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Online Applications: The Entire Process
         from Start to Finish
        Written by Michelle Caffe
        CT Department of Labor
The reality of applying for a job today

   Several places of business require job
    seekers to apply online versus filling out
    paper applications.
Submitting your resume
   Employers may ask job candidates to
    submit their resume by:

 Attachment to an online application
 Utilizing LinkedIn
The Importance of Computer Skills

 It may be beneficial to take a computer
 class to improve keyboarding and mouse
Where to take classes
 Department of Labor (DOL), the Silas
  Bronson Library and the Palladino Center
  offer free classes.
 The DOL CT Works Career Center has a
  keyboarding program.
Practice, Practice, Practice!

   The computer may seem intimidating at
    first, but with practice job seekers will gain
    a higher comfort level and be more
    confident in filling out online applications.
By the end of this workshop
   Job seekers will be able to maneuver
    through areas of the job application in
    order to complete it successfully.

   This is ideal for those who have difficulty
    with online job applications and/or are not
    getting interviews. This is the first step in
    the job search process.
How to get started
   Setting up a username, password for the
    application, as well as understanding how
    to answer the online assessment
    questionnaire on job applications.
How Employers use it
   At this time, employers are using the
    personality assessment tool to screen out
    job applicants.

   The questionnaire will ask the same type
    of question in various ways.
What you need before filling out an
online application

   Do your search according to how your skills and abilities
    match the job qualifications. You want to find the
    position that you are most qualified for.

   Create a username and password to log back in to your
    application if you get timed out. Many applications will
    allow you to create one. This saves time and lets you
    continue where you left off if you navigate away or off
    the website. Remember to write down the username and
    password for future reference.
Resume: Hard Copy
   Have your resume on hand to fill out the
    online application. Accuracy is very
    important and you need to have exact
    dates of employment for both paper and
    online applications.
Past Employment History

   Have a list of current and past employers
    contact information:
      *Name and Address of Business
       *Name of Supervisor
       *Business phone number
       *Dates of Employment (e.g. 12/1/10-6/1/2011)
References: Professional and Personal
   References are extremely important
    because employers contact them when
    you get to the interviewing stage. Have
    all references (3-6) available with updated
    contact information on a separate page.
    Make sure you ask your references if it is
    okay to use them as a reference.
And last but not least
   Remember to allow yourself 2-3 hours per

   Check your e-mail account regularly. Some
    employers will be in contact with you regarding
    interview dates/times as well as the status of
    your application via email.
Where to apply

   Personal Computer

   Department of Labor Career Center-
    Representatives are available to assist
    you in our computer lab.
If the store has a kiosk to apply
   When a store has a kiosk, it is best to fill it out at
    the store. However, when completing an online
    application elsewhere (e.g. at home or at the DOL
    Career Center), your application can take more
    time to get to the hiring manager.
   If you are unable to access the stores kiosk, it is
    recommended that you contact customer service
    desk to find out if the kiosk is available and
You are ready to apply for a job
 Go to the main website
 Some examples are:

Once you are at the site
 You will need to find the careers link.
  Each site has a different way to access
  their employment/careers website.
 A sheet of business sites and directions on
  how to access the career site from the
  main page is available in the career
  center. Please review and practice after
  the workshop.
Examples for how to get from the main
site to the career site
   Borders Bookstore 
   Step 1: www.borders.com
   Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom left of the website to Careers
   Step 3: Click on Store opportunities and follow the prompts.

   Burger King 
   Step 1: go to www.burgerking.com
   Step 2: click on Company Information
   Step 3: Click on In restaurant
   Step 4: Click on Job search
   Step 5: Under select a category click on in restaurant then submit
   Step 6: Click Team Member or the supervisory positions next to it.
   Step 7: Click Apply Now and follow the steps for completing your application.
   You can also try www.tacobell.com, www.wendys.com, www.mcdonalds.com, and www.kfc.com

   Step 1: go to www.CVS.com
   Step 2: Click on Careers on the bottom right of the site.
   Step 3: Click on search opportunities
   Step 4: Follow the directions for the next steps
   Other similar sites: www.walgreens.com, www.sears.com and www.riteaid.com

   Stop   and Shop
   Step   1: go to www.stopandshop.com
   Step   2: Click on Employment
   Step   3: Click on Learn More
   Step   4: Click on Opportunities
   Step   5: Follow the prompts to search for an open position of interest.
Why should I set up a username and
   Most websites will give job candidates the option of setting
    up a username and password.

