In the Caesarian Section of CP Reyes Hospital in Tanauan City, Jigs, that’s me, at 7.2 lbs was born on the 28th day of October, year 1992 at exactly 8 in the evening--my father, Benjamin S. Sevilla Jr., then was playing brickgame inside the operating room. I was named Benjz Gerard M. Sevilla after my dad BENJie and St. GERARD, plus Z from Zenaida, my paternal grandmother. My nickname, Jigs, was taken from benJIe, Gerard and Sevilla.
Together with Benjamin S. Sevilla Sr., my paternal grandfather, Pedro and Maria Magtibay, my grandparents on my mother side, watched as I readily play tricks even when I am just being examined in the operating room. My dad told me that I was bound with a