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Cameron Venture Partners
goes Google.

CustomizedGoogleAppspresentationforCameron Venture Partners.

Google Apps can make your company more profitable,
                   productive, and innovative. Here are a few areas
                   Cameron Venture Partners can benefit from going Google:





Cameron Venture Partners goes Google                                         2
Efficiency: Lower total cost of ownership

                                       By switching to

                                       Google Apps your

                                       company of 5
                                                                                                                Google Apps only costs
                                       employees could save                                                     $50 per user per year.
                                                                                                                That's less than your
                                       a year
                                                                                                                company will spend on
                                                                                                                morning coffee.

Cameron Venture Partners goes Google    Estimatesarebasedonsamplecustomersofasimilarsize,andmaynotreflectyouractualexperiencewithGoogleAppsorMicrosoft®Exchange2007.   3
Efficiency: Access anytime, anywhere

                                                                                                                Access your files from any place
                                   Employees at
                                                                                                                with internet. Plus, Macs, PCs
                                   Cameron Venture Partners                                                     and Linux can all run Google
                                                                                                                Apps. Blackberry® devices,
                                   will be                                                                      smartphones, Outlook® and
                                                                                                                Entourage® accounts are
                        2.8 times                                                                               compatible, too.

                                   more productive

                                   while mobile

Cameron Venture Partners goes Google                                                                                                   (TelegraphMediaGroupInternalStudy,2009).   4
Efficiency: Bigger inboxes, less clutter

      Cameron Venture Partners

      could add
                                                                             Enough for

      of email storage space
                                                                           307,298 emails

                                                                           Gmail inboxes are 50 times the industry standard
                                                                           So employees will spend less time deleting emails.
                                                                           Plus, that new space will be organized into
                                                                           conversation threads, reducing the number
                                                                           of inbox lines by 47%.

Cameron Venture Partners goes Google                                                  or510,000emailsperdayacrosstheorganization(MotorolaMobileDevicesBusinessinternalstat,2009).   5
Productivity: Less spam, more time

                       Cameron Venture Partners could put the

                      140 hours
                       employees normally spend dealing
                       with spam to better use.

                        Gmail saves time by filtering out spam and protecting you from viruses.
                        Hope you won't miss those inspirational chain letters.

Cameron Venture Partners goes Google                        Anaverageuserreceives77spamemailseachdaywhichareblockedbyGooglePostiniServices(Googleinternalstat,2009)    6
Productivity: No more version control

                                       At Cameron Venture Partners, if

                                       10 team members
                                       working on a project each make

                                       5 revisions
                                       there would be

                                       50 versions
                                       of the same document floating around.

                                       Technology is supposed to make things easier, but too
                                       many attachments get complicated.

                                       With Google Apps, there's a single online copy of each document, so
                                       everyone knows that they're working on the latest version
                                       of a doc, spreadsheet or presentation.

Cameron Venture Partners goes Google                                                                         7
Productivity: Integrated email, IM, and video chat

                   Employees at Cameron Venture Partners
                   could communicate

                   36% more
                   with integrated email, IM, voice
                   and video chat.
                   Along with saving money on the company phone bill, Gmail's built in IM, voice, and
                   video chat make collaboration and communication more efficient.

                                                                              Employee communication increased by 36% within 6 months after adopting Google Apps.
Cameron Venture Partners goes Google                                                                                 (Telegraph Media Group Internal Study, 2009)   8
Trust: Automatic updates

                                  Save 5 hours
                                  per year with automatic
                                  updates and keep your
                                  data safe and sound.

                                  With Google Apps, updates and security patches are
                                  automatically installed. So instead of installing patches,
                                  changing passwords and fending off viruses, your IT department
                                  can contribute to the company in more productive ways.

Cameron Venture Partners goes Google                   Microsoft® had71“critical”and“important”securityalertsin2009alone.http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/current.aspx   9
Trust: 99.9% uptime reliability


                            uptime Cameron Venture Partners will get

                            135 hours
                            of additional productivity
                            each year.
                            When it comes to servers, downtime is a downer. But with Google Apps,
                            Cameron Venture Partners will experience more reliable access to files and
                            emails with no planned downtime. Other server systems have at least 36
                            to 90 minutes of planned downtime a month.

Cameron Venture Partners goes Google              planneddowntimepermonth,(TheRadicatiGroupstudy,2008).http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/what-we-learned-from-1-million.html    10
Trust: Data security

                                                                                        Cameron Venture Partners
                                                                                        could avoid losing

                                                                                        of data from lost
                                                                                        or stolen laptops.