   The reason for this is that it will allow the applicant to start
    where he or she left off on the application. Write down the
    username and password.
Now refer to the packet
   We will start on Page 1 and go through the
              packet as we move on.
Setting up a username and password
 I will be using an online application
 On here you would click the Create Login
  Link on page 1 of the packet.
   This application is a good example because once
    you get used to answering the assessment
    questions, it gets easier each time.

   Its important to identify what the employer is
    looking for from the questions asked.
Examples of the username/password
   On page 2, how many characters are needed to
    successfully create a username and password?
    In this case, it is asking for 7-11 characters that
    should have capital letters, numbers and non-
    capital letters.

   If your username and password is something that
    does not match this, it will ask you to try again.
    Some examples could be Summer1234,
    Jackson8097, etc.
If you see the message, Username and
Password are already in use
   It is wise to change both items to
    something less common. This means that
    someone has already used this
    name/password and you will need to
    create a different one.
Login Creation Questions and Answers
   On the third and fourth page of your
    packet you will see a sample. You need to
    have all these written down on a sheet of
    paper: Username, password, and answers
    to the questions.
Have a job search notebook
   This will make it easier to recall
    usernames and passwords. This
    information should be noted every time
    you apply for a new job.
Username and Password Completion
   On page 3-4 there are question and
    answer examples.

   When completed, click Submit and it will
    go into the regular login screen.

   At this point, the applicant will enter the
    created username and password to fill out
    the online application.
Entering Information
   On page 5, enter your Social Security
    Number. You will be prompted to make-up
    a PIN number.

   It will be helpful to read the note above
    for combinations you cannot use.

   Remember to write down your PIN
    number for future reference.
Personal Information (page 6)
   You will most likely be asked to fill out personal
    information. It is important to note that the
    phone number should be one that you use to
    receive calls at any time. Employers will often
    call once and move on.
   Also, include the e-mail address that you check
    on a regular basis.
Schedule Availability (Page 7)
   When completing this section, it is important to
    keep in mind your true availability.

   If you are available at a certain time, put it down.
     Employers look for candidates with the most
    availability according to their business needs.
    Remember it is not about your preference
    but how you can meet the needs of the
 On page 8, regarding references, it is
  important to have your list of references
  on hand.
 These references should have updated
  contact information and must be credible.
  Make sure you ask permission to use them
  as a reference and supply them with a
  copy of your resume.
   The most credible Professional References
    are mentors, managers, supervisors or
    directors who have observed your work
    ethic and performance.
   Personal References - Examples:
              *Volunteer/Internship Supervisors
Employment History (Page 9)
   Always have a resume that contains actual dates
    of employment. Employers will often verify this
    information. The Social Security Administration
    can provide you with missing employment
    information, but there is a fee.
Education, Certification and License
   Page 10.
   Be specific on dates of graduation or completion
    of graduation by adding expected date of
   Putting in false information can cost you the job.
    The job application is considered a legal
Questionnaire and Assessment
 This is often the most difficult part of the
 The questionnaire is designed to help
  employers screen out applicants based on
  their answers and is used as a tool.
 There is a color coding system based on
  green, yellow and red.
 Green means the applicant is the ideal
  candidate for the job.
 Employers will often refer to these
  candidates first, since they scored higher
  in this area.
   Yellow indicates that the job candidate has
    some skills that match the job description.
   The applicants that score red are often
    screened out and employers may never
    see the application.
Getting the Green score

   Remember it is important to be honest.
    Also, keep in mind what the question is
    asking in terms of the job and what the
    employer is looking for.
   With the economy today, job seekers are
    in a very competitive market. Employers
    are most likely selecting only green
    candidates because it is an employers
   The first section of the questionnaire are general
    questions about your experience and availability.

