The document describes the #BeAHeroApp, which aims to identify and reward heroes who are helping fight the spread of the virus. The app allows people to declare their job profile as a nurse, doctor, security force member, supermarket employee or other essential worker. Businesses can then provide incentives and rewards through the app as a way to thank these heroes. A portion of the app's revenue will be donated to purchase medical equipment and support efforts to fight COVID-19. The goal is to motivate people to stay home by allowing them to "harvest points" through the app and providing chances to win rewards.
2. The way to identify all heroes and say
Thank you!
3. #BeAHeroApp
We stay enclosed and away from other
loved ones, fighting the Virus spread!
Someone should find a way to say
Thank you.
Enhance #StayHome,
We are all Heroes!
4. #BeAHeroApp
We are Doctors and Nurses
fighting at hospitals!
Someone should find a way to say
Thank you.
Enhance #StayHome,
We are all Heroes!
5. #BeAHeroApp
We are Security Forces providing
safety to fellow citizens!
Someone should find a way to say
Thank you.
Enhance #StayHome,
We are all Heroes!
6. #BeAHeroApp
We are Super Markets Employees
providing goods to fellow citizens!
Someone should find a way to say
Thank you.
Enhance #StayHome,
We are all Heroes!
7. #BeAHeroApp
We are Companies strengthening and
rewarding all the everyday Heroes!
Someone should find a way to say
Thank you.
Enhance #StayHome,
We are all Heroes!
8. The way to identify all heroes and say
Thank you!
Is an App where Heroes get rewarded for
staying home, with the help of businesse
providing CSR incentives!
Nurses, Doctors, Security Forces,
Super Markets Employees have
more chances for rewards!
9. #BeAHeroApp
We use geolocation and communication tools
to verify #StayHome
Create a 50m force field around houses.
Home is your harvest point!
Provide a tech structure to measure results and data
Heroes harvest points every hour from push Notifications,
when they #StayHome
No harvesting for #Super Heroes
(Nurses, Doctors, Security Forces,
Super Markets Employees)
How it works
10. #BeAHeroApp
With great everyday Draws!
Super Companies offer motivational gifts
to all the Heroes!
All Heroes have chances to get rewarded
for their attribution!
Super Heroes have more chances for rewards
How we thank you
11. #BeAHeroApp
Businesses provide incentives as a CSR action to say Thank you
to all Heroes and #BeAHero themselves!
They declare their presence to the biggest crisis of our times
and help fellow Heroes!
Which Big Business will say NO to provide to Heroes?
Which Big business wont be present to the
biggest crisis of our times?
Businesses Organizations The State
No Geolocation for them
They just declare their job profile!
If they are winners we identify their job description!
Have more chances to Winning, because
they are our Super Heroes!
Doctors/Nurses - Security Forces
Super Markets Employees are
Super Heroes
12. #BeAHeroApp
The promotion of the app will occur via TV stations with
panhellenic coverage & Digital Communications Media
The Heroes community will gather publicity
by using contemporary communication tolls
How will #BeAHero be promoted?
13. #BeAHeroApp
揃 Businesses Brands Organizations
揃 Citizens
揃 Nurses and Doctors
揃 Super Markets Employees, Pharmacies,
Security Forces
揃 The State
Now it is the time to #BeAHero!
Part of the revenue will be donated for the
purchase of medical equipment
Part of the proceeds of the app
will go for the fight against the pandemic COVID-19
to the Order of American Hellenic Educational
Progressive Association - AHEPA