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managing creativity:
		 Ideas that engage, inform and inspire.
As a manager you must
figure out how to make
it happen.
But we are human-centered designers too,
	 so it only makes sense to be user-centered
in how you lead teams.
Hey, people
stuff is not fluffKey take-aways:
 The people you
manage are users
of your system
 Those people are:
> your staff / team
> your clients
> you.
...by the way, if your life is a little messy, your management will be too.
Leaders work within
and beyond the team
by considering the
present and future.
Coach Direction-setter
Spokesperson Change-agent
Do we have
the skills we need?
Where are we going?
How will we get there?
present future
within the team
beyond the team
Do the right
people know what
were doing?
How will we
continue to be
Some of the day-to-day
tasks that managers may
	 _ Planning
	 _ Staffing
	 _ Organizing
	 _ Leading
	 _ Monitoring
	 _ Communicating
Book Recommendation:
Getting Things Done
by David Allen
Separate issues on
appropriate levels, with
lists for each.
Heres an example of some of the
levels with which you may create
> current activities
> current projects
> areas of responsibility
> 1-2 year goals
> 3-5 year visions
> life
tip: schedule time to check these lists
Budget your time.
Spend 2 mins or less on email.
Learn to trust your schedule.
Stop worrying about anything
except whats on it.
Be kind, for everyone
you meet is fighting a
a great battle -Philo of Alexandria
What might creative team members
be facing?
What information do you need to create
a team? ...turn the page and find out!
breathing, food, water, (sex), sleep
security of body, (employment)
friendship, family
What information do
you need to know about
a potential addition to
your team?
	 _ workstyle
	 _ ability to meet deadlines
	 _ strengths + weaknesses
	 _ prospect for future collaboration
	 (diversity is a wonderful thing)
How can you get the
information you need?
(due dilligence)
On client expectations:
the perceptual
difference is
greater in the
mind of the
How can you make the
design process more
The design process is not linear, its iterative and often
happens in fits and spurts. In managing a client
relationship it is helpful and kind to give your own
creative team an earlier internal deadline than that which
you give your client. (But dont tell them!)
On Openness:
It is ethical and kind to acknowledge
	 team contributions when presenting
work. For example: We are proud
to have done this for you...
	 what are some ways you can make
	 people feel more connected?
I felt slightly
invisible today : (3 signs of a
miserable job:
> anonymity
> irrelevance
> immeasurement
as a former employee
you should go to
great degrees to
prevent these from
..be people-oriented
rather than process-
	 Why? Because requirements are going
to change constantly but your team is
made up of professionals.
	 On the flip side, clients and managers
like to know that processes are being used
	 it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy.
ask your team:
- whats working?		
- whats stuck?
- whats next?
Hey John,
can you status me
on that?
Lets time-box
this meeting.
How you make
suggestions matters
most of all.
great idea!
Celebrate what someone is coming up with.
Can you say more?
I appreciate that, but..
Beg your clients to
be visual, really beg.
Here are some brainstorming
> align on a goal
> build on eachothers thoughts
> capture every idea
> defer evaluation
> express visually and tangibly
> focus on quantity
tip: Involve administrative assistants
Clients think its cool and then they
become your advocates.
what do you do after the brainstorm session?
- cluster worksheets by relationship
- highlight winners
- vote (everyone gets 3 votes..e.g.)
Here are some tips for
working with a client:
Client feedback can be rough, so be sure to:
> maintain your professionalism
> accept the input with thanks
> probe underlying reasons
> acknowledge shortcomings  if necessary
offer to return with revisions. But...
> dont overcompensate, know your limitations.
Give them what theyre
asking for, and then give
them what you think is a
better option.
Thanks. We
used your
We really like
this, could you
make it bigger?
He/She who grabs the
marker has control
Here are some codes of conduct
about meetings:
> if you are the facilitator, try
to synthesize what was said
at the end of the meeting
> be aware of who is standing
up or sitting down (see above)
> look for allies, ask for their
If a client is having a bad day or wants
to agree to disagree, remember empathy:
- listen to their problem, make yourself care
- how can your needs be part of their situation?
Make profitability a
part of your thinking.
Whats your day rate, by the way?
Is it enough? Too much?
Hey, did you know?
> Hiring freelancers is a great
and wonderful thing when
you have some holes to fill..
but outsourcing takes 25%
of your time too.
tip: Make friends with excel and
spreadsheets. Use a workplan
to drive your budget  and get
your Shakespeare players to their
Shakespeare parts.
Actively practice
active listening
On behalf of all your clients:
> How are you feeling about
our progress so far?
>  Are there any developments
on your end?
>  Is there anything else I
can do to help you?
 So, what Im hearing you say is...
(say it. mean it. do it.)
Feedback is needed on
a project level, and on
a career level.
	 The internal attributes of a leader matter
as much as what you do externally.
What things can a creative
team do to encourage
fill this framework in for yourself.