   The second questionnaire consists of federal tax
    credit questions which are used to determine the
    companys eligibility for these programs and will
    in no way negatively impact hiring, retention, or
    promotional decisions.
Retail Pre-Employment Assessment
   Lets review the directions that the application has
    allowed applicants to review.
   Note the underlined key points that applicants
    should carefully read and understand.
   You should not have someone answer the
    questions for you, but use the skills you will gain
    from this workshop in completing this portion of
    the application.
Page 11-16
   The job seeker would click the link to take
    the questionnaire.

   These questions include age criteria, work
    availability, educational background,
    related work experience, etc.
Please note (pages 11-16)

   The availability questions are designed to
    screen out applicants who are not
    available for work during peak business
Labor Market Information
   When asked the minimum hourly wage
    you would accept, its important to do your
    research on what is fair based on your
    experience, skills and cost of living needs.

   Department of Labors website:
    www.ct.gov/dol has a link Labor
    Market Information where you can assess
    what would be a fair salary range.
Tax Credit Questions (pages 17-21)
   Answer these questions to the best of your

   If your unsure, select No.

   These answers are important to the
    employer because it can save the business
    money through tax credits.
Scenario Based Questions-Section 1
(page 23)
   Lets go over the 8 questions that are
    scenario based.
Work related situation questions and the
ways to respond to them
   We will go over these questions and
    discuss the ideal answers and the logic
    behind those answers.
Agree or Disagree? Section 2
   The next section has a rating scale from

   We will go over these examples and fill
    them out together.
Section 3
   The next section continues with rating
    scale questions from 1-5.

   These questions will address your work
    ethic, performance, leadership, soft
    skills, and how you would approach
    difficult work situations and deadlines.
Section 4
   The personality assessment section is used to
    most accurately represent your:
    *Work Standards
    *Problem solving
    *Time Management
    *Work History
    *Conflict Resolution
Your done!

   Some applications will indicate whether
    you have passed or failed the assessment.
Follow up
   Employers can pull up your application if
    you passed the assessment. Most will
    even share how you did. Its important to
    follow up once your application is
At the end of the application

   Check E-mail and Voicemail daily.

   Network with Employers.

   Remember to continue to follow through with the
    process of applying, networking and interviewing.
Additional Online Job Search Tools


   CT Job Central


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Online Job Application Workshop

