its own.
Merle and Jack try to harness this success, buying a buffalo farm, but the dream turns sour. The land becomes infested with gamba grass, Jack drifts into drugs, and the walls of his reality begin to collapse. He sees conspiracies everywhere—the government plotting to steal his property, his ex-wife’s Mormon community scheming to take his sons. Merle, clinging to him, finds herself drowning too.
As paranoia takes hold, Jack arms himself and heads for a final confrontation. At a police roadblock, he mistakes reality for illusion, convinced Holden is still watching, still controlling the story. The shots ring out—one officer down, then Jack himself.
The play closes with Holden, on stage as Buffalo Brent, the myth he created, while the real Jack lies dying in the dust. A song swells, a lament for what is lost, as the last anthill crumbles.
Most Reliable IPTV Service Providers in the USA in 2025dorothymcalister2
Let’s dive in and find the perfect IPTV Service providers for you!
What is IPTV?
IPTV delivers television content over the internet rather than through conventional cable or satellite formats. This allows users to stream media on demand or through scheduled broadcasts using an internet connection. Unlike traditional TV, IPTV offers a personalized viewing experience, enabling users to watch what they want, when they want.
There are three main types of IPTV services:
Live IPTV – Real-time streaming of TV channels, similar to traditional broadcasting.
Video on Demand (VOD) – Access to a library of movies, shows, and other content at any time.
Time-Shifted TV – The ability to replay previously aired programs at convenience.
Advantages of IPTV
On-Demand Viewing – Watch favorite shows, movies, and events anytime.
Cost-Effectiveness – More affordable than traditional cable with flexible subscription options.
Interactivity – Pause, rewind, and record live TV for a customized experience.
Multi-Device Compatibility – Stream on smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, and computers.
Global Accessibility – Enjoy IPTV from anywhere with an internet connection.
Higher Quality Streaming – HD and UHD content for superior picture and sound.
Cloud-Based Storage – Digital video recording (DVR) without the need for physical storage.
IObit Malware Fighter Pro Crack 12 Free Download Latestinfintypro03
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IObit Malware Fighter Pro Crack is an advanced and powerful malware and spyware removal utility that detects, removes the deepest infections, and protects your PC.
Monique Alexander_ A Journey Through the Adult Entertainment Industry.docxvoice ofarticle
Monique Alexander is a distinguished American adult film actress and model whose career has spanned over two decades. With a strong presence in both the adult entertainment industry and mainstream media, she has garnered numerous accolades, including induction into the AVN Hall of Fame in 2017. Beyond her work in adult films, Alexander is also known for her advocacy for free speech and sex education. Her career, personal life, achievements, and impact on the industry.
Beyond the Headlines_ Unpacking the Britney Spears and Paul Richard Soliz Rel...voice ofarticle
The name Britney Spears evokes images of dazzling performances, chart-topping hits, and a life lived under the intense glare of the public eye. But beyond the glitz and glamour lies a complex human being navigating the complexities of love and life. Britney Spears Paul Richard Soliz and the dynamics of their relationship. has been a subject of intense public scrutiny, filled with intrigue, controversy, and a fair share of speculation. The nuances of their connection and exploring the questions surrounding who is Britney Spears, Paul Richard Soliz and the dynamics of their relationship.
A Brief Introduction About David CrowderDavid Crowder
David Crowder is a groundbreaking artist whose innovative approach to Contemporary Christian Music has captivated over 1.8 billion global listeners. With five GRAMMY nominations and four Dove Award wins out of 20 nominations, Crowder’s soulful vocals and creative blend of folk, rock, and electronic sounds define his artistry.
With the Best IPTV Service Enjoy Live TV, Sports & Movies!dorothymcalister2
What is an IPTV Service?
An IPTV service delivers TV content via the internet, allowing users to stream live channels and on-demand videos on devices like smart TVs and smartphones. It offers features like catch-up TV, video-on-demand, and customizable channel options, giving users more control over their viewing experience.
How does IPTV Work?
IPTV works by delivering television content through the internet rather than traditional satellite or cable methods. Here’s how it works:
Content Acquisition: IPTV providers get content from multiple sources such as cable, satellite, or live events. This content could include TV shows, movies, sports events, etc.
