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Prepared by:
Bhanu Sharma
Study of Customer Usage & Retention
Strategies at T24 (A Joint Venture of
Tata Teleservices Limited and Future
Group) in 18 Circles of India
Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the Study is to analyze the customer Usage and
Retention strategies used in T24. The sub-objectives of the study are stated as
 To analyze the key determinants of customer retention in T24.
 To identify management practices associated with excelling at customer
retention in T24.
 To assess the level of perceived quality of services offered by T24.
 To study the Operational working style in Telecom Sector.
 To study the usage pattern of Customers in T24.
 To study the customer response on various marketing mix strategies adopted
by T24.
 To work out on the growing challenges facing by T24.
PPT Final
About T24
 T24 is an Indian cellular service provider formed in February 2010.
 It is a Brand of Future Group and a Joint Venture between Tata Teleservices Limited and
Future Group.
 T24 Mobile offers 3G services via Tata DoCoMo's HSPA+ network.
 It is a unique telecom service which runs on a business model known as MVNO
(Mobile Virtual Network Operator)
 It is a loyalty Program of Future Group and is exclusively only for the Customers
of Future Group.
 In T24 the sales Part is managed by Future Group on their outlets i.e. on Big
Bazaar, Ezone, Food Bazaar, Central Zone etc and the Marketing, Technological
Part is managed by Tata Teleservices Limited.
 T24 is operational in those 18 Circles as Tata Docomo Operates in 18 Circles in
PPT Final
Why T24?
T24 is one network that helps customers of Future Group to do much more than
just stay connected with your loved ones. With this network customers get to talk
as well as shop with their heart out! The Customers gets the best talk time packs
with T24 as compared to any other network, which acts as an USP for T24.
 For Customers
 For Tata Teleservices Limited
 For Future Group
PPT Final
Network Coverage Area of T24
Organization Structure of T24
Sales Head
Usage and
Brand Head
Care Head
Products of T24
 STD Packs
 Local Packs
 Minutes Packs
 GPRS Packs
 SMS Packs
 Call Me Tunes
 VAS (Value Added Services)
 2G Packs
 3G Packs
 Night Calling Packs
Current Challenges:
 Retaining the T24 Customers.
 On boarding the Competitors Consumers to T24 Network.
 Increasing the usage of T24 by customers.
 Making the current customers loyal towards T24.
 Spreading awareness among T24 customers about T24 Products and
 Widening the network of Retailers.
 Acquisition of Customers.
Future Prospects:
 Mission to achieve 50 Lac Active users of T24.
 Making T24 one of the best Mobile Operator in Telecom Industry.
 Location Based offerings in near Future.
 More Convenience of shopping for T24 Customers.
Strength Weakness
Opportunities Threats
 Early Mover Advantage
 Huge Product Portfolio
 Huge Population in the Target Segment
 Simple and Credible Process of Payment
 More Number of Merchants and Users as
compared to any other Competitor
 Universal compatibility of App and Website in
all platforms.
 Cash Back (Loyalty Program)
 Own Gateway for Payments
Investor Driven Organisation.
High Shipping Cost even for Small value of
System Breakdowns have huge impact on
Trading Activities
 Untapped Rural Segment
 Exponential growth in online Shopping in
recent times.
 Increasing usage of Internet by People
 Diversification of Paytm Business in other
 Growing Demand for e-tailers
Highly Capable Competitors
SEBI intervention might be possible.
Economic Downturns
Price Wars
Insecure online transactions due to
increasing cases of Hacking
 To Help and Support Marketing Team in TATA TELESERVICES LIMITED
in their day to day work.
 To Perform Base Management activity for T24 Customers.
 To Capture VOC, Skills to Perform Data Analysis, Data Mining, Preparation
of MIS.
 To build the seeding database from internal and external data sources.
 Team Coordination Skills, interpersonal skills.
 Ability to multi tasks and switch gears while maintaining priorities.
 To share and innovate ideas to streamline operational challenges.
 Will be responsible for analyse the Data.
 Have a strong hold on MS Office and on Google Analytics.
 Comfortable with working on Campaign management tool like SAS.
 Have a tendency to bring niche Marketing Concepts which could be applied
to business.
 To Perform Alliance building Activity.
 To capture V.O.C (Voice of Customer) in the Circles of West Bengal, Punjab,
Haryana, Mumbai, Uttar Pradesh East, Uttar Pradesh West in order to know
about Customers Perception towards T24 and making reports thereafter.
