This document discusses how music educators can use word clouds, or Wordles, to enhance cross-curricular projects in the music classroom. It provides detailed instructions for creating Wordles using the website Examples are given of how Wordles can be used to visualize vocabulary words, standards, or text from literary works to engage students and connect music learning to other subjects like language arts. A specific project is described where students interacted with a Wordle created from jazz poems by Langston Hughes to perform improvised readings and compose related music.
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Infusing Wordles For Cross-Curricular Projects In The Music Classroom
1. Infusing sFor Cross-Curricular Projects In The Music ClassroomWendy Site:http://bloomsinger.wordpress.comWiki:
2. From Wikipedia: The adage A picture is worth a thousand words refersto the idea that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. It also aptly characterizes one of the main goals of visualization, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly. Century Learning Wordle: Century Learning Prezi:
3. And, theres the whole concept of visual literacy in general, which all savvy educators (including music educators) should be constantly addressing. Here are several good web sites related to visualization and visual literacy:Visualization: Literacy:Visual Literacy at WikipediaVisual Literacy: An E-Learning Tutorial on Visualization for Communication, Engineering and BusinessThe International Visual Literacy AssociationA Periodic Table of Visualization MethodsDigital Glyphs: Imaging Ideas in a Visual WorldEvery good music educator utilizes visuals and uncover visuals to help students process instruction, but digital visuals are so vivid, clean, and focus friendly (not to mention how animations hold student interest) that they are even more accommodating than a human model (at least for me). 65% of the students in the learning population are visual learners or visual/auditory combination learners. The majority of my students are visual/auditory combination learners. So, in this era of brain-based instruction I now constantly use digital visuals projected on my SMART Boardto help facilitate music instruction.
4. One of the most facilitative and effective Web 2.0vehicles for music educators to fuel collaborative, connective, cross-curricular, creativity and critical thinking driven, 21st Century Learning (on Prezi) opportunities in the music classroom is an uncomplicated and simply accessed word cloud application called .So what's a Wordle?A Wordleis a Cloud appwhere you can create a word cloud (similar to a tag cloud) from any source text that you copy and past into an import window, paste the URL from a blog, blog feed, or any web page that has an RSS feed, or paste the URL from a Social bookmarking web service (like DeliciousandDiigo).Wordleword cloudsgive greater visual prominence to words that appear most frequently in your text and you can edit your Wordle with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The word cloud images that you create with Wordle can be embedded into your school blog site or web page, you can print them out to use with your document camera, and/or you can save them to the Wordle gallery to share with friends.
5. Okay, so how do I create a Wordle?Its super easy to create Wordle:Open the text source that you want to make a word cloud with.Go to: http://www.wordle.netClick on the Create tab in the top menu.Copy and paste the text from the text source into the create window, then click on Go. Note: Wordle will delete punctuation marks, italic text, bullets, etc. from your text.Click on the Font tab to select which font you want to use in your Wordle.Click on the Language button to format the text in your Wordle. Among the options here are removing common words, removing numbers, presenting words upper and lower case, and getting a word count.Click on the Layout tab to select the layout of your Wordle. There are several options here, but I like to use round edges and half and half horizontal/vertical. You can also opt for the words to appear in Alphabetical Order if you prefer.Click on the Color tab to edit your color scheme of your Wordle. There are several pre-created options here, but you can edit a custom color palette with up to five colors if you prefer. You'll need to enter the standard html color codes (ex. #000000-black and #FFFFFF-white, etc.). You can access a great HTML color code chart (VisiBone) here: http://html-color-codes.comClick on the Open in Window button to view your Wordlebigger.Think twice before clicking on the Randomize button to scatter the words in your Wordle unless you really want to do this.Click on the Save to public gallery button to give your Wordlea title, put your name on it, and/or include a comment about it for the gallery post. When you click on the OK button your Wordlewill post to the public gallery and an embed code will appear in a window below it for you to copy and paste. Important: Be sure to add a bookmark for your Wordle in your browser and/or at your favorite social bookmarking web service (like DeliciousandDiigo). I also like to copy and paste both the web address from my browser address bar and the embed code into a text document for "just in case" storage and I also always capture a screen shot of my Wordles and save them as jpegs.Click on Print to simply print out your Wordleto use a hard copy with your document camera.
6. There are other great word cloud apps out there. Here are a few of the most popular ones:Word Cloud Apps:WordleTagxedoABCYaWord It Out
7. So, how would I use a Wordle in the music classroom to align with ourInstructional Framework andTier 1 Core Instruction Model (Brain Based and Differentiated)?Infusing Wordles For Cross-Curricular Projects In The Music ClassroomWordle:
8. By infusing music lessons, projects, and activities with Wordles derived from literary works in various language arts genres, such as poems, prose, limericks, nonsense words, haikus, stories, legends, folk tales, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, proverbs, narratives, song texts and lyrics, student authored writings and compositions, various forms of information and reference text, vocabulary words, and standards, anchor, KWL, rubric component and data charts, and learning scaffolds, music educators can unleash the power of the written and spoken word to:Prepare Students To LearnIntroduce learning settings, map learning landscapes, and frontload and launch learning contexts to build background for learning, prompt students' writings.Initiate essential questions to activate prior knowledge and instigate students to make learning connections from their own experiences and filters, determine student knowledge base and transition to interface windows of further learning.Clarify PurposeImpel student engagement and interaction, focus students' attention on new information to be covered, and frame the lesson to make information meaningful and relevant by telling compelling stories.Integrate standards visuals, KWL charts, anchor charts, rubric component charts, and learning scaffolds.
