2. Пожелания наших клиентов
проблемы ИТ-обеспечения в здравоохранении
Формирование безопасной ИТ среды учреждения здравоохранения
Поддержка новых методов лечения пациентов, выполнения клинических
испытаний, сбора данных, анализа результатов и отчетности
Сокращение временных и финансовых затрат
Интеграция и передача медицинской информации из различных систем.
Сокращение издержек и человеческих ошибок, через механизм
электронных форм
Повышения качества работы с пациентами
Легкий анализ клинических данных для моделей раннего обнаружения,
диагностики и лечения. Отправка оповещений и напоминаний о
необходимости лечения.
Повышение качества оперативного управления
Интегрированная система управления и отчётности по пациентам, клиентам,
проектам, клиническим испытаниям.
Поддержка системы обучения и сертификации
персонала инновации в индустрии делают важными процессы
управления квалификацией персонала
6. Кто: Медсестры, сиделки, лаборанты, фармацевты,
техники, рабочие
Особенности: Нет выделенного ПК. Нужен доступ к базовой
информации; дополнительно, сёстрам надо обновлять
информацию о пациенте.
Полная информация о пациенте не доступна в момент ухода.
Отсутствие оповещений и напоминаний о необходимости лечения.
Ручная выписка рецептов и рукописные карты могут быть неполными или
Время работы с пациентами ограниченно, и они часто не понимают словесных
Телефон и личные беседы могут замедлить выполнение задач.
Трудно управлять обучением и квалификацией сотрудников.
Очное обучение стоит дорого.
13. Roles: Руководители, продажи и маркетинг, управление
персоналом, финансы, администрация больницы, врачи
Особенности: Выделенные ПК. Требуется доступ к
информации и широкие возможности взаимодействия и
совместной работы.
Требуются безопасные, экономически эффективные средства коммуникаций
и совместной работы «сверху вниз».
Медицинская промышленность зарегулирована. Трудно поддерживать
баланс между ценообразованием, защитой данных пациента и страхованием.
Важно обеспечение пациентов качественной медицинской помощью и
сохранение безопасности медицинской информации.
Требуются современные технологии коммуникации и совместной работы,
необходимые для поддержания гибкости бизнеса и обеспечения
оптимального ухода за пациентом.
15. • Объединение разнородных
• Унификация интерфейсов
• Сервис-ориентированная
• Интероперабельность
• Поддержка отраслевых
16. Объединённые коммуникации
• Мгновенное представление
доступных пользователей в
различных приложениях
• Можно отслеживать доступность
• Конфиденциальность за счет
уровней доступа
• Поиск по навыкам
• Местоположение
• Виртуальные консилиумы
• Селекторные совещания
• Обучение сотрудников
• Замена телефонной связи
17. Взаимодействие
Внешний социальные
вебсайт сети
Кол ичество пользователей
Единая платформа для
Единая платформа для Бизнес Портал
результативной работы:
результативной работы: аналитика
--Взаимодействие с пользователем
Взаимодействие с пользователем
- Богатые интегрированнеые функции
подразделений -- Богатые интегрированнеые функции
подразделений Инструменты и разработка SharePoint
- Инструменты и разработка Маршруты
--Внедрение и администрирование
Внедрение и администрирование Поиск
и формы
и процедур
и процедур
кабинеты Интерфейс
Интерфейс Extranet
Extranet Панель
SAP R/3 Collaboration вызова Портал
Collaboration вызова Портал
Site отчетов дочерней
дочерней Команда
отчетов Команда Группа
BI компании разработки Группа
компании разработки “X
BI “X “Z” MySite
SharePoint Platform “Z”
Организация Департамент Группа
Свобода действий
19. Великобритания. Портал NHS Web
протоколы и методики лечения видов хронических
заболеваний для врачей общей практики
Портал: Диабет в Австралии
Карта распространения диабета
по всей стране с близлежащими
центрами помощи, а также пособия
и методики лечения, разработанные
Королевским колледжем Австралии
20. • Бесшовная интеграция
• Наложение данных на
• Интерактивный просмотр
• Обновление данных «на
21. ArcGIS Mapping for SharePoint :
•Встраивание ГИС в Web-
•Использование карт в
процессах управления
•Углубленный анализ
пространственных данных с
помощью сервисов
•Быстрое нанесение
разнородных данных на карту
22. Особенности ArcGIS
Отображение на интерактивных картах табличных
данных SharePoint, пространственных данных,
картографической подложки, космических- и
аэрофотоснимков, полученных с серверов ArcGIS и
Интернет-сервисов (в частности, ArcGIS Online и
Bing Maps).