From To How
share this
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Managing creativity notebook_manual

  • 1. managing creativity: Ideas that engage, inform and inspire.
  • 2. As a manager you must figure out how to make it happen. But we are human-centered designers too, so it only makes sense to be user-centered in how you lead teams. Hey, people stuff is not fluffKey take-aways: The people you manage are users of your system Those people are: > your staff / team > your clients > you. ...by the way, if your life is a little messy, your management will be too.
  • 3. Leaders work within and beyond the team by considering the present and future. Coach Direction-setter Spokesperson Change-agent Do we have the skills we need? Where are we going? How will we get there? present future within the team beyond the team Do the right people know what were doing? How will we continue to be successful?
  • 4. Some of the day-to-day tasks that managers may perform: _ Planning _ Staffing _ Organizing _ Leading _ Monitoring _ Communicating Book Recommendation: Getting Things Done by David Allen
  • 5. Separate issues on appropriate levels, with lists for each. Heres an example of some of the levels with which you may create lists: > current activities > current projects > areas of responsibility > 1-2 year goals > 3-5 year visions > life tip: schedule time to check these lists Budget your time. Spend 2 mins or less on email. Learn to trust your schedule. Stop worrying about anything except whats on it.
  • 6. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a a great battle -Philo of Alexandria What might creative team members be facing? What information do you need to create a team? ...turn the page and find out! breathing, food, water, (sex), sleep security of body, (employment) friendship, family self-esteem achievement respect morality acceptance creativtiy
  • 7. What information do you need to know about a potential addition to your team? _ workstyle _ ability to meet deadlines _ strengths + weaknesses _ prospect for future collaboration (diversity is a wonderful thing) How can you get the information you need? (due dilligence)
  • 8. On client expectations: the perceptual difference is greater in the mind of the client. time workdone w hereclientthinksyou are How can you make the design process more transparent? actual The design process is not linear, its iterative and often happens in fits and spurts. In managing a client relationship it is helpful and kind to give your own creative team an earlier internal deadline than that which you give your client. (But dont tell them!)
  • 9. On Openness: It is ethical and kind to acknowledge team contributions when presenting work. For example: We are proud to have done this for you... what are some ways you can make people feel more connected? I felt slightly invisible today : (3 signs of a miserable job: > anonymity > irrelevance > immeasurement as a former employee you should go to great degrees to prevent these from happening.
  • 10. ..be people-oriented rather than process- oriented. Why? Because requirements are going to change constantly but your team is made up of professionals. On the flip side, clients and managers like to know that processes are being used it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy. ask your team: - whats working? - whats stuck? - whats next? Hey John, can you status me on that? Lets time-box this meeting.
  • 11. How you make suggestions matters most of all. great idea! Celebrate what someone is coming up with. Can you say more? I appreciate that, but..
  • 12. Beg your clients to be visual, really beg. Here are some brainstorming rules: > align on a goal > build on eachothers thoughts > capture every idea > defer evaluation > express visually and tangibly > focus on quantity tip: Involve administrative assistants Clients think its cool and then they become your advocates. what do you do after the brainstorm session? - cluster worksheets by relationship - highlight winners - vote (everyone gets 3 votes..e.g.)
  • 13. Here are some tips for working with a client: Client feedback can be rough, so be sure to: > maintain your professionalism > accept the input with thanks > probe underlying reasons > acknowledge shortcomings if necessary offer to return with revisions. But... > dont overcompensate, know your limitations. Give them what theyre asking for, and then give them what you think is a better option. Thanks. We used your standards. We really like this, could you make it bigger?
  • 14. He/She who grabs the marker has control Here are some codes of conduct about meetings: > if you are the facilitator, try to synthesize what was said at the end of the meeting > be aware of who is standing up or sitting down (see above) > look for allies, ask for their support If a client is having a bad day or wants to agree to disagree, remember empathy: - listen to their problem, make yourself care - how can your needs be part of their situation?
  • 15. Make profitability a part of your thinking. Whats your day rate, by the way? Is it enough? Too much? Hey, did you know? > Hiring freelancers is a great and wonderful thing when you have some holes to fill.. but outsourcing takes 25% of your time too. tip: Make friends with excel and spreadsheets. Use a workplan to drive your budget and get your Shakespeare players to their Shakespeare parts.
  • 16. Actively practice active listening On behalf of all your clients: > How are you feeling about our progress so far? > Are there any developments on your end? > Is there anything else I can do to help you? So, what Im hearing you say is... (say it. mean it. do it.)
  • 17. Feedback is needed on a project level, and on a career level. The internal attributes of a leader matter as much as what you do externally. What things can a creative team do to encourage growth? fill this framework in for yourself. From To How determination intellectual flexibility character emotional well-being
  • 18. share this Branding and Integrated Marketing Communications The Design Channel, LLC 5420 Wisconsin Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815 p 301.951.9195 f 301.951.9197 www.thedesignchannel.com