  • 1. Online Applications: The Entire Process from Start to Finish Written by Michelle Caffe CT Department of Labor
  • 2. The reality of applying for a job today Several places of business require job seekers to apply online versus filling out paper applications.
  • 3. Submitting your resume Employers may ask job candidates to submit their resume by: E-mail Fax Attachment to an online application Utilizing LinkedIn
  • 4. The Importance of Computer Skills It may be beneficial to take a computer class to improve keyboarding and mouse skills.
  • 5. Where to take classes Department of Labor (DOL), the Silas Bronson Library and the Palladino Center offer free classes. The DOL CT Works Career Center has a keyboarding program.
  • 6. Practice, Practice, Practice! The computer may seem intimidating at first, but with practice job seekers will gain a higher comfort level and be more confident in filling out online applications.
  • 7. By the end of this workshop Job seekers will be able to maneuver through areas of the job application in order to complete it successfully. This is ideal for those who have difficulty with online job applications and/or are not getting interviews. This is the first step in the job search process.
  • 8. How to get started Setting up a username, password for the application, as well as understanding how to answer the online assessment questionnaire on job applications.
  • 9. How Employers use it At this time, employers are using the personality assessment tool to screen out job applicants. The questionnaire will ask the same type of question in various ways.
  • 10. What you need before filling out an online application Do your search according to how your skills and abilities match the job qualifications. You want to find the position that you are most qualified for. Create a username and password to log back in to your application if you get timed out. Many applications will allow you to create one. This saves time and lets you continue where you left off if you navigate away or off the website. Remember to write down the username and password for future reference.
  • 11. Resume: Hard Copy Have your resume on hand to fill out the online application. Accuracy is very important and you need to have exact dates of employment for both paper and online applications.
  • 12. Past Employment History Have a list of current and past employers contact information: *Name and Address of Business *Name of Supervisor *Business phone number *Dates of Employment (e.g. 12/1/10-6/1/2011)
  • 13. References: Professional and Personal References are extremely important because employers contact them when you get to the interviewing stage. Have all references (3-6) available with updated contact information on a separate page. Make sure you ask your references if it is okay to use them as a reference.
  • 14. And last but not least Remember to allow yourself 2-3 hours per application. Check your e-mail account regularly. Some employers will be in contact with you regarding interview dates/times as well as the status of your application via email.
  • 15. Where to apply Personal Computer Department of Labor Career Center- Representatives are available to assist you in our computer lab.
  • 16. If the store has a kiosk to apply When a store has a kiosk, it is best to fill it out at the store. However, when completing an online application elsewhere (e.g. at home or at the DOL Career Center), your application can take more time to get to the hiring manager. If you are unable to access the stores kiosk, it is recommended that you contact customer service desk to find out if the kiosk is available and working.
  • 17. You are ready to apply for a job Go to the main website Some examples are: www.walmart.com www.sears.com www.macysjobs.com
  • 18. Once you are at the site You will need to find the careers link. Each site has a different way to access their employment/careers website. A sheet of business sites and directions on how to access the career site from the main page is available in the career center. Please review and practice after the workshop.
  • 19. Examples for how to get from the main site to the career site Borders Bookstore Step 1: www.borders.com Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom left of the website to Careers Step 3: Click on Store opportunities and follow the prompts. Burger King Step 1: go to www.burgerking.com Step 2: click on Company Information Step 3: Click on In restaurant Step 4: Click on Job search Step 5: Under select a category click on in restaurant then submit Step 6: Click Team Member or the supervisory positions next to it. Step 7: Click Apply Now and follow the steps for completing your application. You can also try www.tacobell.com, www.wendys.com, www.mcdonalds.com, and www.kfc.com CVS Step 1: go to www.CVS.com Step 2: Click on Careers on the bottom right of the site. Step 3: Click on search opportunities Step 4: Follow the directions for the next steps Other similar sites: www.walgreens.com, www.sears.com and www.riteaid.com Stop and Shop Step 1: go to www.stopandshop.com Step 2: Click on Employment Step 3: Click on Learn More Step 4: Click on Opportunities Step 5: Follow the prompts to search for an open position of interest.
  • 20. Why should I set up a username and password Most websites will give job candidates the option of setting up a username and password. The reason for this is that it will allow the applicant to start where he or she left off on the application. Write down the username and password.
  • 21. Now refer to the packet We will start on Page 1 and go through the packet as we move on.
  • 22. Setting up a username and password I will be using an online application example. On here you would click the Create Login Link on page 1 of the packet.
  • 23. This application is a good example because once you get used to answering the assessment questions, it gets easier each time. Its important to identify what the employer is looking for from the questions asked.
  • 24. Examples of the username/password combinations On page 2, how many characters are needed to successfully create a username and password? In this case, it is asking for 7-11 characters that should have capital letters, numbers and non- capital letters. If your username and password is something that does not match this, it will ask you to try again. Some examples could be Summer1234, Jackson8097, etc.
  • 25. If you see the message, Username and Password are already in use It is wise to change both items to something less common. This means that someone has already used this name/password and you will need to create a different one.
