soo the name's brianna kohler<3 sing to me on october 11th(:
my lifee story is still in the making ... & I'm loving every second of itt;; for the most part(; my friends are amazingg.♥my lifee undescribable ... exxtraa crazyy. ;;blaah:/ love is supposed to be a two way street, ahaa it's currently a one way streeettt. but uhmm yeaah;; crazy.? mhmm if you get the chance to meet me, you won't forget mee(: hahaa. i live my lifee;; with no regrets, justt lessons learned. & at times i'm selfish, impatient, and a little insercure ... "but if you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." soo yupp, that's pretty muchh itt. <3