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Bee Cave Arts Foundation
    Update & Discussion
   Bee Cave Sculpture Park

        Chad Bockius
Next Step  Sculpture Park
Park Video Placeholder
Overview of the park
 Natural setting, integrate to what is there, minimal
  construction and minimal disturbance
 Rotating sculptural displays donated by artists, combined
  with permanent pieces acquired over time
 Integrate education, physical activities and deeper
  community engagement to open up more grant
  opportunities and create a unique experience for kids and
  adults alike
    Ideas: Rubbings, Community Garden, Interactive elements
     (Whisper bench), Community Built Art

           FLOODPLAIN 100 YEAR
             FLOODPLAIN 2 YEAR

                                 Teresa Stephens
              Organic            teresa@pollydog.com
               Landscapes        512-296-4195
Bee Cave Sculpture Park - Presentation to City Council
Possible Sculpture Acquisitions
Bee Cave Sculpture Park - Presentation to City Council
Over 20 species of trees, shrubs,
perennials, grasses and wildflowers
Bee Cave Sculpture Park - Presentation to City Council
Bee Cave Sculpture Park - Presentation to City Council
Bee Cave Sculpture Park Phase 1 Budget
Design/Site Preparation                 Hotel/Motel Tax Funds   City Beautification Funds   Bee Cave Arts Foundation
Landscape/Park Design                          $0.00                     $0.00                    $2,500.00
Underbrush clearing/tree removal               $0.00                     $0.00                 Volunteer Effort
Granite Path (granite & labor)                 $0.00                  $1,575.00                      $0.00
Granite path borders (stones on site)          $0.00                     $0.00                 Volunteer Effort
Total                                          $0.00                  $1,575.00                   $2,500.00

Drainage                                Hotel/Motel Tax Funds   City Beautification Funds   Bee Cave Arts Foundation
Re-grade for drainage & paths                  $0.00                   $985.00                       $0.00
Fill drainage areas with river rock            $0.00                  $3,500.00                      $0.00
Add large boulder stepping stones              $0.00                   $875.00                       $0.00
Total                                          $0.00                  $5,360.00                     $0.00

Sculpture Installations                 Hotel/Motel Tax Funds   City Beautification Funds   Bee Cave Arts Foundation
10 4x4 Concrete Sculpture Pads               $2,000.00                   $0.00                       $0.00
Sculpture sourcing                             $0.00                     $0.00                     $250.00
Installation of sculptures                     $0.00                     $0.00                     $500.00
Payment for leased sculptures                  $0.00                     $0.00                    $1,600.00
Acquisition of 2 permanent sculptures          $0.00                     $0.00                    $4,000.00
Total                                       $2,000.00                   $0.00                     $6,350.00

Miscellaneous                           Hotel/Motel Tax Funds   City Beautification Funds   Bee Cave Arts Foundation
TML Insurance                                 $500.00                    $0.00                       $0.00
Ongoing landscape maintenance                  $0.00                  $1,000.00                Volunteer Effort
New Sign                                       $0.00                     $0.00                     $500.00
Total                                        $500.00                  $1,000.00                     $0.00

Total Expenses                          Hotel/Motel Tax Funds   City Beautification Funds   Bee Cave Arts Foundation
Totals                                     $2,500.00                 $7,935.00                   $8,850.00

Phase 1 (Optional)
Front Entry Beds                        Hotel/Motel Tax Funds   City Beautification Funds   Bee Cave Arts Foundation
Retaining wall for entry beds                  $0.00                  $3,800.00                      $0.00
Soli for entry beds                            $0.00                   $855.00                       $0.00
Plants for entry beds                          $0.00                   $660.00                       $0.00
Mulch for entry beds                           $0.00                   $375.00                       $0.00
Irrigation (optional)                          $0.00                  $1,000.00                      $0.00
Total                                          $0.00                  $6,690.00                     $0.00
Bee Cave Sculpture Park Timeline
COUNCIL UPDATE AND APPROVAL                                                                                                            SCULPTURE INSTALLATION

              PARK CLEAN-UP DAY
                                                                                                          OAK TREE PRUNING

                          CALL TO ARTISTS                                               SCULPTURE SELECTION

          9 Apr                       9 May                    9 Jun                      9 Jul                        9 Aug   9 Sep                    9 Oct

                                              SCULPTURE PADS INSTALLED                                                                            SCULPTURE PARK OPENING