  • 26. Login Creation Questions and Answers On the third and fourth page of your packet you will see a sample. You need to have all these written down on a sheet of paper: Username, password, and answers to the questions.
  • 27. Have a job search notebook This will make it easier to recall usernames and passwords. This information should be noted every time you apply for a new job.
  • 28. Username and Password Completion On page 3-4 there are question and answer examples. When completed, click Submit and it will go into the regular login screen. At this point, the applicant will enter the created username and password to fill out the online application.
  • 29. Entering Information On page 5, enter your Social Security Number. You will be prompted to make-up a PIN number. It will be helpful to read the note above for combinations you cannot use. Remember to write down your PIN number for future reference.
  • 30. Personal Information (page 6) You will most likely be asked to fill out personal information. It is important to note that the phone number should be one that you use to receive calls at any time. Employers will often call once and move on. Also, include the e-mail address that you check on a regular basis.
  • 31. Schedule Availability (Page 7) When completing this section, it is important to keep in mind your true availability. If you are available at a certain time, put it down. Employers look for candidates with the most availability according to their business needs. Remember it is not about your preference but how you can meet the needs of the employer.
  • 32. References: On page 8, regarding references, it is important to have your list of references on hand. These references should have updated contact information and must be credible. Make sure you ask permission to use them as a reference and supply them with a copy of your resume.
  • 33. The most credible Professional References are mentors, managers, supervisors or directors who have observed your work ethic and performance.
  • 34. Personal References - Examples: *Professors *Advisors *Volunteer/Internship Supervisors
  • 35. Employment History (Page 9) Always have a resume that contains actual dates of employment. Employers will often verify this information. The Social Security Administration can provide you with missing employment information, but there is a fee.
  • 36. Education, Certification and License Page 10. Be specific on dates of graduation or completion of graduation by adding expected date of completion. Putting in false information can cost you the job. The job application is considered a legal document.
  • 37. Questionnaire and Assessment This is often the most difficult part of the application. The questionnaire is designed to help employers screen out applicants based on their answers and is used as a tool. There is a color coding system based on green, yellow and red.
  • 38. Green Green means the applicant is the ideal candidate for the job. Employers will often refer to these candidates first, since they scored higher in this area.
  • 39. Yellow Yellow indicates that the job candidate has some skills that match the job description.
  • 40. Red The applicants that score red are often screened out and employers may never see the application.
  • 41. Getting the Green score Remember it is important to be honest. Also, keep in mind what the question is asking in terms of the job and what the employer is looking for.
  • 42. With the economy today, job seekers are in a very competitive market. Employers are most likely selecting only green candidates because it is an employers market.
  • 43. Questionnaire The first section of the questionnaire are general questions about your experience and availability. The second questionnaire consists of federal tax credit questions which are used to determine the companys eligibility for these programs and will in no way negatively impact hiring, retention, or promotional decisions.
  • 44. Retail Pre-Employment Assessment Lets review the directions that the application has allowed applicants to review. Note the underlined key points that applicants should carefully read and understand. You should not have someone answer the questions for you, but use the skills you will gain from this workshop in completing this portion of the application.
  • 45. Page 11-16 The job seeker would click the link to take the questionnaire. These questions include age criteria, work availability, educational background, related work experience, etc.
  • 46. Please note (pages 11-16) The availability questions are designed to screen out applicants who are not available for work during peak business hours.
  • 47. Labor Market Information When asked the minimum hourly wage you would accept, its important to do your research on what is fair based on your experience, skills and cost of living needs. Department of Labors website: www.ct.gov/dol has a link Labor Market Information where you can assess what would be a fair salary range.
  • 48. Tax Credit Questions (pages 17-21) Answer these questions to the best of your ability. If your unsure, select No. These answers are important to the employer because it can save the business money through tax credits.
  • 49. Scenario Based Questions-Section 1 (page 23) Lets go over the 8 questions that are scenario based.
  • 50. Work related situation questions and the ways to respond to them We will go over these questions and discuss the ideal answers and the logic behind those answers.
  • 51. Agree or Disagree? Section 2 The next section has a rating scale from 1-5. We will go over these examples and fill them out together.
  • 52. Section 3 The next section continues with rating scale questions from 1-5. These questions will address your work ethic, performance, leadership, soft skills, and how you would approach difficult work situations and deadlines.
  • 53. Section 4 The personality assessment section is used to most accurately represent your: *Work Standards *Problem solving *Time Management *Teamwork *Work History *Dependability *Conflict Resolution *Professionalism
  • 54. Your done! Some applications will indicate whether you have passed or failed the assessment.
  • 55. Follow up Employers can pull up your application if you passed the assessment. Most will even share how you did. Its important to follow up once your application is completed.
  • 56. At the end of the application Check E-mail and Voicemail daily. Network with Employers. Remember to continue to follow through with the process of applying, networking and interviewing.
  • 57. Additional Online Job Search Tools LinkedIn CT Job Central Indeed