Name: Bethany Mary Jordan
Birthday: 23rd May 1990
Birthplace: Pontefract
Current Location: England
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5ft 1in
Right Handed or Left Handed: Left
-"-. Put this dog on
.//^ ^\\ your profile
(/(_•_)\) to show
._/''*''\_ that you are
(/_)^(_\) against animal cruelty :) x
*+61459324854 Aussie mob
* When I leave the Country my brother breaks bones
* I am in Australia
* I <3 my Doggy
* I <3 my Aussie
* I <3 my Pandora
* I <3 my Nunnifer
* I <3 my new GHD's :)
* I <3 my new Camera :)
* I <3 my new Mac Book :)
* * <3 2011 <3 * *
* Gold Coast
* Ayers Rock
* Great Barrier Reef
* England :)
<3 AUS <3
<3 Floyd <3