                                                                                        And Cameron Venture Partners
                                                                                        will spend

                                                                                        less recovering
                                                                                        from data loss.

                                                                                        Losing things is never fun.
                                                                                        But with Google Apps all your
                                                                                        data is stored online. That
                                                                                        means you'll need 0 thumb
                                                                                        drives and lose 0 gigs of data
                                                                                        if anything happens to
                                                                                        a company laptop.

                                                                                           According to the FBI, 1 out of every 10 laptops are stolen in the first year of purchase, (FBI, 2005).
Cameron Venture Partners goes Google   Atypicallostorstolenlaptopcostsemployees$49,246duetovalueofmissingintellectualpropertyorothersensitivedata.(PonemonInstitute,2008.)
Trust: Data Recovery

                                                   Cameron Venture Partners could save

                                                   in data recovery services.

              Cameron Venture Partners may spend as much as $750 in data recovery services to protect
              from a natural disaster or hardware meltdown. But by going Google you'd spend $0 and wait
              0 weeks to recover files.

Cameron Venture Partners goes Google                                                              http://googleenterprise.blogspot.com/2010/03/disaster-recovery-by-google.html       12
Innovation: Continuous updates & new features

           Plus, nobody likes waiting for new stuff.
           That's why Google has automatic updates. You'll instantely get the newest features instead of waiting years
           for the next version to be released. In the past year, Google Apps has released over a hundred new features
           and innovations without any patches of installations to worry about. Here are a few new ones:

            Google Drawings                                    Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise server
            Upload any type of file                            Custom template creation in Google Docs
            Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exhange        Google Secure Data Connector
            Translate documents in Google Docs                 Gmail drag & drop attachments
            Message Log Search in Message Security             Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook
            Google Docs shared folders                         Google Groups in Apps
            Translate in Google Sites                          Export all documents
            Google Apps Script                                 Google Sites templates

Cameron Venture Partners goes Google                                                                                     13
So here's the bottom line if
                  Cameron Venture Partners switches to Google Apps.

                  Time saved:                  280 hours/yr.
                  Money saved:                     $46,179/yr.

                                                    Time to go Google
                                                    Learn more at google.com/gonegoogle

Cameron Venture Partners goes Google                                                      14