Пространственная обработка адресов,
содержащихся в данных SharePoint.
Возможность создания собственных решений,
отвечающих за геоинформационные
вычисления, анализ данных, отображение
информации и взаимодействие с
ПО ArcGIS Mapping for SharePoint
распространяется бесплатно
Editor's Notes
#3: ݺߣ Objective: Set the stage for the Online Service offerings investment pillars, by highlighting how we listen to customers to understand the challenges they face and how these serve as a very important input into our product roadmap. Talk Track: “ We (Microsoft) have partnered with many customers in Healthcare and have learned 1 st hand about the top challenges and pain points you face each day. Several key themes bubbled up from other customer briefings, including the ones listed on this slide. I don’t want to go over each of these in too much detail, but let me dive into the first one as it is extremely relevant to our discussion today. Collaboration with all members of the healthcare ecosystem by connecting them to your company’s information systems for communication and information sharing will require an investment that needs a business justification. Deskless workers are the most common category for employees that do not have e-mail or access to dedicated computers for connectivity to the company portal. Can they play a role in business processes? Can you better manage the entire workforce if they are connected? Are there new ways to streamline patient care, charting and reporting by connecting the Deskless Workers to information and electronic processes? That’s what we’re going to discuss today…” Additional Detailed Information : As we started to think about our areas of investment, we spent time asking our customers and partners about what challenges they face in managing their critical messaging infrastructure. Several key themes bubbled up from these discussions, around the following areas: Collaborate with the entire healthcare ecosystem (inside and outside the hospital) Physicians and other caregivers/care team members often have difficulty retrieving and handing off the right information at the right time Connect distributed patients, providers, and teams Connect Care. Everyone, every doctor, practitioner, social worker, case worker, researcher, administrator and the patient, is connected to each other and all of that patient’s info, so they can truly function as a well-informed, efficient team to make the best decisions for care. Reduce medical errors and promote patient safety Medical errors cause between 44,000 and 98,000 deaths in the U.S. each year . In February, 2005 a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at the impact of missing clinical information on the healthcare system. Primary care clinicians reported missing clinical information in 13.6 percent of patient visits, leading to increased expenses, duplicated tests and paperwork, and a delay in treatment in some cases. New patients were twice as likely to have required information missing. Missing information included lab results (6.1 percent), radiology results (3.8 percent), and patient medical history (3.7 percent). Prioritize communications to allow caregivers to react quickly and effectively Legacy paper-based systems are prone to error Medical errors can often be traced directly to data entry and communication errors Increased resistance from insurers about paying for care resulting from medical mistakes Regulatory pressures to maintain levels of care and patient privacy Support staff training and continuing medical education Required accreditation and regulatory compliance to avoid liability events Keep staff informed and updated with the latest practices, policies and procedures Constant innovations in the health industry make it essential for medical teams everywhere to stay up-to-date with new medical advances, policies, and procedures. Provide first-class patient experience Increased competition for attracting and retaining patients Nurses and therapists spend more time managing information and less time treating patients Save time by automating routine tasks and streamlining both structured and unstructured processes, reducing redundant and unnecessary steps and meeting the workflow needs of staff. Improve communication between caregivers and patients Need to provide caregivers with access to patient information at the point of care Integrate and transfer medical information from various systems Clinical data is often stored in multiple systems making it difficult to find patterns Difficulty integrating and transferring data from various systems throughout the organization Liberate Data . In current health systems, patients’ health data is locked in silos, physicians are forced to either make treatment decisions based on incomplete data, or else waste time and resources aggregating information. A complete health history would enable providers to make better medical decisions, decrease wasteful spending, and increase the quality of care.
