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Perspectives on digitization of music in music academy libraries: problems and challenges NMALC Copenhagen 2010Ole Bisbjerg, State and University Library, Aarhus -  Denmark
agendaWhy digitize? Is digitization relevant for music academy libraries? My aim  to give you an overview of some of the current challenges and subjects to address, when/if you plan to digitize and then preserve the digital data in your institution
agendaDigitization  in principlewhat卒s the purpose? Preservation, protection and/or access / makin available?Institutional repositories or out of the house?
The digital present
Digitization  - in principleDigital Is the opposite of analogue. At present not very precise : digital library, digital culture etcThe change from analogue media to digital media > letters, numbers, sound, video is transferred to a universal computer readable language  communication, processin, transportation, storage and retriving Convergence, which means the the bits/bytes can be used/reused (copied!!)  played/manipulated on many different platformsThe smartphone!
digitization  audiovisual materialsThe original condition is threatened !Sound and video in many many different formatsthe media is fragile and the equipment will soon become obsolete too! Examples: Vax cylinders  - in principle can only be played once!Acetate records, the surface can suddenly craclePrivate magnetic reels (tape) cassette DAT-tapes in proprietaty formats
An optimal digitization process requires a thorough knowledge of the relevant media and the technology for digitization !It is crucial that the process results in files in the right format and right quality so they can be reused and secured for the future!Use only: open, internationally acknowledged standards
Challenges!Challenges:Formats : Compressed or uncompressed ?Lossless eller lossy ?Propriet脱re or open source ?Metadata -  which standard? Remembering, in the best wayCopyrights and DRMNot having IP rights to something may meanyou cant preserve/digitize it.Organizational commitment: Digitization& preservation costs a lot money  - There is only one answer: I.POLICY  you have to make a case first !
Makin a case/plan for digitization  and most important (at the same time) a case/plan for the preservation of the digital data! Need to know first:why youre digitizing/preserving  - what youre d/p, andwhat youre d/p it against.At our scale, many problems are solvable?
Formats for preservation and access
Digital preservation 20 years ago we saved documents on floppys  5.25 ?documents were written in word-prefect ?For eternity, which ismaximum 10 yearsDigital preservation is fundamentally 2 thingsBitpreservationSecure that bits stay the same the next X yearsStorage technologies of today has a lifespan  of 5  max 10 奪rLogical preservationsecure that we can read and understand our saved bits Formats and programs develop very quickly Popularity change over time
Bit preservation beware of Bit rotWe demand more of storage/backupAutenticity100% identical with the originalmore copies of all materialMinimum 3 copies   2 on disc + 1 tape 0r 1 disc + 2 tapes - not in the same place !Checksums!  A file is, fundamentally, a great big number. Do math on the number file. Store the result as metadataCheck of tapes on a routine schedulemigration to new (disc)-systemsTrusted repository :  excellent dokumentation of all facets/ rutines / tasksBit preservation is the easy part!
Logical preservation, 2This is the hard part 3 strategiesMigration: move the file into a new formatEmulation: create a modern hardware/software environment that can deal with the old format  iPhone !!Technology museum = preserving the original platformsIf you own the format : migration strategi is logicalInternet preservation:  emulation Thank God  - its an international problem! 2 EU-projectsPLANETS (http://www.planets-project.eu)DPE (http://www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu)
Institutional repositoriesOpen source Fedora Commons: http://fedora-commons.info/ DSpace: http://dspace.org/ EPrints: http://eprints.org/Commercial ContentDM: http://contentdm.com/ VTLS/Vital: http://www.vtls.com/products/vitalHosted ContentDM: http://contentdm.com/ BePress: http://bepress.com/ Open Repository (based on DSpace): http://www.openrepository.com/ Digitool: http://www.digitool.comDropbox.com!!
Questions  for workshop tomorrow!Could/should we cooperate on a nordic level in this field?  advantages? disadvantages? Discuss which case could be the most relevant for music academy libraries ? 3.	Best practices for us? 4.   Should we / could we develop joint repositories?
linkshttp://www.disc-uk.org/docs/guide.pdfhttp://www.tape-online.net/http://www.mndigital.org/digitizing/standards/http://www.viddler.com/explore/CCAHA/videos/10/Books:Oya Y. Rieger: Preservation in the age of Large-Scale preservation, CLIR, 2008Kevin Bradley: Guidelines on the production and preservation og digital audio objects, IASA,  2nd ed. 2009Dietrich Sch端ller: Audio and video carriers, TAPE 2008
Thanks for your attention! 際際滷sshow is available on slideshare.comContact:  Ole Bisbjerg / ob@statsbiblioteket.dk0045 4064 9783

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Perspectives on digitization of music

  • 1. Perspectives on digitization of music in music academy libraries: problems and challenges NMALC Copenhagen 2010Ole Bisbjerg, State and University Library, Aarhus - Denmark
  • 2. agendaWhy digitize? Is digitization relevant for music academy libraries? My aim to give you an overview of some of the current challenges and subjects to address, when/if you plan to digitize and then preserve the digital data in your institution
  • 3. agendaDigitization in principlewhat卒s the purpose? Preservation, protection and/or access / makin available?Institutional repositories or out of the house?
  • 5. Digitization - in principleDigital Is the opposite of analogue. At present not very precise : digital library, digital culture etcThe change from analogue media to digital media > letters, numbers, sound, video is transferred to a universal computer readable language communication, processin, transportation, storage and retriving Convergence, which means the the bits/bytes can be used/reused (copied!!) played/manipulated on many different platformsThe smartphone!
  • 6. digitization audiovisual materialsThe original condition is threatened !Sound and video in many many different formatsthe media is fragile and the equipment will soon become obsolete too! Examples: Vax cylinders - in principle can only be played once!Acetate records, the surface can suddenly craclePrivate magnetic reels (tape) cassette DAT-tapes in proprietaty formats
  • 7. An optimal digitization process requires a thorough knowledge of the relevant media and the technology for digitization !It is crucial that the process results in files in the right format and right quality so they can be reused and secured for the future!Use only: open, internationally acknowledged standards
  • 8. Challenges!Challenges:Formats : Compressed or uncompressed ?Lossless eller lossy ?Propriet脱re or open source ?Metadata - which standard? Remembering, in the best wayCopyrights and DRMNot having IP rights to something may meanyou cant preserve/digitize it.Organizational commitment: Digitization& preservation costs a lot money - There is only one answer: I.POLICY you have to make a case first !
  • 9. Makin a case/plan for digitization and most important (at the same time) a case/plan for the preservation of the digital data! Need to know first:why youre digitizing/preserving - what youre d/p, andwhat youre d/p it against.At our scale, many problems are solvable?
  • 11. Digital preservation 20 years ago we saved documents on floppys 5.25 ?documents were written in word-prefect ?For eternity, which ismaximum 10 yearsDigital preservation is fundamentally 2 thingsBitpreservationSecure that bits stay the same the next X yearsStorage technologies of today has a lifespan of 5 max 10 奪rLogical preservationsecure that we can read and understand our saved bits Formats and programs develop very quickly Popularity change over time
  • 12. Bit preservation beware of Bit rotWe demand more of storage/backupAutenticity100% identical with the originalmore copies of all materialMinimum 3 copies 2 on disc + 1 tape 0r 1 disc + 2 tapes - not in the same place !Checksums! A file is, fundamentally, a great big number. Do math on the number file. Store the result as metadataCheck of tapes on a routine schedulemigration to new (disc)-systemsTrusted repository : excellent dokumentation of all facets/ rutines / tasksBit preservation is the easy part!
  • 13. Logical preservation, 2This is the hard part 3 strategiesMigration: move the file into a new formatEmulation: create a modern hardware/software environment that can deal with the old format iPhone !!Technology museum = preserving the original platformsIf you own the format : migration strategi is logicalInternet preservation: emulation Thank God - its an international problem! 2 EU-projectsPLANETS (http://www.planets-project.eu)DPE (http://www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu)
  • 14. Institutional repositoriesOpen source Fedora Commons: http://fedora-commons.info/ DSpace: http://dspace.org/ EPrints: http://eprints.org/Commercial ContentDM: http://contentdm.com/ VTLS/Vital: http://www.vtls.com/products/vitalHosted ContentDM: http://contentdm.com/ BePress: http://bepress.com/ Open Repository (based on DSpace): http://www.openrepository.com/ Digitool: http://www.digitool.comDropbox.com!!
  • 15. Questions for workshop tomorrow!Could/should we cooperate on a nordic level in this field? advantages? disadvantages? Discuss which case could be the most relevant for music academy libraries ? 3. Best practices for us? 4. Should we / could we develop joint repositories?
  • 16. linkshttp://www.disc-uk.org/docs/guide.pdfhttp://www.tape-online.net/http://www.mndigital.org/digitizing/standards/http://www.viddler.com/explore/CCAHA/videos/10/Books:Oya Y. Rieger: Preservation in the age of Large-Scale preservation, CLIR, 2008Kevin Bradley: Guidelines on the production and preservation og digital audio objects, IASA, 2nd ed. 2009Dietrich Sch端ller: Audio and video carriers, TAPE 2008
  • 17. Thanks for your attention! 際際滷sshow is available on slideshare.comContact: Ole Bisbjerg / ob@statsbiblioteket.dk0045 4064 9783