About Me: Well, I guess the ABCs can best describe who am I :
[ A]nti-discriminators, backstabbers & liars
[ B]ubbly
[C]an't survive without friends
[D]ie-hard fans of BEYOND
[E]njoys life to the fullest
[F]riendly but forgetful esp. names
[G]reat sense of humour
[H]ate to be alone & happy-go-lucky
[I]mpatient (depends on situation)
[K]urang-ajar when I loses my temper (seldom happens,tho!)
[L]ive to eat instead of eat to live!
[M]ad over people who take things for granted
[N]ever neglected family & friends
[Q]ueit only when I'm asleep or SICK!
[R]eckless (Once in a blue moon!)
[S]tubborn (but soft-hearted!)