Here this is my first exprience.this slides all around the market.
A market structure characterized by a single seller, selling a unique product in the market. In a monopoly market, the seller faces no competition, as he is the sole seller of goods with no close substitute.
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Made By Bilal Ahmad
2. Market
In simple words market is a situation in which there are
large numbers of buyers and sellers which are in such a
close contact that buying and selling is determined or
3. Types of market
There are a variety of different market systems. It is important for
small business owners to understand what type of market system
they are operating in when making pricing and production
decisions, or when determining whether to enter or leave a
particular industry
There are main five types of markets
1. Perfect competition
2. Imperfect competition
3. Monopoly
4. Monopolistic competition
5. Oligopoly
4. Perfect Competition
It is a market situation in which there are large
number of buyers and sellers which buy and sell
homogeneous goods.
19. Types of monopolies
1. Natural monopoly
2. Legal monopoly
3. Social monopoly
4. Self-made monopoly
20. Natural monopoly
If major portion of aggregate supply o f a commodity is
produced in some country then that country gets monopoly on
he production of that good.
Like the gulf state majorly the Saudi peninsula have a monopoly
of oil which means they can control the prices and supply of
oil as they wish
21. Legal monopoly
When a firm gets a legal rights to make a commodity and no
other firm has right to make it then it is called legal monopoly
The producers have a legal right of a movie he or she have
produced and if anyone have to make a sequel have to ask a
22. Social monopoly
Sometimes government gives full authority for the supply of a
commodity of service to some institutions or firm for the sake
of social welfare it is called social monopoly
For example WAPDA have social monopoly in electricity they
can only supply it to the consumers
23. Self-made monopoly
When a few sellers are producing a commodity and they unite
instead of competing with one and other and get control on
the price and supply of commodity its is called self-made
Agreement of division of different market (cartel) and agreement
of joint arrangement of resources trust etc.
The term oligopoly derived from two Greek
words:”oligi” means few and “polien” means
sell.oligopoly is a market structure in which
there is a few sellers and more than two of the
homogeneous or differentiated products.So
oligopoly lies in between monopolistics
compition and monopoly.
26. For Example:
We have a example of OPEC which is stand by Organization
of petroleum Exporting Countries this OPEC control by 12
countries and this group of 12 countries had control 79% of
world oil reservers in 2012 according to report.In current
days this group control 44% of oil production in the world
Since they produce oil only in middle east countries now they
include the countries that are outside the middle east.
But now They have also made a formal agreement where
they try to restrict output of the oil so that they can get the
price,whatever they want.
28. Example of Airlines:
Airlines is another example of oligopoly because in oligopoly
market approaching to perfect compititaion.Major Airlines like
British airways and Air France operate their routes with only
few close competitors.
On the other hand,small airlines cartering for the
holidaymaker or offering specialist services.
29. Types Of Oligopoly
There are two types of oligopoly.
Pure/perfect Oligopoly
Imperfect/differentiial Oligopoly