i live in a fairy-tale somewhere too far for you to find
♬ ♩♠♥ ♪ ♪
Qomoo me tratees te tratO! :)
Si me amaS teamo & si me oDiass pobre yo no te dOi ni la minimaa importanCiaa Osea me das IGUAL ♥
you know that i´m a crazy bitch i do what i want when i felt like it! all wanna do is lose control!... and when you see my face hope it! gives you hell!!
sÖy uunä ch¡¡ca eXtroveRtiida, apRoveChadäa!, suuPerfiiciiaaL! ;), curiiOsa!, fragiiL, raRa, eNviidiioosaa, faaLszaa!!, maamOonaa, lOca, hiSteriCa, eeGooiisthaa, eegOoseentriiCaa!, sUuper freesaa!, diiveertiidaa, caRiiñoOsa, seensiiblee, aauuTeentiiCaa, reencoorooSa, diireecthaa, seeGuUraa, mañOsa, cO