#4: ݺߣ Objective: Visually help customers segment their workforce by showing who the deskless workers, process workers and information workers are. Talk Track: “ Okay, now it’s time to dive back into the discussion on the deskless workers in your environment. There are key differences between the segmentation of the workforce landscape in Healthcare. From our conversations with other healthcare companies there are specific areas where these employees are focused. They are concentrated within the life sciences and in hospitals (which includes nursing, and affiliate caregivers).”
#5: ݺߣ Objective: Visually help customers segment their workforce by showing the deskless workers, process workers and information workers in each business group. The next three slides are builds that showcase the different segments. Talk Track: “ This slide depicts the deskless workers in the different departments where they work and showcases the large percentage of the workforce represented by these folks within healthcare. They are Nurses, affiliate care givers, clean room workers, etc. This group has either shared access to a PC or simply a kiosk in a break room. They are the front-line resources within the company that drive productivity for healthcare.”
#6: ݺߣ Objective: Visually help customers segment their workforce by showing the deskless workers, process workers and information workers. Talk Track: “ The antithesis of that slide is shown on this one. The Information workers are typically corporate and administrative employees - they have a dedicated PC, but most often lack the means to communicate with the deskless worker staff except through traditional means – phone, fax, paper mail.”
#7: ݺߣ Objective: Help customers identify with a segment of their workforce by providing more details about these roles and outline their specific challenges. Talk Track: “ The challenges of the Deskless Workers are outlined on this slide. These folks are usually forced to communicate within the company via hard-copy, paper-based processes and inter-office mail. Scheduling and work shift trading is all done via manual and time-consuming methods. And any HR request or Finance update/inquiry is typically done through person-to-person interactions. The next slide shows the Information Workers and they’re specific challenges.” Additional Detailed Information: Typical needs surrounding information and content access include work schedules, training content, company policies, benefits enrollment, procedural documents, job specifications, and site-specific materials. Examples of challenges related to information and content access include: Complete patient information is not available at the point of care. There is a lack of alerts and reminders about necessary or suggested treatments. Manual data entry for prescriptions and handwritten charts can be incomplete or illegible. Time with patients is limited, and they often misunderstand verbal instructions. Telephone and in-person communications can delay task completion. It is difficult to manage and track required and optional training. Clean room training is very expensive.
#8: ݺߣ Objective: Describe a specific scenario for Deskless Workers that could help streamline hospital tasks for nurses. Talk Track: “ The first scenario is about a company portal for the nursing department. All nurses can use this to view hospital news and notes from patient rounds. This scenario involves a nurse in the Oncology department who is doing a shift-change and is receiving a briefing from the nurse who was on the previous shift. You can see from the screen that there is a “Upcoming Events for the Week” area on the portal to notify him of new announcements.” Additional Detailed Information: This is just one example of a possible solution. Bob Kelly is a nurse (Deskless Worker) in Oncology with Contoso University Hospital. His shift has just started and he needs to be debriefed on patient status from the nurse on the previous shift. So he logs into the Oncology portal (with his credentials) where he can view the status and required meds for the patients on his rounds. He can either print these documents out or refer back to on a wireless PC. (As shown in the Screenshot: Bob’s portal view (landing page for Bob). On this page he can view his tasks in the “Patient Rounds” webpart. Other things that are visible to him are: Organizational Hierarchy Upcoming events useful links, etc.
#10: The demonstrator is intended as a way of communicating what next generation clinical user experiences could be like on the Window platform. As importantly it is also a way of illustrating exemplar implementations of the CUI Design Guidelines on the Windows platform.
#11: ݺߣ Objective: Describe a specific scenario for Deskless Workers that could help streamline hospital tasks for nurses. Talk Track: “ The next slide shows the screen showing the e-mail interaction with the system to alert staff of their critical care certificate expirations.” Additional Detailed Information: This is just one example of a possible solution. While Bob is viewing the status updates on the portal and relevant tasks he needs to perform during the shift, he receives an email from the administrator of Staff Skills Department. (As shown in the Screenshot: The email states that his ‘ Critical Care Certification ' validity will expire on April 05, 2010. The administrator notifies that Bob will have to appear in the 'Critical Care Certificate' training followed by an exam to renew his certification, and provides a link (InfoPath form) to register to the training program required to renew his certification. Additionally Bob also has option to acquire new Critical Care Certificates in other specialties.
