This document summarizes a presentation about developing a positive attitude for job searching. It discusses locus of control, which refers to the degree to which people believe they have control over outcomes in their lives. The presentation helps participants identify their current attitudes in areas like planning vs. luck and self-help vs. relying on others. It provides strategies to develop a more internal locus of control, such as setting goals, enhancing self-esteem, and taking responsibility for outcomes. The overall goal is to help job seekers feel empowered and in control of their job search through recognizing how their attitudes can impact results.
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Dude Wheres My Job Presentation
1. Career Countdown: Prepared or Scared?
Dude, Wheres My Job?
April 13, 2009 | KUC 313 | 2 to 3 p.m.
Program Overview:
A person's attitude when looking for a job is the most important part of
finding employment. This program will help participants identify their key
attitudes about looking for a job and consider suggestions for becoming more
self-directed in the job search. Participants will identify their attitudes on four
basic scales:
1. Luck vs. Planning
2. Uninvolved vs. Involved
3. Help from Others vs. Self-help
4. Passive vs. Active
Bill Fletcher, Director Career Development Center
n n
2. Not Covered Today
For the sake of time and clarity, the following will not
be covered in this presentation:
How to job search
How to network
How to interview
How to write resumes & cover letters
For these topics, please check out other presentations
offered this week in Career Countdown: Prepared or
Scared as well as our resources on the web
( | Resources)
3. Locus of Control
Locus of Control describes the degree to which individuals perceive that
outcomes result from their own behaviors, or from forces that are external to
themselves (Mind Tools, 2007). The concept of locus of control was developed by
psychologist Julian Rotter who devised the Internal-External Locus of Control
Scale (Locus of Control) .
4. I-E Scale
Internal LOC External LOC
Inclined to take responsibility for Tend to blame outside circumstances
actions. for their mistakes.
Not easily influenced by others. Credit their successes to luck rather
than own efforts.
Do better at tasks where they can
work at their own pace. Readily influenced by opinion of
More likely to pay attention to the
content of the opinion-holder. More likely to pay attention to the
status of the opinion-holder.
(Locus of Control)
5. Benefits of Internal LOC
In general, people with an internal locus of control:
Engage in activities that will improve their situation.
Emphasize striving for achievement.
Work hard to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities.
Are inquisitive, and try to figure out why things turned out the way they
Take note of information that they can use to create positive outcomes in
the future.
Have a more participative management style.
(Mind Tools 2007, Page 4)
6. Example of Locus of Control
John and Katie each receive a D on a class test.
John has an internal LOC and attributes his
grade to lack of studying.
Katie has an external LOC and attributes her
grade to a poorly made test and an ineffective
teacher, both of which are out of her control.
(Gantz, 1999).
7. Importance of Control
Control plays an important role in several
psychological theories including learned
helplessness, and self-efficacy theories
(Wise, 1999).
Locus of Control influences ones academic
success and health behaviors (Wise, 1999).
We will look at Locus of Control as related to
job search issues.
8. Learned Helplessness
Individuals attributions about their perceived
inability to have any control over past
situations tends to lead to expectations about
what will occur in future situations
(Liptak, 2006a, pg.3)
9. Self-efficacy
Beliefs or expectations that people hold about
their abilities to accomplish certain tasks
(Wise, 1999).
10. Job Search Attitude Inventory
Is a brief, 32-item inventory designed to make job seekers more
award of their self-directed and other-directed attitudes about
their search for employment (Liptak, 2006a).
The JSAI only looks at attitudes. It does not measure:
Psychiatric Disturbances
Trauma, etc.
It is not a test; there are no right or wrong answers!
11. JSAI Scales (Step 2)
Luck vs. Planning how much you emphasize planning
a job search rather than relying on luck.
Uninvolved vs. Involved how involved your are in
your search for a job.
Help from other vs. Self-help how much you depend
on outside agencies or on yourself to find a job.
Passive vs. Active how much control you have in your
job search.
(Liptak, 2006a&b)
12. 2 Types of Job Seekers (Step 3)
Self-directed and Other-directed
Self-directed job seekers:
Take full responsibility for what happens in their
Know the role they fulfill in life and have set goal
to reach their full potential.
Realize finding a job is their responsibility.
Have desire to succeed and are motivated from
(Liptak, 2006b)
13. Strategies for Improving
Attitudes (Step 4)
Goals, simple steps, S.M.A.R.T.
Enhance self-esteem 3 things you have done well
Luck may play a role, your responsibility to seize it
Learn job search methods
Forget failures, focus on accomplishments
Dont procrastinate sense of urgency
Seek out people who will encourage you
Join clubs and organizations for support and networking
OJM & HJM; diversify your portfolio
(Liptak, 2006b)
Develop your next steps!!!
14. Tips for Developing an
Internal LOC
Recognize the basic fact that you always have a choice
making no choice is actually a choice.
By working toward and achieving goals, you are controlling
what happens.
Develop your decision making and problem solving skills so
that you can feel more confident, and in control of what
Pay attention to your self-talk. When you hear yourself saying
things like, quot;I have no choicequot; or quot;There's nothing I can
doquot;, step back and remind yourself that you do, in fact, have
some degree of control. It's your choice whether you exercise it
or not.
(Mind Tools, 2007)
15. Managing Drawbacks with
Internal LOC
There can be times when having an external locus of control can be an
advantage, particularly in situations where people need to be considerate and
more easy-going.
People with a strong internal locus of control tend to be very achievement-
oriented, and this can leave people around them feeling quot;trampledquot; or quot;bruised.quot;
A very strong internal locus of control can create a tendency to want to control
everything which can lead to difficulties in taking direction.
If you have a strong internal LOC, make sure you pay attention to the feelings of
people around you - otherwise you'll seem arrogant, and people may not want to
work with you.
Having an external LOC is not always bad: There are some situations where this
approach can work well. The key for your own personal development is
understanding your natural tendency and then adapting it to the situations you are
faced with.
16. References
Gantz, Mandy (Last revised 2006). Do you have the power to succeed? Locus of
control and its impact on education. Oxford, Ohio: Miami University. Accessed 17
Mar, 2009,
Liptak, John (2006a). Job search attitude inventory administrators guide, 3rd
edition. Jist Works.
Liptak, John (2006b). Job search attitude inventory, 3rd edition. Jist Works.
Locus of Control. Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence.
Gale Research 1998. Accessed 17
Mar, 2009,
Mind Tools (2007). Finding out who is in charge of your destiny, Accessed 17
Mar, 2009,
Wise, Michelle (Last revised 2006). Locus of control in our daily lives: How the
concept of control impacts the social world. Oxford, Ohio: Miami University.
Accessed 17
Mar, 2009,
17. Additional Resources
Locus of Control Quiz. Mind Tools. Accessed 17
Mar, 2009,
Locus of Control Quiz. Goolkasian, Paula. Professor of Psychology and Director of
Cognitive Science, University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Accessed 17
Mar, 2009,