This document discusses the importance of controlling one's tongue and speaking truthfully according to Psalms 24:3-5. It provides commentary on verses 3-5 and explains that those who receive blessings from God are those who have clean hands, a pure heart, and do not use their tongue for lies or deceit. The document emphasizes avoiding rash promises, guarding one's words, and developing a holy fear of God to help ensure truthful speech.
This document contains summaries and titles of various Islamic lectures, videos and documents on topics such as making dua on New Year's Day, how Mufti Menk spends his day during curfew, the rewards for taking care of the ill, the first night of marriage as advised by Prophet Muhammad, asking questions, seeking forgiveness during tough times, how to attain peace of mind in tough times, the benefits of covering yourself, how to deal with competing priorities, how to develop yourself during quarantine, how to balance fear and hope, protecting from the anger of Allah, what happens when you say something bad about others, the story of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, sickness as a blessed gift, marriage without
In the midst of life's challenges God takes us through a reality check of our circumstances. There are areas of our lives we would avoid but God had to usher Ezekiel through the valley of dry bones.
As God ushers you to the fields of uncertainty, all we need is to have a feeling of total dependence on God - Omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent.
Nomatter the challenge we have confidence in that God's hand is upon us for power and direction
50 days of prosperity - george pearsonsTrueProphet
1. This document outlines a 50-day prosperity study by Pastor George Pearsons of Eagle Mountain International Church. It begins with an introduction from Pastor Pearsons about the purpose of teaching on prosperity and why God wants His people to prosper.
2. The document then provides the outline for Day 1 of the study, which discusses biblical passages showing that God wants His people to prosper financially and provisionally according to His covenant.
3. It also includes a word from Kenneth Copeland about how everything will be alright for the household of faith, even though the world is facing serious trouble, and encourages believers to stand on God's word through praise and worship.
Two men two trials mark 14-53-72 - march 16, 2014John Smith
1) The document discusses two trials described in the Gospel of Mark - the trial of Jesus and the trial of Peter. It notes several illegalities in Jesus' trial before religious and civil authorities.
2) Despite facing unjust treatment and humiliation, Jesus remained calm and faithful, setting an example of how to respond when persecuted for one's faith.
3) The document contrasts Jesus and Peter, noting that while Peter sought to follow Jesus at a distance for safety, true faith requires open allegiance even when it is not safe. Believers are called to follow Jesus' example of facing persecution with courage and placing one's trust in God.
There are Bible prophecies which depict events that will occur in the end of times. These kinds of prophecies, in theological circles, are referred to as eschatology. This is not what we are talking about.
This document provides advice on cultivating contentment based on the story of Winifred, a discontent man who collects complaints. It discusses how, like Winifred, humans often waste time dwelling on past regrets or future worries instead of living in the present. However, the document asserts that one can learn to be content in any situation through faith in Christ, as exemplified by Paul in the Bible. It encourages focusing on blessings over burdens and finding sufficiency internally rather than in external things, as true contentment comes from having one's life centered in Christ.
This document provides an introduction to and overview of the topic of dominion over demons. It discusses how man has both a physical body and a spiritual nature, and how the spiritual world interacts with humans. It explains that demons can afflict and deceive people, but that Christians have been given authority and power over demons through Jesus. The document encourages testing all spiritual experiences and teachings against scripture to avoid being misled by deceiving spirits.
This document provides details about an upcoming Old Testament Sunday School lesson and contact information for the teacher, Daniel Burgess. It then shares the outline and content of the lesson titled "Happy Is the Man That Findeth Wisdom". The lesson discusses topics like wisdom, trust in the Lord, friendship, raising children, and happiness. It includes several scripture references from Proverbs.
Dreams & mysteries notes blessing and cursingKaturi Susmitha
This document discusses various famous curses throughout history like the Curse of the Bambino and the Curse of the Hope Diamond. It then explores blessings and curses in the Bible, noting that curses came into the world through Adam and Eve's sin but that Jesus took curses upon himself. It explains that blessings and curses come from words and can set spiritual forces in motion. Blessings were God's original intent for humanity to subdue the earth. The document encourages speaking blessings over oneself to counter curses and live freely under God's blessings.
A MUST READ FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN. A most important book containing the Words of Our LORD Jesus to the church. It has prophecies regarding the rapture of the church, how to prepare for that great visitation and the tribulation and judgements that will be after the church of Christ is taken away. it contains details about the antichrist, his operations and the terror that he will reign on earth. it gives great information on how to escape all the coming terror and how to make it to heaven.