 To do Benchmarking in Top 5 Revenue Earning Circles of T24 Mobile for the
Month of April May.
 To make Verbiages for Pan India T24 Customers for the Month of April, May,
 To Do Data Analytics and Data Mining on T24 Customers in order to know
about their usage and making Reports for the Month of April May.
 To Edit/ Renew Old Campaigns on SAS Platform for the Month of April, May,
 To Prepare MIS in the Month of June.
 To make Calendar for the Month of May/June this contains the Schedule of
Sending Verbiages to T24 Customers in Pan India on Daily Basis.
 To Make Calendar for the Month of June this contains Schedule of Sending
Verbiages to Retailers in all the Circles of T24.
 To make use of SAS and update Products/offers of T24 as according to New
Service Tax w.e.f 1 June 2016.
 To make use of Google Analytics in order to Track our Customers on the basis of
Verbiages Sent for the month of April, May.
 To Do Data Analytics and Data Mining on T24 Customers in order to Perform
Retention Strategy for the Month of April, May, June.
 To Segment the Customers of T24 into different Categories and carry out Count
for Further Process as a Part of Retention Strategy for the Month of April, May,
 To Search out the Current Trend in India for Design of Verbiages for
the Month of April, May.
 To Do Data Mining and Analytics on T24 Customers and finding out
the customers who are not using T24 services for more than 150
Days in order to forfeit their Balance.
 To Do VOC (Voice of Customers) as a Part of Retention Strategy on
Segmented Customers of T24 in order to find out the reason for not
using Internet Packs of T24 in the month of June.
 To Search for New Alliance Partners for TATA TELESERVICES
LIMITED and pitching the Prospective Clients on the basis of
Concept Selling.
Intern (Me)
In Tata Teleservices Limited my Reporting was directly inline to Mr. Gaurav
Kapoor (Senior Manager  T24 Alliance) and dotted line to Mr. Ashish V Singh
(Deputy Manager  T24 Alliance) and to Mr. Anil Kumar (Deputy Manager 
T24 Alliance).
Reporting structure
Usage Definition:
The Term usage refers to the act, manner, pattern or the amount of
consumption done by the customers in using of the services.
Importance of Understanding Customer Usage:
 Customer Usage helps in understanding the pattern of consumption
done by customer.
 Customer Usage helps in knowing about the expectation of the
 It helps in making plans and policies regarding making product and
offering services.
 Usage helps in framing Retention Strategy for the consumers.
 Usage helps in making strategies for consumers.
Process of Understanding Customer Usage in T24:
 Upselling/ Upgrading: Upselling is marketing technique whereby a seller
induces the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades or other
add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale. While it usually
involves marketing more profitable services or products, it can be simply
exposing the customer to other options that were perhaps not considered.
For Example: In T24, as according to analysis of usage consumption of a
customer, If a customer uses 1 GB of 3G Data Pack of Rs 199 on a monthly
basis, so in order to upgrading his/her usage, a manager can pitch him with
1.25 GB of 3G Data Pack @ Rs 215.
 Open Market Products/Offers: Open Market products/offers
are those products which are available for all the users irrespective of
the group in which they lie.
For Example: On the basis of usage consumption pattern, a new
product can be made and offered in open market for the consumers.
Usages Strategies
 Cross Selling: Cross-selling is the action or practice of selling an additional
product or service to an existing customer. The objectives of cross-selling can be
either to increase the income derived from the client or clients or to protect the
relationship with the client or clients.
For Example: In T24, as per the usage consumption pattern observed if a
customer uses more of Data Pack on monthly basis and less amount of Calling
Packs, so by the use of Cross Selling Technique, a manager can pitch customer a
combo pack which contains both Data Pack as well as Calling Pack.
 Segmented Products/Offers: Segmented Products/ offers are those which are
exclusively available for selected customer group who have similar attributes.
For Example: As per the usage pattern studied, a manager can divide the similar set of
customers having same usage consumption pattern into one segment and on the basis of
each segments offers can be pitched to every customer.
Usages Strategies
Customer retention refers to the activities and actions companies and
organizations take to reduce the number of customer defections. The goal of
customer retention programs is to help companies retain as many customers as
possible, often through customer loyalty and brand loyalty initiatives.
Why Customer Retention is Important?
 Acquiring new customers can cost as much as five times more than
satisfying and retaining current customers.
 Customer Retention plays a major contribution in the growth of
 A 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect as decreas-
ing costs by 10%.
