This document discusses Indonesia's telecommunications industry and the opportunities for growth in digital content with the rollout of 4G networks. It notes that digital content like animation, games, entertainment and education are areas with potential, as well as developing applications that solve local problems. However, it also outlines challenges like lack of human resources and infrastructure, as well as regulatory issues that could hinder the industry's development. The document concludes that while there are many challenges, the opportunities for growth in Indonesia's digital content market are substantial.
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Strategi Industri Telematika Indonesia
1. Strategi Industri Telema1ka
FGD: Ekosistem Industri Pendukung 4G
Budi Rahardjo
Pusat Mikroelektronika ITB
2. Industry
≒ Hardware
≒ SoLware
System Integrators
≒ Content
Where the money is ? (need data)
4G => bigger pipe; yaaayyy
10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 2
3. Digital Indonesia
≒ Huge market, huge opportuni1es
≒ Unknown world wide (?)
≒ Are we part of it?
10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 3