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Scenario In the year 2015 inan undergroundmilitarybase underthe cityof New Yorka groupof
top scientistsandmilitarygeneralswere workingonanew superweaponknownasProjectGreen.
Many people protestedagainstthe weaponbeingmade astheywere scaredthatit wouldexplode.
These riotswere sometimeviolentandcausedmassdisturbance tothe city.On June 5th
2015 a small
groupof protesterscutthe powerto try and shutdownthe lab,howevercuttingthe powercaused
the bombelectricstohaywire and explodereleasinggasinto the ventilationsystemandintothe
atmosphere .
ProjectGreen -Thisgasreleasedfromthe bombwasknownas GreenGas and spreadsbyair and
water. Once the gas had enteredthe bodyitdissolvedthe lungsandkilledthe recipientswithindays.
 Bleedingfromthe eyes
Infected - Afterthe recipienthasdiedagene onlyhumansprocessmutatescausingthe corpse to
animate withinapproximately30minutes,afterthe corpse hasbeenanimatedtheyshow signsof
aggressionandintentof murder.The infectedsurvive fromthe consumptionof humanmeatand
flesh.The infectedrecipientsmove slow andsluggishwithrandomspurtsof energywhenanon-
infectedhumancomesintopath,the infectedmove inhordeslikecattle almostprotectingeach
other,coveringlarge distancesorspreadingoutaroundone area. The disease isalsospreadthrough
the contact of infectedandnon-infectedbodilyfluids.
Currentsituation The yearis 2016 1 yearsafterthe 1st
infected.The infectionhasspreadacrossthe
whole worldwithmanycountriessuchasRussiaandFrance fallingtoinfectionandanarchy.There is
no powertoany city generatedbypowerstations.The onlypowerisgenerated throughbatteries
and generators.Foodisscaresand manypeople fightforwhatif left.The worldisriddledwith
banditsandcannibalswithone a fewsane survivorsleft.67% are infected30% of the populationare
deadand just3% survive.
Main characters  Our story fallows3friendswhowere basedjustoutsidethe infectionzoneof New
York whenthe bombexploded.Theywere travelingtoNew Yorkto helpwiththe riots andwere sent
by BritishPrivate MilitaryCompanyANOXto take control of the town square.Theywere just2
hoursdrive awaywhenthe bombexplodedandNew Yorkbecame infected.OurMaincharacters
decidedtomake theirwayto NewYorkto helpevacuate the citywiththe helpof the National
Guard, Usingtechnologybuiltintotheirjeep theywere able todeterminethatthere washighlevels
of toxicgasaround the city.Two daysintotheirnew missioncitizensandSoldiersstartedtobecome
infected. All knownauthoritiesandhelpcollapsedandforcedthe 3 characters to flee tothe suburbs
of NewYork.There newmissionwastosurvive.
Name  Lance Corporal Terence Byrne
Age - 28
Birthplace  Manchester
Occupation  Privatelycontracted soldier(SAS)
Story  Terence wasborn the small townof Ecclesand joinedthe armyat the age of 16, after 4 tours
of IRAQhe was promotedtoLance corporal and leada squadof 5 menaround Afghanistanfor6
yearsin the SAS. He thenjoinedaprivate militarycompanyknownasANOX anddeployedto
Americato helpcontrol riotswithhis2 friendsLance Corporal AnthonyBowesandLance Corporal
Harry Johnson.
Name  Lance Corporal Anthony Bowes
Age - 28
Birthplace - Blackburn
Occupation - Privatelycontracted soldier(SAS)
Story  Anthony wasbornin Blackburnbutmovedto Ecclesand metTerence inhighschool,they
joinedthe militaryandrankeduptogetherandwasinhissquadall the time.After4tours of Iraq and
2 yearsof AfghanistanwithTerence inthe SASAnthonymovedtoANOXwherehe metHarryand 4
yearslaterconvincedTerence tomove tothe company.
Name  Lance Corporal Harry Johnson
Age - 27
Birthplace - Manchester
Occupation - Privatelycontracted soldier(SAS)
Story  Harry grew upin a militaryhome as hisdad wasa solider,he joinedthe armyat18 and
joinedthe private militarycompanyPhoenixbutmovedafterafightwitha staff sergeant. He moved
to ANOXthe same time as Terence andAnthonyandformeda squadwitha solidercalledUsain.
Unfortunatelyhe waskilledinamissioninSiberiaandthe three have stayedtogethersince.
The three soldierswere senttoNewYork3 days before projectgreenexplodedandwere there to
control riotsin the townsquare.There new mission,tosurvive.