 Depending on the industry, reducing your customer defection rate by 5% can
increase your profitability by 25 to 125%.
 Customer profitability tends to increase over the life of a retained customer.
 Customer Retention helps in knowing about the future needs of the
Ways by which Customer Retention can be done:
 Set customer expectations  Set customer expectations early and a little lower
than you can provide to eliminate uncertainty about the level of your service and
ensure you always deliver on your promises.
 Becomes the customers trusted advisor  You need to be the expert in your
particular field, so that you can gain customers trust and build customer loyalty.
 Use relationships to build trust  Build relationships with customers in a way
that fosters trust. Do this through shared values and fostering customer
 Take a proactive approach to customer service  Implement anticipatory service
so that you can eliminate problems before they occur.
 Use social media to build relationships  Use LinkedIn, Twitter, and Face book
to connect and communicate with customers and give them a space for sharing
experiences with your company, so they can become brand ambassadors.
 Go the extra mile  Going above and beyond will build strong relationships with
customers and build long-term loyalty by paying attention to their needs and issues.
 Make it personal  Personalized service improves customer experience and is
something customers are expecting and demanding. Make their experience personal
to strengthen the bond with your brand.
Retention Strategies
Panic Model
 This Model is sometimes also known as Pro Active Retention
Strategy in T24 (Tata Teleservices Limited).
 Panic Model is commonly used in Telecom Industry and different
companies term it with different names.
 Panic is a situation or a state of sudden sensation
of fear that produces uncontrollable events or irrational behavior and
that often spread quickly through a group of people. In simple lay
man term Panic is state of Alarm for an organization
Panic Model is a high level of business strategy logically designed
which includes very complex algorithms and matrices to predict
customer behavior. The main objective of Panic Model is to retain the
customer before they falls into churn state or change their existing
category into a new category which is designed on the basis of usage
pattern studied.
Key Performance Indicators
 Usage Days
 Non Usage Days
 Non R.E.C
 Data Usage
 Voice Usage
 Non Voice Usage
 Vas Usage
 Non Vas Usage
 Incoming Call Usage
 Roaming Usage
 SMS Usage
 On Net Usage
 Off Net Usage
 Targeted Customers / Circles
 Churn Rate
 First Calling Date rolling 30 days
Panic Model Conditions GSM REC (Rolling 30 Days) Definition:
For Voice Products and FCD > 30 Days:
REC PRR for voice products >=10 Rs And
(MOU >= 1 Mints (60 Seconds) i.e. voice or SMS Count >= 5 (i.e. SMS) or
Usage in KB >= 50 KB)
For Voice Products and FCD <= 30 Days:
REC PRR for voice products >=10 Rs And
(MOU >= 5 Mints (60 Seconds) i.e. voice or SMS Count >= 5 (i.e. SMS) or
Usage in KB >= 50 KB)
For Data Products (CDMA Photon/GSM Dongle):
REC PRR for Data Products >= 10 Rs.
 ZU < 30 base considered for PANIC STATE
 This Model uses Last Month Activity Days/
PRR and Current Month LAD for Predicting
Panic Points
 These offers should be in multiples of Rs 10
basis frequent recharge. Aggression to increase
from P1->P2->P3
 This Model will be used for
predicting GVC, HVC , UHVC
SINGLE SIM Subscribers
moving from REC to NREC in
period of 1 month.
 Model uses 8 Different Variables
and multiple techniques like
Correlation , GINI, Variable
Clustering etc ...
Panic Grid Predictive Churn Model
Base for Panic State is populated based on both Models
Panic State
Process of Panic Model
A Product Life Cycle is a process by which a new product progresses through a
sequence of stages from introduction to growth, maturity, and decline. This
sequence is known as the product life cycle .In T24 a Product Life Cycle is
made on the basis of 4 main objectives:
 For Cost Saving: In this a Product is made with the main objective to save
the cost for a company. For Instance: In T24 once there was an offer that For
Rs.199 get 1 GB of 3G and 10% off on shopping more than Rs.2000. But by
applying Cost Saving Product now a customer will get 1 GB of Data Rs.199 and
5% off on shopping more than Rs.2000. In this case that 5% is a cost saving for
the company.
 For Retention: In this a product is designed as per the usage of the group of
customers. It is also known as Customized Product. For Instance if in an Open
Market a product is offered as Get Rs85/- talktime on Recharge of Rs100 then
for Retention the same product can be offered as Get Rs100 talktime on every
Recharge of Rs 100 (only for you).
