♥…Ho’s JELAI CAMILOTES? ♥ Well…well… well…I am the youngest in the family- a broken but a happy family. ♥ So proud to have such a good, loving and caring father that we have. ♥ I may not blessed with looks but so blessed inside the heart. ♥ Don’t have the body? ♥ Ho kersss! ♥ What matter most are the attitudes, ryt? ♥ When it comes to love…ehemmm…♥ Btw honestly I don’t have time for now sa mga love2 na yan ♥…jejejje….family muna aq! ♥What I’m aiming for now is to have my family a very satisfying way of living.Love can wait, and it will come at the right time.Enjoy life!♥ maldita dw ko bt sa face lng yan...friendly aq if friendly krin...loving