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Strategi Industri Telema1ka 
FGD: Ekosistem Industri Pendukung 4G 
Budi Rahardjo 
Pusat Mikroelektronika ITB 
≒ Hardware 
≒ SoLware 
System Integrators 
≒ Content 
Where the money is  ? (need data) 
4G => bigger pipe; yaaayyy  
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  2
Digital Indonesia 
≒ Huge market, huge opportuni1es 
≒ Unknown world wide (?) 
≒ Are we part of it? 
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  3
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  4
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  5
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  6
Classic Examples 
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  7
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  8
≒ Animasi 
≒ Games 
≒ (Digital) 
≒ Movies 
≒ Educa1on (MOOC) 
≒ Speci鍖c applica1ons: 
 Electronic Marketplace 
 Solving local problems 
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  9
≒ Human Resources (lack of) 
≒ Educa1on (for crea1vity) 
≒ (Local) Standards & cer1鍖ca1ons 
≒ Infrastructure 
≒ (Micro / pico) payment 
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  10
Challenges (2) 
≒ Pro start ups 
Tax breaks / incen1ves 
Technoparks / working spaces / university 
Mentors / fund /  
Niche market protec1ons (?) 
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  11
Challenges (3) 
≒ Abuse 
≒ Fraud 
≒ Crime 
≒ Related to fake 
≒ Regula1ons must be 
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  12
Na1onal Interests 
≒ Security, reliability & resiliency 
≒ Sovereignty 
≒ Jobs 
≒ Financial 
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  13
Concluding Remarks 
To do list  (a lot)  
Many challenges 
but, the opportunity is BIG 
10/28/15  Industri Telema1ka (Content)  14

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Strategi Industri Telematika Indonesia

  • 1. Strategi Industri Telema1ka FGD: Ekosistem Industri Pendukung 4G Budi Rahardjo Pusat Mikroelektronika ITB br@paume.itb.ac.id 2015
  • 2. Industry ≒ Hardware ≒ SoLware Developers System Integrators ≒ Content Where the money is ? (need data) 4G => bigger pipe; yaaayyy 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 2
  • 3. Digital Indonesia ≒ Huge market, huge opportuni1es ≒ Unknown world wide (?) ≒ Are we part of it? 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 3
  • 4. SUCCESS STORIES 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 4
  • 5. 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 5
  • 6. supercell 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 6
  • 7. Classic Examples 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 7
  • 8. 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 8
  • 9. Content ≒ Animasi ≒ Games ≒ (Digital) Entertainment ≒ Movies ≒ Educa1on (MOOC) ≒ Speci鍖c applica1ons: Go-足Jek Electronic Marketplace Solving local problems 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 9
  • 10. Challenges ≒ Human Resources (lack of) ≒ Educa1on (for crea1vity) ≒ (Local) Standards & cer1鍖ca1ons ≒ Infrastructure Inexpensive Reliable ≒ (Micro / pico) payment 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 10
  • 11. Challenges (2) ≒ Pro start ups Tax breaks / incen1ves Technoparks / working spaces / university places Mentors / fund / Niche market protec1ons (?) 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 11
  • 12. Challenges (3) ≒ Abuse ≒ Fraud ≒ Crime ≒ Related to fake iden1ty ≒ Regula1ons must be enforced 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 12
  • 13. Na1onal Interests ≒ Security, reliability & resiliency ≒ Sovereignty ≒ Jobs ≒ Financial 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 13
  • 14. Concluding Remarks To do list (a lot) Many challenges but, the opportunity is BIG 10/28/15 Industri Telema1ka (Content) 14