 For Increasing Revenue: In this Product design the life cycle or validity of the
product is decreased in order to gain incremental Revenue from the Product. For
Instance Get 1 GB of 3G Data for 30 Days in Just Rs.199 but after applying
Increasing Revenue Design the same product will be offered as Get 1 GB of 3G
Data for 28 Days in Just Rs.199.
 Open Market: This type of product is designed for all the customers.
Concept Of
with Top
Finance and
Channel of
Launching of
Review of
Stages for Product Life Cycle:
Analysis of PANIC MODEL:
Row Labels Sum of Camp Targets Sum of Delivery Successful Sum of Camp Takers
1-6-16 139542 15753 74
2-6-16 171666 19476 116
3-6-16 170724 18992 104
4-6-16 169689 18511 132
5-6-16 80811 7879 57
6-6-16 163098 17281 101
7-6-16 167214 18440 98
8-6-16 147882 13763 55
9-6-16 179604 13635 62
10-6-16 164946 16308 96
11-6-16 145998 13286 58
12-6-16 154281 8958 50
Seeding Model
A Seeding Model is a form of marketing, designed to target product
sampling towards selected targeted consumers. Seeding is the process of
allocating marketing to specific customers, or groups of customers, in order to
stimulate and encourage them to make use of the product and services. To
create loyalty and advocacy towards a brand, seeding trials is used.
Companies that have used seeding trials include Procter & Gamble, Microsoft,
Hasbro, Google, Unilever, Pepsi, Coke, Ford, DreamWorks SKG, EMI, Sony
and Siemens.
There are two of the main managerial decisions revolving around seeding
 Focus on seeding of advertising in a multinational market.
 The process of seeding the product itself.
Determining how many and which consumers within a particular network
should be seeded to maximize adoption is a challenging task for the
management of the company
Seeding Model in T24
Database of Non Data Users
Loyalty Model
This Model is also known as Value adding Program which includes loyalty
schemes in which customers are rewarded with benefits for their patronage. The
more the customer spends the higher the rewards. The main objective of this
loyalty Model is delighting the customer and gives him an experience of Personal
Touch because delighted customers are the ones who will retain with the company
for a longer time period. Firms or organizations should meet or exceed customer
expectations on important attributes such as quality, service, price stability, and
In T24 Value derived is done in many ways:
Free Local/STD Minutes
Free Night Packs
Free VAS (Call me tunes, Cricket Alerts, Miss Call Alerts etc)
Freebies in form of T-shirts, Cap, Bag etc.
Free Data Packs or SMS Pack on Birthday, anniversary etc.
Professional Skills Learnt
Analytical Skills.
IT Skills (SAS, Google Analytics Tool)
Team Coordination
Communication Skills
Advance MS Office
Content Writing Skills
Marketing Skills
Tele Sales Skills
Customer Service Skills
PPT Final
Research Work
Objective of Research:
Irrespective of Customers being provided with Free Talktime benefits on
Shopping at Future Group outlets we observed usage of customers is too low.
Customers are reluctant towards the use of services. Therefore a need and
opportunity arises to learn & understand the customer intention towards T24
and thereby increasing customer penetration.
Sample size and collection of Data:
The sample size was 60, collected through telephonic V.O.C.
Due to the Language constraints in the Circles of South India, the
sample units were taken from the Circles of North India mainly Uttar
Pradesh East and Uttar Pradesh West.
PPT Final
Not Attended Calls
Switch Off
Incorrect Number
Out of Coverage Area
Attended Calls
No Awareness
Already Two Simcards
Network Problem
Casual Attitude
Sim Card Lost
Observation No. 1
Observation No. 2
Observation No. 3
PPT Final
PPT Final
 Future Group need to spend more money on advertisement of T24 in order to
create awareness among the Prospective Customers as well as for the Existing
 Tata Teleservices Limited should increase Channel of Distribution for T24.
 Also, there is a need for innovation in implementation of marketing strategies
in T24 by Tata Teleservices Limited.
 There is a need for proactive digital marketing campaign for T24.
 Furthermore, In the marketing Team of T24 (Tata Teleservices Limited) there
is a need for additional manpower in order to handle various other
departments like Vas, etc.
 Should endorse a Brand Ambassador for T24.
 Need for awareness education program for retailers about T24.