Encoding & Compression: The content is then encoded and compressed into a digital format that can be transmitted over the internet.
Transmission over IP Network: Instead of using satellite or coaxial cables, IPTV uses the internet to send the content to users. It uses a private IP-based network.
Set-Top Box or App: To watch IPTV, you need a device that can decode the transmitted data. This could be a set-top box or an app on your smart TV, computer, or smartphone.
On-Demand & Live Streaming: IPTV can offer both live channels and on-demand content. Users can stream live TV channels or choose from a library of content..
Interactive Features: Many IPTV services include interactive features like pause, rewind, or fast-forward live TV.
19. Thank You.Sign-up for our Beta: www.flixup.comBecome a fan: facebook.com/flixupFollow us on Twitter: @flixupappsomrat@bazaarlabs.com
Editor's Notes
#2: Hi, I’m Somrat – I spent the last 2 years at social advertising start-up Socialmedia.com selling all types of innovative social ad units. The idea of the real-time stream was not considered extremely revelant, but now it is ubiquitous. I’m going to talk to you about how Bazaar Labs – ask me about the name later – is trying to help consumers who are making entertainment choices get value out of the real-time stream.
#3: So…..I think we all know this, and by no surprise, people are updating their status
#4: I mean, just across Twitter, Yahoo, and Facebook alone 3.2 billion real-time updates a month. Its amazing.Oh, BTW, there’s AIM, MySpace
#5: In terms of Moore’s Law, more people are updating and this will exponentially grow. So how do consumers not explode?You need to curation.How can you make sense of all these conversations since so much is happening so fast?
#6: What TV show are my friends talking about?I wonder what everyone thinks about a particular movie?Twilight just came out, I wonder if people are saying positive things?
#7: This is what we do. We create entertainment apps both web and mobile on popular topics helping consumers make sense of the stream. Our goal is encompass all aspects of entertainment & lifestyle: MoviesTelevisionGamingMusicWhere do we start? Movies on Twitter.
#8: People love to talk about movies. Flixup! is a web and iPhone app that helps you make entertainment choices based on understanding what moviegoers are talking about on Twitter.? We segment and analyze?movie conversations in the social stream to make it easy for moviegoers to understand what people are saying about a particular movie.
#9: We make it easy for moviegoers to know where all the buzz is coming from the community.We do this by analyzing millions of tweets about movies to identify what the community’s opinion. Positive is green/happy face. Not so good is red/sad face.We also indicated which movies are creating the most chatter. The higher the chatter, the longer the thermometer.
#10: As we list the movies that are “Now Playing”, we make it simple to understand which movies are popular OR which movies your friends are talking about.
#11: You can see additional movie information, watch trailers, check out show times, - we even indicate the Rotten Tomatoes score so you can compare the general opinion to the critics.We display what your friends are saying at the top – no movie conversation will get lost!
#12: And if you wanted to you, and you’ve watched the movie, you can rate the movie
#14: One of the coolest views is getting a quick view of what movies your friends are talking about. In this view, I’m following Jordin Park, a guy with a screen name rejects and we can see that Jordin found 2012 entertaining. Good to know.
#15: We provide the full breadth of Twitter functionality so you can engage with your friends right here – you can reply, reply, retweet, or even unfollow.
#16: It’s not just about what’s playing now,we are analyzing tweets about movies that are coming in the future. You can get early insight to what movies are generating the most buzz well in advance of the release. We indicate volume of conversation, sentiment, as well as which friends are talking about movies “”coming soon”This is just a sample of some the features of flixup!
#18: We’re creating a web version of the iPhone app very soon which can be made accessible on other mobile platforms. If you’re not a Twitter users right now, don’t worry, we’re adding Facebook and other streams as well, and we do plan to move to other topical areas.Television, Sports, Music
#19: We believe the stream is the new communication protocol. Some conversations are public and some are private, but we want to help you make sense of all these communications as it relates to entertainment.
#20: Please sign-up for our Beta at flixup.com, Become a fan, follow us, you know all the normal social stuff.I’ll be here tonight – would love to get your feedback.Thank you. I’m Somrat Niyogi, CEO of Bazaar Labs.