This document is a summary of a book by Derek Prince about forgiveness. It discusses the two directions of forgiveness represented by the cross - vertical forgiveness we receive from God, and horizontal forgiveness between people. It emphasizes that all have sinned and fallen short before God, so we all need God's forgiveness. The basis for forgiveness is what Jesus did on the cross - He took our sins and guilt upon Himself, satisfying God's justice. True forgiveness is received through faith in what Jesus accomplished, not by our own works or merits. When God forgives, He completely forgives.
This article discusses how to say the right thing and avoid offending with our words. It notes that while language can be used for good or bad, controlling the tongue is key to self-control. The tongue can bless or harm greatly. The article provides tips for saying the right thing, such as remembering we are all human and will make mistakes, being slow to speak and slow to anger, and remembering that God is always listening to our words. We will be judged based on every word we speak.
The document is an introduction to a book about the seven longings of the human heart. It discusses how God intentionally designed humans with universal longings or cravings that can only truly be satisfied by God. These longings include being enjoyed by God, fascination, beauty, greatness, intimacy without shame, being wholehearted, and making a deep impact. When fulfilled in God, these longings bring pleasure and satisfaction, but when pursued through counterfeit means they leave people empty. The introduction explores how understanding these God-given longings can help people find purpose and victory in life.
The author describes growing up in London and feeling drawn to spiritual things from a young age, finding school lessons boring in comparison. He experienced visions and revelations from God that gave him understanding of spiritual concepts beyond his earthly training. The author came to have an intimate relationship with God through visitations to Heaven where he received teachings directly from the Holy Spirit.
The document discusses Joseph's life based on Genesis 39-40 and contains 4 key points:
1. Joseph was successful even while in prison, as the warden put him in charge of the other prisoners.
2. Joseph helped others despite his own difficulties, interpreting the dreams of two fellow prisoners.
3. Joseph remained effective while imprisoned himself, correctly predicting the outcomes for the prisoners as came to pass.
4. The document exhorts dealing properly with injustice by maintaining godliness, faith, and avoiding bitterness.
This document discusses Psalms 24:3-5 from the Bible. It provides the biblical passage in both English and Tagalog. The passage describes who shall receive blessings from God - those who have clean hands and a pure heart, who do not worship idols or speak lies. The document then provides additional commentary on this passage, including explanations of certain terms and qualifications for receiving God's blessings. It emphasizes that one must be morally pure both externally and internally to stand before God.
Jesus tells his disciples that he has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. He commands them to make disciples of all nations by baptizing new believers and teaching them to obey Jesus' commands. Jesus promises that he will be with his disciples always, to the end of the age, as they carry out this Great Commission. The document explores the meaning and implications of Jesus' last commands to his followers.
Jesus spoke his final words to his disciples, commanding them to go forth and make disciples of all nations through baptism and teaching obedience to Christ. He promised to be with them always. The Gospel accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Acts record Jesus' commission for his followers to spread the good news to the entire world.
Jesus spoke his final words to his disciples, commanding them to go forth and make disciples of all nations through baptism and teaching obedience to Christ. He promised to be with them always. The Gospel accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Acts record Jesus' commission for his followers to spread the good news to the entire world.
1. The document describes Saul's death at the hands of the Philistines after a battle, with his sons also being killed.
2. It then discusses Doeg the Edomite, who Saul orders to kill the priests of God after they helped David. Doeg kills 85 priests.
3. The last section discusses the descendants of Saul, including Michal who didn't have children, Jonathan who was killed in battle, and Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan who David showed kindness to due to his promise to Jonathan.
God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that all who believe in Him will not perish but have eternal life. The passage expresses God's love for humanity and His provision of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ to avoid spiritual death and gain everlasting life.
The document defines key words from a Bible passage, including wisdom, intelligence, instruction, and asking. It then explores the origins and meanings of these words in both Hebrew and other ancient languages. Various Bible verses are also examined and illustrated. The etymology of the name of God is explored, along with the symbolic meanings of the letters in the name YHWH. Faith and doubt are discussed in relation to asking God for wisdom.
The summary of the document is:
1) The book of James is a practical guide that instructs Christians on how to live out their faith through hard times.
2) It was likely written by James, the half-brother of Jesus, to Jewish Christians experiencing persecution around AD 46.
3) The document outlines that trials can strengthen faith when believers understand that God uses difficulties to produce perseverance.
1) The document discusses wisdom as presented in Proverbs 1:7, explaining the Hebrew meanings of key terms like "fear of the Lord", "knowledge", and "fools".