 For Sales, Future Group needs to motivate the sales executive and need to
change the attitude of Sales Executive attitude from Quantity Selling to
Quality Selling.
 Tata Teleservices Limited has to emphasize more on Network.

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PPT Final

  • 1. Prepared by: Bhanu Sharma PGDM(B) 23/135 Study of Customer Usage & Retention Strategies at T24 (A Joint Venture of Tata Teleservices Limited and Future Group) in 18 Circles of India
  • 2. Objectives of the Study The main objective of the Study is to analyze the customer Usage and Retention strategies used in T24. The sub-objectives of the study are stated as follows: To analyze the key determinants of customer retention in T24. To identify management practices associated with excelling at customer retention in T24. To assess the level of perceived quality of services offered by T24. To study the Operational working style in Telecom Sector. To study the usage pattern of Customers in T24. To study the customer response on various marketing mix strategies adopted by T24. To work out on the growing challenges facing by T24.
  • 4. About T24 T24 is an Indian cellular service provider formed in February 2010. It is a Brand of Future Group and a Joint Venture between Tata Teleservices Limited and Future Group. T24 Mobile offers 3G services via Tata DoCoMo's HSPA+ network. It is a unique telecom service which runs on a business model known as MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) It is a loyalty Program of Future Group and is exclusively only for the Customers of Future Group. In T24 the sales Part is managed by Future Group on their outlets i.e. on Big Bazaar, Ezone, Food Bazaar, Central Zone etc and the Marketing, Technological Part is managed by Tata Teleservices Limited. T24 is operational in those 18 Circles as Tata Docomo Operates in 18 Circles in India.
  • 6. Why T24? T24 is one network that helps customers of Future Group to do much more than just stay connected with your loved ones. With this network customers get to talk as well as shop with their heart out! The Customers gets the best talk time packs with T24 as compared to any other network, which acts as an USP for T24. For Customers For Tata Teleservices Limited For Future Group
  • 9. Organization Structure of T24 CEO Sales Head Usage and Revenue Head Brand Head Customer Care Head General Manager Senior Manager Deputy Manager Deputy Manager
  • 10. Products of T24 STD Packs Local Packs Minutes Packs GPRS Packs SMS Packs Call Me Tunes VAS (Value Added Services) 2G Packs 3G Packs Night Calling Packs
  • 11. Current Challenges: Retaining the T24 Customers. On boarding the Competitors Consumers to T24 Network. Increasing the usage of T24 by customers. Making the current customers loyal towards T24. Spreading awareness among T24 customers about T24 Products and offers. Widening the network of Retailers. Acquisition of Customers. Future Prospects: Mission to achieve 50 Lac Active users of T24. Making T24 one of the best Mobile Operator in Telecom Industry. Location Based offerings in near Future. More Convenience of shopping for T24 Customers.
  • 12. Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats SWOT Early Mover Advantage Huge Product Portfolio Huge Population in the Target Segment Simple and Credible Process of Payment More Number of Merchants and Users as compared to any other Competitor Universal compatibility of App and Website in all platforms. Cash Back (Loyalty Program) Own Gateway for Payments Investor Driven Organisation. High Shipping Cost even for Small value of orders. System Breakdowns have huge impact on Trading Activities Untapped Rural Segment Exponential growth in online Shopping in recent times. Increasing usage of Internet by People Diversification of Paytm Business in other segments. Growing Demand for e-tailers . Highly Capable Competitors SEBI intervention might be possible. Economic Downturns Price Wars Insecure online transactions due to increasing cases of Hacking
  • 13. To Help and Support Marketing Team in TATA TELESERVICES LIMITED in their day to day work. To Perform Base Management activity for T24 Customers. To Capture VOC, Skills to Perform Data Analysis, Data Mining, Preparation of MIS. To build the seeding database from internal and external data sources. Team Coordination Skills, interpersonal skills. Ability to multi tasks and switch gears while maintaining priorities. To share and innovate ideas to streamline operational challenges. Will be responsible for analyse the Data. Have a strong hold on MS Office and on Google Analytics. Comfortable with working on Campaign management tool like SAS. Have a tendency to bring niche Marketing Concepts which could be applied to business. To Perform Alliance building Activity. JOB DESCRIPTION
  • 14. To capture V.O.C (Voice of Customer) in the Circles of West Bengal, Punjab, Haryana, Mumbai, Uttar Pradesh East, Uttar Pradesh West in order to know about Customers Perception towards T24 and making reports thereafter. To do Benchmarking in Top 5 Revenue Earning Circles of T24 Mobile for the Month of April May. To make Verbiages for Pan India T24 Customers for the Month of April, May, June. To Do Data Analytics and Data Mining on T24 Customers in order to know about their usage and making Reports for the Month of April May. To Edit/ Renew Old Campaigns on SAS Platform for the Month of April, May, June. To Prepare MIS in the Month of June. TASK ASSIGNED TO ME
  • 15. To make Calendar for the Month of May/June this contains the Schedule of Sending Verbiages to T24 Customers in Pan India on Daily Basis. To Make Calendar for the Month of June this contains Schedule of Sending Verbiages to Retailers in all the Circles of T24. To make use of SAS and update Products/offers of T24 as according to New Service Tax w.e.f 1 June 2016. To make use of Google Analytics in order to Track our Customers on the basis of Verbiages Sent for the month of April, May. To Do Data Analytics and Data Mining on T24 Customers in order to Perform Retention Strategy for the Month of April, May, June. To Segment the Customers of T24 into different Categories and carry out Count for Further Process as a Part of Retention Strategy for the Month of April, May, June. TASK ASSIGNED TO ME Contd