#12: ݺߣ Objective: Describe a specific scenario for Deskless Workers that could help streamline hospital tasks for nurses. Talk Track: “ Next we can see Bob checking his calendar on-line and notices that he has to cover Nancy’s shift.” Additional Detailed Information: This is just one example of a possible solution. … While Bob fills his Training registration form, he gets another email from his co-worker Nancy Anderson (also a deskless worker). In the email Nancy requests Bob that she has some work and asks if he can take up her shift for today (Nancy’s Shift Time: 05:00 PM to 10:00 PM). Bob is looking for more hours to finish his work too, so he emails back to Nancy that he can cover the shift for her. Bob sends another email to the person who sets the schedule (shift scheduler), stating that he is going to take up the shift of Nancy for today. The shift scheduler makes the necessary arrangements for Bob and Nancy and updates the shift timings in the centralized schedule calendar for both of them. (As shown in the Screenshot: Bob views his portal to check whether the new shift times have been allocated to him on his scheduler. He finds that Nancy’s shift time (05:00 PM to 10:00 PM) has been allocated to him.)
#13: ݺߣ Objective: Describe a specific scenario for Deskless Workers that could help streamline online training. Talk Track: “ Finally, the last screen shows a managers view of the summarized status for all employees who are required to take this new training.” Additional Detailed Information: This is just one example of a possible solution. Manager’s portal view showing completion status of training for the employees (As shown in the Screenshot: …After the assessment test a cumulative report of assessment results is automatically created and is visible on Ellen’s (Production Manager) portal/dashboard in the form of Excel Web Access web part. ) . Ellen tracks completion of training with the line workers and based on their completion status and assessment scores, he selects a pilot batch/team that will initially start work of producing the new drug. Ellen finally assigns shifts for new drug production to the pilot batch line workers.
#14: ݺߣ Objective: Help customers identify with a segment of their workforce by providing more details about these roles and outline their specific challenges. Talk Track: “ The employees working in customer claims management, insurance, and administration have completely different challenges than the deskless workers. These individuals all have access to the electronic systems within the company. They can communicate and collaborated electronically at the speed of light. What they need more integrated communications with all members of the company, including the deskless workers. They required advanced capabilities such as Business Intelligence and reporting, plus access to electronic documents that can help them drive new business efficiencies.” Additional Detailed Information: Typical needs surrounding information and content access are the same as the Deskless Worker roles; in addition, there is a need for more access to business-level information, secure collaboration systems for compliance issues, and document (medical records) repositories. Secure, cost-effective communications and collaboration to a dispersed caregiver and management network are needed. The Healthcare industry is extremely regulated. It is difficult to maintain compliance around issues such as pricing, patient information protection (HIPPA), and insurance claims. It is essential to provide patients with quality care and maintain the security of their medical records. Up-to-date communications and collaboration technologies are required to maintain business agility and to provide optimal patient care.
#15: Exacerbating each of those pressing issues is the fact that Health is one of the most information-intensive sectors of the economy, and with each new advance in care and services, an explosion of data occurs. But, Healthcare is also among the least computerized. Compared with the retailing, finance or manufacturing industries, the healthcare industry has the greatest potential to boost the efficiency and quality of its service. Government awareness of this potential is growing: In the US, President Barack Obama has put computerization and electronic patient records at the heart of his push for reform. And in Europe, there is a vision and understanding of the central role of ICT in improving the delivery of health services and its potential to connect an array of medical technologies and improve care and services, while curbing costs. It is true, information and communication technologies have the potential to change the face of healthcare. However, today most healthcare is focused on treating sick people – it is reactive. But as our population ages and chronic conditions increase, costs are also increasing at an alarming rate, straining the system. Governments, payers and providers are looking for ways to offer proactive care, to help people take better care of themselves to reduce the number of chronic conditions and costs. Solutions are needed that support proactive care and better chronic care management, that increase hospital effectiveness, and break down information silos with interoperable Healthcare IT systems. But how can you be more proactive, offer more services and change care protocols with limited resources that are already stretched? In the past, solving such issues with technology has been expensive and overwhelming. The technology solutions available weren’t affordable and they took too long to implement and didn’t meet user needs. Plus they often required extensive training to learn to use—something time-challenged health professionals couldn’t afford to do.
#17: Rich application sharing provides a near in-person experience