2) Multiple benefits of wisdom are outlined from Proverbs 2, including victory, protection, guarding one's ways, and avoiding evil and death.
3) Quotes are provided defining wisdom as the ability to see from God's perspective and to implement his will, as well as being true, right, and good judgment.
Dreams & mysteries notes blessing and cursingKaturi Susmitha
This document discusses various famous curses throughout history like the Curse of the Bambino and the Curse of the Hope Diamond. It then explores blessings and curses in the Bible, noting that curses came into the world through Adam and Eve's sin but that Jesus took curses upon himself. It explains that blessings and curses come from words and can set spiritual forces in motion. Blessings were God's original intent for humanity to subdue the earth. The document encourages speaking blessings over oneself to counter curses and live freely under God's blessings.
A MUST READ FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN. A most important book containing the Words of Our LORD Jesus to the church. It has prophecies regarding the rapture of the church, how to prepare for that great visitation and the tribulation and judgements that will be after the church of Christ is taken away. it contains details about the antichrist, his operations and the terror that he will reign on earth. it gives great information on how to escape all the coming terror and how to make it to heaven.
This document is a summary of a book by Derek Prince about forgiveness. It discusses the two directions of forgiveness represented by the cross - vertical forgiveness we receive from God, and horizontal forgiveness between people. It emphasizes that all have sinned and fallen short before God, so we all need God's forgiveness. The basis for forgiveness is what Jesus did on the cross - He took our sins and guilt upon Himself, satisfying God's justice. True forgiveness is received through faith in what Jesus accomplished, not by our own works or merits. When God forgives, He completely forgives.
This article discusses how to say the right thing and avoid offending with our words. It notes that while language can be used for good or bad, controlling the tongue is key to self-control. The tongue can bless or harm greatly. The article provides tips for saying the right thing, such as remembering we are all human and will make mistakes, being slow to speak and slow to anger, and remembering that God is always listening to our words. We will be judged based on every word we speak.
The document is an introduction to a book about the seven longings of the human heart. It discusses how God intentionally designed humans with universal longings or cravings that can only truly be satisfied by God. These longings include being enjoyed by God, fascination, beauty, greatness, intimacy without shame, being wholehearted, and making a deep impact. When fulfilled in God, these longings bring pleasure and satisfaction, but when pursued through counterfeit means they leave people empty. The introduction explores how understanding these God-given longings can help people find purpose and victory in life.
The author describes growing up in London and feeling drawn to spiritual things from a young age, finding school lessons boring in comparison. He experienced visions and revelations from God that gave him understanding of spiritual concepts beyond his earthly training. The author came to have an intimate relationship with God through visitations to Heaven where he received teachings directly from the Holy Spirit.
The document discusses Joseph's life based on Genesis 39-40 and contains 4 key points:
1. Joseph was successful even while in prison, as the warden put him in charge of the other prisoners.
2. Joseph helped others despite his own difficulties, interpreting the dreams of two fellow prisoners.
3. Joseph remained effective while imprisoned himself, correctly predicting the outcomes for the prisoners as came to pass.
4. The document exhorts dealing properly with injustice by maintaining godliness, faith, and avoiding bitterness.
This document discusses Psalms 24:3-5 from the Bible. It provides the biblical passage in both English and Tagalog. The passage describes who shall receive blessings from God - those who have clean hands and a pure heart, who do not worship idols or speak lies. The document then provides additional commentary on this passage, including explanations of certain terms and qualifications for receiving God's blessings. It emphasizes that one must be morally pure both externally and internally to stand before God.
Jesus tells his disciples that he has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. He commands them to make disciples of all nations by baptizing new believers and teaching them to obey Jesus' commands. Jesus promises that he will be with his disciples always, to the end of the age, as they carry out this Great Commission. The document explores the meaning and implications of Jesus' last commands to his followers.
Jesus spoke his final words to his disciples, commanding them to go forth and make disciples of all nations through baptism and teaching obedience to Christ. He promised to be with them always. The Gospel accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Acts record Jesus' commission for his followers to spread the good news to the entire world.
Jesus spoke his final words to his disciples, commanding them to go forth and make disciples of all nations through baptism and teaching obedience to Christ. He promised to be with them always. The Gospel accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Acts record Jesus' commission for his followers to spread the good news to the entire world.
1. The document describes Saul's death at the hands of the Philistines after a battle, with his sons also being killed.
2. It then discusses Doeg the Edomite, who Saul orders to kill the priests of God after they helped David. Doeg kills 85 priests.
3. The last section discusses the descendants of Saul, including Michal who didn't have children, Jonathan who was killed in battle, and Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan who David showed kindness to due to his promise to Jonathan.
God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that all who believe in Him will not perish but have eternal life. The passage expresses God's love for humanity and His provision of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ to avoid spiritual death and gain everlasting life.
The document defines key words from a Bible passage, including wisdom, intelligence, instruction, and asking. It then explores the origins and meanings of these words in both Hebrew and other ancient languages. Various Bible verses are also examined and illustrated. The etymology of the name of God is explored, along with the symbolic meanings of the letters in the name YHWH. Faith and doubt are discussed in relation to asking God for wisdom.
The summary of the document is:
1) The book of James is a practical guide that instructs Christians on how to live out their faith through hard times.
2) It was likely written by James, the half-brother of Jesus, to Jewish Christians experiencing persecution around AD 46.
3) The document outlines that trials can strengthen faith when believers understand that God uses difficulties to produce perseverance.
1) The document discusses wisdom as presented in Proverbs 1:7, explaining the Hebrew meanings of key terms like "fear of the Lord", "knowledge", and "fools".
2) Multiple benefits of wisdom are outlined from Proverbs 2, including victory, protection, guarding one's ways, and avoiding evil and death.
3) Quotes are provided defining wisdom as the ability to see from God's perspective and to implement his will, as well as being true, right, and good judgment.
1. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Psalms 24:3-5
2. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
3. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Psalms 24:3-5
3Who shall ascend into the
hill of the LORD? or who
shall stand in his holy place?
4He that hath clean hands,
and a pure heart; who hath
not lifted up his soul unto
vanity, nor sworn
deceitfully.5He shall receive
the blessing from the LORD,
and righteousness from the
4. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Awit 24:3
3Sino ang marapat umahon
sa burol Sa burol ni
Yahweh, sino ngang aahon?
Sino'ng papayagang pumasok
sa templo, Sino'ng
tutulutang pumasok na tao?
5. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Who shall ascend into
the hill of the Lord?
6. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Mount Zion; called the hill
of the Lord, because it was
the place designated for His
worship, or the place of His
7. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Or who shall stand in
his holy place?
8. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
In the tabernacle, or
in the place where he
is worshipped.
9. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
10. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
1..Cleanness of hands:
He that has clean hands; is
free from all external
wicked actions.
11. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
2Purity of heart.
For external purity is not
enough, except the heart,
the fountain of our actions,
be clean.
12. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
3Truth of the tongue.
Is not guilty of lies and
13. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
14. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Psalms 24:4
Siya, na malinis ang isip at
buhay, Na hindi sumamba sa
15. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Mga Hukom 11
30Sumumpa si Jefta kay
Yahweh ng ganito: "Kapag
pinagtagumpay ninyo ako
laban sa mga Ammonita,
31susunugin ko bilang handog
sa inyo ang unang lalabas sa
aking bahay at sasalubong sa
akin pag-uwi ko." 32Sinalakay
nga ni Jefta ang mga Ammonita
at pinagtagumpay siya ni
16. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Mga Hukom 11
34Nang magbalik si Jefta sa
Mizpa, sinalubong siya ng anak
niyang babae na sumasayaw sa
saliw ng tamburin. Siya ang
kaisa-isang anak ni Jefta. 35Nang
makita siya ni Jefta, pinunit niya
ang kanyang damit at buong
paghihinagpis na sinabi, "Anak ko,
kay bigat na bagay nitong ginawa
mo sa akin ngayon. Ang panata ko
17. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Mga Hukom 11
36Sumagot ang anak ni Jefta,
"Kung may panata kayo kay
Yahweh, tuparin ninyo iyon
sapagkat ipinaghiganti niya
kayo laban sa inyong mga
kaaway na mga Ammonita.
18. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
A slip of the foot you may
soon recover, But a slip of
the tongue you may never
get over.
Benjamin Franklin
19. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Birds are entangled by
their feet and men by their
Sir Thomas Fuller
20. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Honesty is such a lonely
Everyone is so untrue.