9. Present New LearningInvigorate rigor and relevance in instruction by providing visualization for the visual/linguistic learners (statistics say 65% of the population) in the classroom.Intensify and clarify explicit instruction through visualization, chunking information, and providing visually focused think time.ModelTransport and transfer modifications for learning styles (visual and linguistic learners) and accommodations for Special Needs and ESL learners during teacher modeling, mini-lessons, think alouds, read alouds, and re-teaching (formatting, language, font, color coding, layout).Check for UnderstandingNavigate differentiated instruction (content, process, product)learning activities by entry levels, interests, and learning profiles (multiple intelligences, cultural differences, modalities, etc.) (especially useful for facilitating questioning, flexible grouping, and enrichment).Interpret critical words in stories, songs, and students' own creative, narrative and persuasive writings, locate power words, and sort and categorize music and other content area vocabulary word sets, organize inferences, and implant music concept words.
10. PracticePropel critical thinking into synthesis by offering a format for manipulating newly learned informationin rehearsal (rote and elaborative), guided practice, and review.Connect learning across the curriculum to various content areas and accelerate information literacy.Integrate (the written and spoken word) as the framework for music and movement activities (Orff methodology).Inspire creativity, re-creation, and composition in music and other content areas (with Wordles serving as prompts or student end products).Cultivate connectivity, collaborative learning, and innovation.AssessDrive formative and summative assessments.Steer summary,journaling, reflective analysis, closure, and follow-up activities.
11. Heres an example of utilizing a Wordle for a cross-curricular project in music:The Dream Keeper ProjectWordle:
12. In an ongoing project entitled, The Dream Keeper (in conjunction with Dr. Martin Luther King Day on January 17), the Haley Elementary School Fifth Grade studentsinteracted with the following Wordleword cloudcreated from the words of three jazz poems by Langston Hughes, The Dream Keeper, Dreams, and Dream Dust from the book, The Dream Keeper and Other Poems (Langston Hughes, illustrated by Brian Pinkney, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, (The Estate of Langston Hughes), 1994). The Dream Keeper Project Description:1. Students will perform and record (with a digital recorder) improvised and canonic readings of the Langston Hughes jazz poems (preceded by improvised chantings of the words in The Dream KeeperWordleto enter into the context of improvisation) accompanied by improvised Dream Keeper motives on pitched percussion Orff instruments (metallophones and glockenspiels).2. They will sing 3 Dream Ostinatos, accompanied by an improvised Dream Keeper jazz accompaniment using Orff instruments and unpitched percussion (teacher created Orff arrangement), then, perform the combined creative elements in rondo form.3. They will create Dream Cloud visuals (by writing on Dream Clouds on their classs The Dream Keeper Project SMART Notebook file page) about their own dreams and aspirations (by answering leading questions derived from the words in The Dream KeeperWordle and cultural arts information web sites about Langston Hughes, then, write reflections (narrative writings) about their Dream Clouds (using a Dream Cloud prompt template) in comments posted to the Haley Musicbloggers Weblog (as Music Buddies in the Haley Music Technology Lab).
13. 4. They will create Dreamers dance improvisations to portray both the words from the poems in The Dream KeeperWordle and their own Dream Cloud visuals.5. They will create their own notated jazz Dream Keeper compositions (using a teacher created template).6. They will creatively communicate a performance which will include all of the creative elements of the project both during an all-school assembly and in a videoconference collaborating with students from a partner school. 7. They will storyboard and videotape the presentation using Flip video cameras, edit the video in iMovie, then, will post the edited video of the presentation is posted to SchoolTube.8. They will critique their performance of The Dream Keeper Project by posting comments (using the The Dream Keeper Project Critique template) in comments posted to the Haley Musicbloggers Weblog. 9. Students will collaborate in varying creative roles in the completion of the project: Readers (poetry), Singers (ostinatos), Writers (Dream Clouds on SMART Board and Haley Musicbloggers Weblog), Researchers (Langston Hughes) Players (The Dream Keeper Orff arrangement and jazz improvisation), Dancers (Dreamers dance improvisations), Artists (Scratch Dream Clouds), Composers (notated Dream Keeper improvisations), Conductor, Technicians (Smart Board files, digital recorder, music technology workstations, Tandberg Machine), and Videographers (Flip cams), Critics (The Dream Keeper Project Critique template).10. During the course of the project the students will review the criteria included in the Music Project Collaboration Rubric and utilize the Music Project Collaboration Checklist as they collaborate as Music Buddies in varying roles in the completion of the project.
14. You can access the Dream Keeper ProjectWordle by clicking the thumbnail below:You can access the Infusing Wordles For Cross-Curricular Projects In The MusicClassroomhandout (Google Doc) at: can access the Infusing Wordles For Cross-Curricular Projects In The MusicClassroomblog post at .You can access additional resources at theInfusing Wordles For Cross-Curricular Projects In The Music Classroomsection (scroll down) at the Web 2.0 and Cloud Appspage at the .
15. Infusing Wordles For Cross-Curricular Projects In The Music Classroom Web Resources:Visualization: Century Learning: 2.0: Computing: Clouds:
16. Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking Web Services: Color Chart:http://html-color-codes.comhttp://www.visibone.comEmbed Code: Feed: