Evolution of the web has seen the rise and fall of businesses. Traditional brick and mortar model businesses are folding.
What is required to be run a successful business on the web ? How to protect and enhance your current investments on the web ?
3. Evolution of the web will
force businesses to shift from
right to left in the adoption
bell curve
4. Web is cloning to create:
- Facebook Web
- Twitter Web
- Stumbleupon Web
- .
- .
- Google + Web
Doing business on the web was much easier yesterday
5. Level 1 Laggards Level 3 Early Majority
Level 2 Late Majority Level 4 Early Adopters/Innovators
8. Low High Revenue
High Low Cost
Low High Capability
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Level 4 is for early innovators in the market. It will have higher cost but will
provide huge returns in the future.