                                                                         DRAINAGE WORK COMPLETE

                                                                                    GRANITE PATH INSTALLATION

                                                 PROJECT DETAILS
                                                       DATE                         MILESTONE
                                                       9-Apr                        Council update and approval
                                                       20-Apr                       Park clean-up day
                                                       1-May                        Call to artists
                                                       1-Jun                        Sculpture pads installed
                                                       30-Jun                       Drainage work complete
                                                       13-Jul                       Granite path installation
                                                       15-Jul                       Sculpture selection
                                                       1-Aug                        Oak tree pruning
                                                       30-Sep                       Sculpture Installation
                                                       12-Oct                       Sculpture Park Opening

More Related Content

Bee Cave Sculpture Park - Presentation to City Council

  • 1. Bee Cave Arts Foundation Update & Discussion Bee Cave Sculpture Park Chad Bockius 2013
  • 2. Next Step Sculpture Park
  • 4. Overview of the park Natural setting, integrate to what is there, minimal construction and minimal disturbance Rotating sculptural displays donated by artists, combined with permanent pieces acquired over time Integrate education, physical activities and deeper community engagement to open up more grant opportunities and create a unique experience for kids and adults alike Ideas: Rubbings, Community Garden, Interactive elements (Whisper bench), Community Built Art
  • 9. Over 20 species of trees, shrubs, perennials, grasses and wildflowers
  • 12. Bee Cave Sculpture Park Phase 1 Budget Design/Site Preparation Hotel/Motel Tax Funds City Beautification Funds Bee Cave Arts Foundation Landscape/Park Design $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 Underbrush clearing/tree removal $0.00 $0.00 Volunteer Effort Granite Path (granite & labor) $0.00 $1,575.00 $0.00 Granite path borders (stones on site) $0.00 $0.00 Volunteer Effort Total $0.00 $1,575.00 $2,500.00 Drainage Hotel/Motel Tax Funds City Beautification Funds Bee Cave Arts Foundation Re-grade for drainage & paths $0.00 $985.00 $0.00 Fill drainage areas with river rock $0.00 $3,500.00 $0.00 Add large boulder stepping stones $0.00 $875.00 $0.00 Total $0.00 $5,360.00 $0.00 Sculpture Installations Hotel/Motel Tax Funds City Beautification Funds Bee Cave Arts Foundation 10 4x4 Concrete Sculpture Pads $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sculpture sourcing $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 Installation of sculptures $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 Payment for leased sculptures $0.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 Acquisition of 2 permanent sculptures $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 Total $2,000.00 $0.00 $6,350.00 Miscellaneous Hotel/Motel Tax Funds City Beautification Funds Bee Cave Arts Foundation TML Insurance $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 Ongoing landscape maintenance $0.00 $1,000.00 Volunteer Effort New Sign $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 Total $500.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 Total Expenses Hotel/Motel Tax Funds City Beautification Funds Bee Cave Arts Foundation Totals $2,500.00 $7,935.00 $8,850.00 Phase 1 (Optional) Front Entry Beds Hotel/Motel Tax Funds City Beautification Funds Bee Cave Arts Foundation Retaining wall for entry beds $0.00 $3,800.00 $0.00 Soli for entry beds $0.00 $855.00 $0.00 Plants for entry beds $0.00 $660.00 $0.00 Mulch for entry beds $0.00 $375.00 $0.00 Irrigation (optional) $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 Total $0.00 $6,690.00 $0.00
  • 13. Bee Cave Sculpture Park Timeline COUNCIL UPDATE AND APPROVAL SCULPTURE INSTALLATION PARK CLEAN-UP DAY OAK TREE PRUNING CALL TO ARTISTS SCULPTURE SELECTION 9 Apr 9 May 9 Jun 9 Jul 9 Aug 9 Sep 9 Oct SCULPTURE PADS INSTALLED SCULPTURE PARK OPENING DRAINAGE WORK COMPLETE GRANITE PATH INSTALLATION PROJECT DETAILS DATE MILESTONE 9-Apr Council update and approval 20-Apr Park clean-up day 1-May Call to artists 1-Jun Sculpture pads installed 30-Jun Drainage work complete 13-Jul Granite path installation 15-Jul Sculpture selection 1-Aug Oak tree pruning 30-Sep Sculpture Installation 12-Oct Sculpture Park Opening

Editor's Notes

  • #10: Large TreesUlmuscrassifolia- Cedar elmQuercusfusiformis- Texas live oakFraxinusamericana- White ashPlatanusoccidentalis- American sycamoreSmall Trees and ShrubsSophorasecundiflora- Texas mountain laurelDiospyrostexana- Texas persimmonMahoniatrifoliolata- AgaritaSabal minor - Dwarf palmettoOpuntiasp. - PricklypearPerennials and Grasses*Iris sp. - Wild IrisHilariabelangeri- Curly mesquite grassSchizachyriumscoparium- Little bluestem*There are many more perennial wild flowers and grasses on site, but they are justwaking up for spring and I have not identified them all.