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Cameron gone google

  • 1. Cameron Venture Partners goes Google. CustomizedGoogleAppspresentationforCameron Venture Partners. google.com/gonegoogle 1
  • 2. Google Apps can make your company more profitable, productive, and innovative. Here are a few areas Cameron Venture Partners can benefit from going Google: Efficiency Productivity Trust Innovation Cameron Venture Partners goes Google 2
  • 3. Efficiency: Lower total cost of ownership By switching to Google Apps your company of 5 Google Apps only costs employees could save $50 per user per year. That's less than your $31,254 a year company will spend on morning coffee. EstimatedsavingsoverMicrosoft®Exchange2007,assumingaverageITmanagerhourlywageof$70anhour. Cameron Venture Partners goes Google Estimatesarebasedonsamplecustomersofasimilarsize,andmaynotreflectyouractualexperiencewithGoogleAppsorMicrosoft®Exchange2007. 3
  • 4. Efficiency: Access anytime, anywhere Access your files from any place Employees at with internet. Plus, Macs, PCs Cameron Venture Partners and Linux can all run Google Apps. Blackberry® devices, will be smartphones, Outlook® and Entourage® accounts are 2.8 times compatible, too. more productive while mobile Theaverageemployeeinthecompanybecame2.8xmoreeffectivewhileworkingmobilewithin6monthsafteradoptingGoogleApps, Cameron Venture Partners goes Google (TelegraphMediaGroupInternalStudy,2009). 4
  • 5. Efficiency: Bigger inboxes, less clutter Cameron Venture Partners could add Enough for 122GB of email storage space 307,298 emails Gmail inboxes are 50 times the industry standard So employees will spend less time deleting emails. Plus, that new space will be organized into conversation threads, reducing the number of inbox lines by 47%. Calculationsbasedonanaverageemailsizeof418KB(OstermanResearchStudy,2010).Thenumberoflinesinemployees’inboxesdecreasedby47%, Cameron Venture Partners goes Google or510,000emailsperdayacrosstheorganization(MotorolaMobileDevicesBusinessinternalstat,2009). 5
  • 6. Productivity: Less spam, more time Cameron Venture Partners could put the 140 hours employees normally spend dealing with spam to better use. Gmail saves time by filtering out spam and protecting you from viruses. Hope you won't miss those inspirational chain letters. Assumptions:5secondsforanemployeetoclickopenandemail,IDitasspam,anddeleteit. Cameron Venture Partners goes Google Anaverageuserreceives77spamemailseachdaywhichareblockedbyGooglePostiniServices(Googleinternalstat,2009) 6
  • 7. Productivity: No more version control At Cameron Venture Partners, if 10 team members working on a project each make 5 revisions there would be 50 versions of the same document floating around. Yikes. Technology is supposed to make things easier, but too many attachments get complicated. With Google Apps, there's a single online copy of each document, so everyone knows that they're working on the latest version of a doc, spreadsheet or presentation. Cameron Venture Partners goes Google 7
  • 8. Productivity: Integrated email, IM, and video chat Employees at Cameron Venture Partners could communicate 36% more with integrated email, IM, voice and video chat. Along with saving money on the company phone bill, Gmail's built in IM, voice, and video chat make collaboration and communication more efficient. Employee communication increased by 36% within 6 months after adopting Google Apps. Cameron Venture Partners goes Google (Telegraph Media Group Internal Study, 2009) 8
  • 9. Trust: Automatic updates Save 5 hours per year with automatic updates and keep your data safe and sound. With Google Apps, updates and security patches are automatically installed. So instead of installing patches, changing passwords and fending off viruses, your IT department can contribute to the company in more productive ways. Assumption:5minutesforeachusertoupdateandrestarttheirmachineaftereachPatchTuesday(12timesperyear). Cameron Venture Partners goes Google Microsoft® had71“critical”and“important”securityalertsin2009alone.http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/current.aspx 9
  • 10. Trust: 99.9% uptime reliability With uptime Cameron Venture Partners will get 135 hours of additional productivity each year. When it comes to servers, downtime is a downer. But with Google Apps, Cameron Venture Partners will experience more reliable access to files and emails with no planned downtime. Other server systems have at least 36 to 90 minutes of planned downtime a month. Companieswithon-premisesemailsolutionsaveragedfrom30to60minutesofunscheduleddowntimeandanadditional36to90minutesof Cameron Venture Partners goes Google planneddowntimepermonth,(TheRadicatiGroupstudy,2008).http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/what-we-learned-from-1-million.html 10
  • 11. Trust: Data security Cameron Venture Partners could avoid losing 4GB of data from lost or stolen laptops. And Cameron Venture Partners will spend $14,173 less recovering from data loss. Losing things is never fun. But with Google Apps all your data is stored online. That means you'll need 0 thumb drives and lose 0 gigs of data if anything happens to a company laptop. Assumptions:60%ofemployeeshavelaptops;10GBofdatastoredperlaptop;averagelaptopcostof$2000. According to the FBI, 1 out of every 10 laptops are stolen in the first year of purchase, (FBI, 2005). Cameron Venture Partners goes Google Atypicallostorstolenlaptopcostsemployees$49,246duetovalueofmissingintellectualpropertyorothersensitivedata.(PonemonInstitute,2008.) 11
  • 12. Trust: Data Recovery Cameron Venture Partners could save $750 in data recovery services. Cameron Venture Partners may spend as much as $750 in data recovery services to protect from a natural disaster or hardware meltdown. But by going Google you'd spend $0 and wait 0 weeks to recover files. Assumptions:Averagedatarecoverycostof$150peruserperyear.Calculationsbasedoncompaniesofasimilarsize. Cameron Venture Partners goes Google http://googleenterprise.blogspot.com/2010/03/disaster-recovery-by-google.html 12
  • 13. Innovation: Continuous updates & new features Plus, nobody likes waiting for new stuff. That's why Google has automatic updates. You'll instantely get the newest features instead of waiting years for the next version to be released. In the past year, Google Apps has released over a hundred new features and innovations without any patches of installations to worry about. Here are a few new ones: Google Drawings Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise server Upload any type of file Custom template creation in Google Docs Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exhange Google Secure Data Connector Translate documents in Google Docs Gmail drag & drop attachments Message Log Search in Message Security Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook Google Docs shared folders Google Groups in Apps Translate in Google Sites Export all documents Google Apps Script Google Sites templates Cameron Venture Partners goes Google 13
  • 14. So here's the bottom line if Cameron Venture Partners switches to Google Apps. Time saved: 280 hours/yr. Money saved: $46,179/yr. Time to go Google Learn more at google.com/gonegoogle Cameron Venture Partners goes Google 14