A quick talk on communication for startups, including copywriting, graphics, social media and advertising. Presented to www.startmate.com.au startup intake Feb 2012.
2. Im very old
I just got
accepted into Ill just need a little
Startmate of your essential
life force...
3. Im very old
I just got
accepted into Ill just need a little
Startmate of your essential
life force...
4. Im very old
I just got
accepted into Ill just need a little
Startmate of your essential
life force...
5. Im very old
I just got
accepted into Ill just need a little
Startmate of your essential
life force...
Chief Hindsight Of鍖cer
6. Document your journey
Weekly email report
Blog posts and Twitter
Photos and videos
Music, food, pubs, cafes, cocktails...
Employees, investors, media, your
mum, your partner, your kids and
YOU will want this one day!
8. Words should be easy to read
Upper-and-lower case is easier to skim A line of serif type is easier to skim and
and RETAIN THAN ALL UPPER CASE retain than a line of sans-serif type
Left-justified is easier to skim and retain Speling mistaks, comon typos and errors
than a block of punctuation kill retention and brand
of centre credibility
text Customers buy benefits over features 2:1
People are still fooled by $39.95
12. Videos should be brief
<30% of homepage videos longer
than 3mins are watched to the end
<50% of homepage videos 2-3mins
are watched to the end
<70% of homepage videos <2mins
are watched to the end
13. Videos should be optional
Video doesnt work for people who:
Already know something about
your product
Have questions, want to skip to
Are short on time
Are visually or audio-impaired
16. Biggest Australian TV audiences ever
1. Diana Spencer's funeral 1997 6. LA Olympic opening ceremony 1984
2. Wedding of Charles and Diana 1981 7. The Sound of Music first TV showing
3. Olympic opening and closing ceremonies
2000 8. Boxing: Rose v Rudkin 1969
4. Cathy Freeman's Olympic gold run 2000 9. The World Of The Seekers 1968
5. Olympic swimming events 2000 10. Roots miniseries, 1977
17. Time to 50M users
Printing press - hundreds of years
Radio - 38 years
TV - 13 years
Web - 4 years
18. Time to 50M users
Printing press - hundreds of years
Radio - 38 years
TV - 13 years Facebook -
100M users
in <9 month
Web - 4 years
19. Facebook reaches half of Australia
49.99% of all Australians use Facebook each month (Aug 2011)
Roughly 50-50 male-female
Grew 855,000 last month
Not just for kids: fastest growing demographics: 45-54 (11%), 25-34 (26%)
20. Facebook reaches half of Australia
49.99% of all Australians use Facebook each month (Aug 2011)
r to Feb, A ustralian
Roughly 50-50 male-female Yea
itter audience grew
Grew 855,000 last month
Not just for kids: fastest growing demographics: 45-54 (11%), 25-34 (26%)
21. Social media best practice
This is a personal medium. Follow the people who tweet about
Communicate like a person, not an you/your organisation
You dont have to respond
Start conversations by asking
questions You dont have to respond in this
Twitter versus Facebook: news
versus current affairs If it gives you pause pause.
22. Listen more than you speak
The egg
means you
dont care
This barrage is
as attractive as
an Amway pitch
23. Great social media tools
Hootsuite - group Facebook and Twitter management
Skitch - quick, simple screen grabber
Bit.ly - shorten an URL, track who clicked on it
UserVoice - great lightweight platform for community engagement
25. How to make your own ads
Create a clear call to action
Click now to find out more
Sell benefits, not features
LinkedIn has great industry and job title targeting
AdRoll.com has great affordable re-targeting
26. How to make your own ads
www.buyads.com is easy for buying display ad campaigns
www.rightbanners.com is great for rapid, good artwork
Dont forget Flickr Creative Commons search and iStockPhoto.com