  • 16. TASK ASSIGNED TO ME Contd To Search out the Current Trend in India for Design of Verbiages for the Month of April, May. To Do Data Mining and Analytics on T24 Customers and finding out the customers who are not using T24 services for more than 150 Days in order to forfeit their Balance. To Do VOC (Voice of Customers) as a Part of Retention Strategy on Segmented Customers of T24 in order to find out the reason for not using Internet Packs of T24 in the month of June. To Search for New Alliance Partners for TATA TELESERVICES LIMITED and pitching the Prospective Clients on the basis of Concept Selling.
  • 17. Senior Manager Summer Intern (Me) Deputy Manager Deputy Manager In Tata Teleservices Limited my Reporting was directly inline to Mr. Gaurav Kapoor (Senior Manager T24 Alliance) and dotted line to Mr. Ashish V Singh (Deputy Manager T24 Alliance) and to Mr. Anil Kumar (Deputy Manager T24 Alliance). Reporting structure
  • 18. LEARNING EXPERIENCE AND THE INSIGHTS GAINED Usage Definition: The Term usage refers to the act, manner, pattern or the amount of consumption done by the customers in using of the services. Importance of Understanding Customer Usage: Customer Usage helps in understanding the pattern of consumption done by customer. Customer Usage helps in knowing about the expectation of the Consumer. It helps in making plans and policies regarding making product and offering services. Usage helps in framing Retention Strategy for the consumers. Usage helps in making strategies for consumers.
  • 19. Process of Understanding Customer Usage in T24:
  • 20. Upselling/ Upgrading: Upselling is marketing technique whereby a seller induces the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale. While it usually involves marketing more profitable services or products, it can be simply exposing the customer to other options that were perhaps not considered. For Example: In T24, as according to analysis of usage consumption of a customer, If a customer uses 1 GB of 3G Data Pack of Rs 199 on a monthly basis, so in order to upgrading his/her usage, a manager can pitch him with 1.25 GB of 3G Data Pack @ Rs 215. Open Market Products/Offers: Open Market products/offers are those products which are available for all the users irrespective of the group in which they lie. For Example: On the basis of usage consumption pattern, a new product can be made and offered in open market for the consumers. Usages Strategies
  • 21. Cross Selling: Cross-selling is the action or practice of selling an additional product or service to an existing customer. The objectives of cross-selling can be either to increase the income derived from the client or clients or to protect the relationship with the client or clients. For Example: In T24, as per the usage consumption pattern observed if a customer uses more of Data Pack on monthly basis and less amount of Calling Packs, so by the use of Cross Selling Technique, a manager can pitch customer a combo pack which contains both Data Pack as well as Calling Pack. Segmented Products/Offers: Segmented Products/ offers are those which are exclusively available for selected customer group who have similar attributes. For Example: As per the usage pattern studied, a manager can divide the similar set of customers having same usage consumption pattern into one segment and on the basis of each segments offers can be pitched to every customer. Usages Strategies
  • 22. Customer retention refers to the activities and actions companies and organizations take to reduce the number of customer defections. The goal of customer retention programs is to help companies retain as many customers as possible, often through customer loyalty and brand loyalty initiatives. Why Customer Retention is Important? Acquiring new customers can cost as much as five times more than satisfying and retaining current customers. Customer Retention plays a major contribution in the growth of Company. A 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect as decreas- ing costs by 10%. Depending on the industry, reducing your customer defection rate by 5% can increase your profitability by 25 to 125%. Customer profitability tends to increase over the life of a retained customer. Customer Retention helps in knowing about the future needs of the customers. RETENTION
  • 23. Ways by which Customer Retention can be done: Set customer expectations Set customer expectations early and a little lower than you can provide to eliminate uncertainty about the level of your service and ensure you always deliver on your promises. Becomes the customers trusted advisor You need to be the expert in your particular field, so that you can gain customers trust and build customer loyalty. Use relationships to build trust Build relationships with customers in a way that fosters trust. Do this through shared values and fostering customer relationships. Take a proactive approach to customer service Implement anticipatory service so that you can eliminate problems before they occur. Use social media to build relationships Use LinkedIn, Twitter, and Face book to connect and communicate with customers and give them a space for sharing experiences with your company, so they can become brand ambassadors. Go the extra mile Going above and beyond will build strong relationships with customers and build long-term loyalty by paying attention to their needs and issues. Make it personal Personalized service improves customer experience and is something customers are expecting and demanding. Make their experience personal to strengthen the bond with your brand.