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Story development

  • 1. Scenario In the year 2015 inan undergroundmilitarybase underthe cityof New Yorka groupof top scientistsandmilitarygeneralswere workingonanew superweaponknownasProjectGreen. Many people protestedagainstthe weaponbeingmade astheywere scaredthatit wouldexplode. These riotswere sometimeviolentandcausedmassdisturbance tothe city.On June 5th 2015 a small groupof protesterscutthe powerto try and shutdownthe lab,howevercuttingthe powercaused the bombelectricstohaywire and explodereleasinggasinto the ventilationsystemandintothe atmosphere . ProjectGreen -Thisgasreleasedfromthe bombwasknownas GreenGas and spreadsbyair and water. Once the gas had enteredthe bodyitdissolvedthe lungsandkilledthe recipientswithindays. Symptomsincluded; Couching Vomiting Bleedingfromthe eyes Itchyskin Bonesweakened Infected - Afterthe recipienthasdiedagene onlyhumansprocessmutatescausingthe corpse to animate withinapproximately30minutes,afterthe corpse hasbeenanimatedtheyshow signsof aggressionandintentof murder.The infectedsurvive fromthe consumptionof humanmeatand flesh.The infectedrecipientsmove slow andsluggishwithrandomspurtsof energywhenanon- infectedhumancomesintopath,the infectedmove inhordeslikecattle almostprotectingeach other,coveringlarge distancesorspreadingoutaroundone area. The disease isalsospreadthrough the contact of infectedandnon-infectedbodilyfluids. Currentsituation The yearis 2016 1 yearsafterthe 1st infected.The infectionhasspreadacrossthe whole worldwithmanycountriessuchasRussiaandFrance fallingtoinfectionandanarchy.There is no powertoany city generatedbypowerstations.The onlypowerisgenerated throughbatteries and generators.Foodisscaresand manypeople fightforwhatif left.The worldisriddledwith banditsandcannibalswithone a fewsane survivorsleft.67% are infected30% of the populationare deadand just3% survive. Main characters Our story fallows3friendswhowere basedjustoutsidethe infectionzoneof New York whenthe bombexploded.Theywere travelingtoNew Yorkto helpwiththe riots andwere sent by BritishPrivate MilitaryCompanyANOXto take control of the town square.Theywere just2 hoursdrive awaywhenthe bombexplodedandNew Yorkbecame infected.OurMaincharacters decidedtomake theirwayto NewYorkto helpevacuate the citywiththe helpof the National Guard, Usingtechnologybuiltintotheirjeep theywere able todeterminethatthere washighlevels of toxicgasaround the city.Two daysintotheirnew missioncitizensandSoldiersstartedtobecome infected. All knownauthoritiesandhelpcollapsedandforcedthe 3 characters to flee tothe suburbs of NewYork.There newmissionwastosurvive.
  • 2. Name Lance Corporal Terence Byrne Age - 28 Birthplace Manchester Occupation Privatelycontracted soldier(SAS) Story Terence wasborn the small townof Ecclesand joinedthe armyat the age of 16, after 4 tours of IRAQhe was promotedtoLance corporal and leada squadof 5 menaround Afghanistanfor6 yearsin the SAS. He thenjoinedaprivate militarycompanyknownasANOX anddeployedto Americato helpcontrol riotswithhis2 friendsLance Corporal AnthonyBowesandLance Corporal Harry Johnson. Name Lance Corporal Anthony Bowes Age - 28 Birthplace - Blackburn Occupation - Privatelycontracted soldier(SAS) Story Anthony wasbornin Blackburnbutmovedto Ecclesand metTerence inhighschool,they joinedthe militaryandrankeduptogetherandwasinhissquadall the time.After4tours of Iraq and 2 yearsof AfghanistanwithTerence inthe SASAnthonymovedtoANOXwherehe metHarryand 4 yearslaterconvincedTerence tomove tothe company. Name Lance Corporal Harry Johnson Age - 27 Birthplace - Manchester Occupation - Privatelycontracted soldier(SAS) Story Harry grew upin a militaryhome as hisdad wasa solider,he joinedthe armyat18 and joinedthe private militarycompanyPhoenixbutmovedafterafightwitha staff sergeant. He moved to ANOXthe same time as Terence andAnthonyandformeda squadwitha solidercalledUsain. Unfortunatelyhe waskilledinamissioninSiberiaandthe three have stayedtogethersince. The three soldierswere senttoNewYork3 days before projectgreenexplodedandwere there to control riotsin the townsquare.There new mission,tosurvive.