Honesty is hardly ever
And mostly what I need
from you
21. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Romans 3:4
Let God be true, but
every man a liar;
22. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Mateo 12:36-37
Tandaan ninyo, sa Araw
ng Paghuhukom,
pananagutan ng tao ang
bawat walang
kabuluhang salitang
sinabi niya. Pawawalang-
sala ka, o parurusahan,
batay sa iyong mga
23. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
24. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
James 3:1-12
1Mga kapatid, hindi dapat na
maging guro ang marami sa
inyo, dahil alam ninyo na
tayong mga nagtuturo ay
hahatulan nang mas mahigpit
kaysa iba. 2Tayong lahat ay
nagkakamali sa iba't ibang
paraan. Ang sinumang hindi
nagkakamali sa kanyang
pananalita ay isang taong ganap
25. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
3Kapag nilagyan ng pakagata
ang bibig ng kabayo, ito'y
napapasunod natin at
napapabaling saanman natin
naisin. 4Tingnan ninyo ang
barko, kahit na ito'y
napakalaki at itinutulak ng
malalakas na hangin, ay
naibabaling saanman naisin ng
piloto sa pamamagitan ng
26. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
5Ganyan din ang dila ng tao;
maliit na bahagi lamang ng
katawan, ngunit napakalaki ng
nagagawang kayabangan.Isipin
na lamang ninyo kung paano
napapalagablab ng isang maliit
na apoy ang isang malawak na
kagubatan. 6Ang dila ay parang
apoy, isang daigdig ng
kasamaang nagpaparumi sa
ating buong pagkatao.
27. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Ang apoy nito ay mula sa
impiyerno at sinusunog ang
lahat sa buhay ng tao. 7Lahat ng
uri ng ibon at hayop na
lumalakad, o gumagapang, o
nakatira sa tubig ay kayang
paamuin, at talagang
napapaamo ng tao, 8ngunit wala
pang nakakapagpaamo sa dila.
Ito ay kasamaang hindi mapigil,
28. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
9Ito ang ginagamit natin sa
pagpupuri sa ating Panginoon at
Ama, at ito rin ang ginagamit
natin sa paglait sa taong
nilalang na kalarawan ng
Diyos. 10Sa iisang bibig
nanggagaling ang pagpupuri't
panlalait. Hindi ito dapat
mangyari, mga kapatid. 11Hindi
lumalabas sa iisang bukal ang
tubig-tabang at tubig-alat.
29. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
12Mga kapatid, hinding-hindi
makakapamunga ng olibo ang
puno ng igos, o ng igos ang puno
ng ubas, at lalong hindi rin
bumubukal ang tubig-tabang sa
bukal ng tubig-alat.
30. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Gossip is saying
something, even if it is
true, with the intent to
cause personal harm.
By that definition we
are all guilty.
31. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
1. The Tongue needs
to be Controlled
the bit, the rudder
and animals being
Each of these words
in Greek gives an
understanding of
both restraint and
32. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Nothing causes more
trouble than the
Jewish Proverb
33. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
The great test of a
mans character is his
Oswald Chambers
34. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
What causes people to speak
out of turn?
1. Nature - Our sinful nature
is to do exactly these kinds
of things and to inflict hurt
on other people.
2. Nurture
3. Negative spirit
4. Newness in Christ
35. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Think before you
T--Is it true?
H--Is it helpful?
I--Is it inspiring?
N--Is it necessary?
K--Is it kind?
36. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Proverbs 1: 7 The fear of the
LORD is the beginning of
knowledge: but fools
despise wisdom and
37. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
This fear of the lord is
indeed the beginning of
wisdom. This consciousness
of sin is the straight
pathway to heaven.
Joseph Barber
38. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Proverbs 22:4
True humility and fear
of the lord lead to
riches, honor, and long
39. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Proverbs 10:18-19
18Ang nagtatanim ng poot
ay puno ng
kasinungalingan, ang
naninira sa kanyang kapwa
ay isang taong mangmang.
19Ang taong masalita ay
malapit sa pagkakasala,
ngunit ang nagpipigil ng
dila ay dunong ang
40. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Proverbs 13: 3
Ang maingat magsalita ay
nag-iingat ng kanyang
buhay, ngunit ang taong
madaldal ay nasasadlak
sa kapahamakan.
41. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Psalms 24:3-5
3Sino ang marapat umahon
sa burol Sa burol ni
Yahweh, sino ngang aahon?
Sino'ng papayagang pumasok
sa templo, Sino'ng
tutulutang pumasok na tao?
42. BLESS OUR LAND TO SHINE 属 June 2, 2013
TRUTH OF THE TONGUE 属 Psalms 24:3-5
Psalms 24:3-5
4Siya, na malinis ang isip at
buhay, Na hindi sumamba sa
diyos-diyosan; Tapat sa
pangako na binibitiwan. 5Ang
Diyos na si Yahweh,
pagpapalain siya, Ililigtas
siya't pawawalang-sala.