  • 24. Retention Strategies Panic Model This Model is sometimes also known as Pro Active Retention Strategy in T24 (Tata Teleservices Limited). Panic Model is commonly used in Telecom Industry and different companies term it with different names. Panic is a situation or a state of sudden sensation of fear that produces uncontrollable events or irrational behavior and that often spread quickly through a group of people. In simple lay man term Panic is state of Alarm for an organization Panic Model is a high level of business strategy logically designed which includes very complex algorithms and matrices to predict customer behavior. The main objective of Panic Model is to retain the customer before they falls into churn state or change their existing category into a new category which is designed on the basis of usage pattern studied.
  • 25. Key Performance Indicators Usage Days Non Usage Days R.E.C Non R.E.C Data Usage M.O.U Voice Usage Non Voice Usage Vas Usage Non Vas Usage Incoming Call Usage Roaming Usage SMS Usage On Net Usage Off Net Usage Targeted Customers / Circles Churn Rate First Calling Date rolling 30 days
  • 26. Panic Model Conditions GSM REC (Rolling 30 Days) Definition: For Voice Products and FCD > 30 Days: REC PRR for voice products >=10 Rs And (MOU >= 1 Mints (60 Seconds) i.e. voice or SMS Count >= 5 (i.e. SMS) or Usage in KB >= 50 KB) For Voice Products and FCD <= 30 Days: REC PRR for voice products >=10 Rs And (MOU >= 5 Mints (60 Seconds) i.e. voice or SMS Count >= 5 (i.e. SMS) or Usage in KB >= 50 KB) For Data Products (CDMA Photon/GSM Dongle): REC PRR for Data Products >= 10 Rs.
  • 27. ZU < 30 base considered for PANIC STATE This Model uses Last Month Activity Days/ PRR and Current Month LAD for Predicting Panic Points These offers should be in multiples of Rs 10 basis frequent recharge. Aggression to increase from P1->P2->P3 27 This Model will be used for predicting GVC, HVC , UHVC SINGLE SIM Subscribers moving from REC to NREC in period of 1 month. Model uses 8 Different Variables and multiple techniques like Correlation , GINI, Variable Clustering etc ... Panic Grid Predictive Churn Model Base for Panic State is populated based on both Models Panic State
  • 28. Process of Panic Model A Product Life Cycle is a process by which a new product progresses through a sequence of stages from introduction to growth, maturity, and decline. This sequence is known as the product life cycle .In T24 a Product Life Cycle is made on the basis of 4 main objectives: For Cost Saving: In this a Product is made with the main objective to save the cost for a company. For Instance: In T24 once there was an offer that For Rs.199 get 1 GB of 3G and 10% off on shopping more than Rs.2000. But by applying Cost Saving Product now a customer will get 1 GB of Data Rs.199 and 5% off on shopping more than Rs.2000. In this case that 5% is a cost saving for the company. For Retention: In this a product is designed as per the usage of the group of customers. It is also known as Customized Product. For Instance if in an Open Market a product is offered as Get Rs85/- talktime on Recharge of Rs100 then for Retention the same product can be offered as Get Rs100 talktime on every Recharge of Rs 100 (only for you).
  • 29. For Increasing Revenue: In this Product design the life cycle or validity of the product is decreased in order to gain incremental Revenue from the Product. For Instance Get 1 GB of 3G Data for 30 Days in Just Rs.199 but after applying Increasing Revenue Design the same product will be offered as Get 1 GB of 3G Data for 28 Days in Just Rs.199. Open Market: This type of product is designed for all the customers.
  • 30. Concept Of Product Discussion with Top Management Finance and Other Departments Approval Product Configure Target Customer Channel of Promotion Launching of Product Review of Product Stages for Product Life Cycle:
  • 31. Analysis of PANIC MODEL: Row Labels Sum of Camp Targets Sum of Delivery Successful Sum of Camp Takers 1-6-16 139542 15753 74 2-6-16 171666 19476 116 3-6-16 170724 18992 104 4-6-16 169689 18511 132 5-6-16 80811 7879 57 6-6-16 163098 17281 101 7-6-16 167214 18440 98 8-6-16 147882 13763 55 9-6-16 179604 13635 62 10-6-16 164946 16308 96 11-6-16 145998 13286 58 12-6-16 154281 8958 50
  • 32. Seeding Model A Seeding Model is a form of marketing, designed to target product sampling towards selected targeted consumers. Seeding is the process of allocating marketing to specific customers, or groups of customers, in order to stimulate and encourage them to make use of the product and services. To create loyalty and advocacy towards a brand, seeding trials is used. Companies that have used seeding trials include Procter & Gamble, Microsoft, Hasbro, Google, Unilever, Pepsi, Coke, Ford, DreamWorks SKG, EMI, Sony and Siemens. There are two of the main managerial decisions revolving around seeding Focus on seeding of advertising in a multinational market. The process of seeding the product itself. Determining how many and which consumers within a particular network should be seeded to maximize adoption is a challenging task for the management of the company
  • 33. Seeding Model in T24 Database of Non Data Users
  • 34. Loyalty Model This Model is also known as Value adding Program which includes loyalty schemes in which customers are rewarded with benefits for their patronage. The more the customer spends the higher the rewards. The main objective of this loyalty Model is delighting the customer and gives him an experience of Personal Touch because delighted customers are the ones who will retain with the company for a longer time period. Firms or organizations should meet or exceed customer expectations on important attributes such as quality, service, price stability, and style. In T24 Value derived is done in many ways: Free Local/STD Minutes Free Night Packs Free VAS (Call me tunes, Cricket Alerts, Miss Call Alerts etc) Freebies in form of T-shirts, Cap, Bag etc. Free Data Packs or SMS Pack on Birthday, anniversary etc.
  • 35. Professional Skills Learnt Analytical Skills. IT Skills (SAS, Google Analytics Tool) Team Coordination Communication Skills Advance MS Office Content Writing Skills Marketing Skills Tele Sales Skills Customer Service Skills
  • 37. Research Work Objective of Research: Irrespective of Customers being provided with Free Talktime benefits on Shopping at Future Group outlets we observed usage of customers is too low. Customers are reluctant towards the use of services. Therefore a need and opportunity arises to learn & understand the customer intention towards T24 and thereby increasing customer penetration. Sample size and collection of Data: The sample size was 60, collected through telephonic V.O.C. SAMPLE UNIT: Due to the Language constraints in the Circles of South India, the sample units were taken from the Circles of North India mainly Uttar Pradesh East and Uttar Pradesh West.
  • 39. 57% 22% 21% Not Attended Calls Switch Off Incorrect Number Out of Coverage Area 47% 15% 13% 18% 7% Attended Calls No Awareness Already Two Simcards Network Problem Casual Attitude Sim Card Lost
  • 45. Future Group need to spend more money on advertisement of T24 in order to create awareness among the Prospective Customers as well as for the Existing Customers. Tata Teleservices Limited should increase Channel of Distribution for T24. Also, there is a need for innovation in implementation of marketing strategies in T24 by Tata Teleservices Limited. There is a need for proactive digital marketing campaign for T24. Furthermore, In the marketing Team of T24 (Tata Teleservices Limited) there is a need for additional manpower in order to handle various other departments like Vas, etc.
  • 46. Should endorse a Brand Ambassador for T24. Need for awareness education program for retailers about T24. For Sales, Future Group needs to motivate the sales executive and need to change the attitude of Sales Executive attitude from Quantity Selling to Quality Selling. Tata Teleservices Limited has to emphasize more on Network.