Resultats enquesta 5èCan Cantó 6èEls alumnes de 6è del CEIP Can Cantó d'Eivissa passen una enquesta sobre ús d'ordinadors a 5è de primària.
Prueba Funcionales Muscularesmiguellangell2002Este documento rinde homenaje a la Dra. Marian Williams, coautora, colega distinguida y amiga leal de la tercera edición de Pruebas Funcionales Musculares. El documento presenta información sobre el desarrollo de las pruebas musculares manuales desde 1912 y los autores que contribuyeron a su evolución, incluyendo al Dr. Robert W. Lovett de la Escuela de Medicina de Harvard. También discute consideraciones básicas sobre las pruebas musculares y el análisis de la marcha como método de sele
James Metcalfe's November Real Estate UpdateJames MetcalfeThis month we saw a 6% rise in the average cost of homes in the GTA. Also we look at status certificates and some important tips on evaluating adjustable rate mortgages. The ever popular pearls of wisdom also return
Best of The Talking Village Blog (2)Flavia Rubino | The Talking VillageQualche quote dal nostro blog... i vostri commenti sono sempre i benvenuti, di qua o di là :)
Facebook VS. Twitter. A look at social demographicsDigital Surgeons Back in 2010 we created this infographic which showcased the social demographics of Facebook and Twitter. We captured some unique data points as well as explored new ways to visualize data with charts that at that time weren't being used in mainstream infographics
De Ander, ééN En ééN Is Driefiore3606The document contains several short passages about different topics:
1) A description of the earth from space and of two artists walking from opposite ends of the Great Wall of China to meet in the middle after 90 days.
2) A diagram of different levels of intimacy in a sexual relationship labeled from first to home base.
3) A play-by-play description of an exciting baseball game culminating in a close play at the plate during a suicide squeeze play in the bottom of the ninth inning.
Xml by LuqmanLuqman ShareefXML is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. XML was developed based on SGML and is designed to transport and store data. XML documents contain elements, attributes, and have a tree structure. Documents must follow specific rules to be considered valid XML, such as having matching start and end tags.
Elvis 1985Elvis Presley BluesThis document provides release information for three Elvis Presley albums from 1985: Valentine Gift for You released in February 1985 with 12 tracks, Reconsider Baby released in April 1985 with 12 tracks, and Always On My Mind released in June 1985 with 12 tracks including the title track with overdubbed strings. It also lists two singles released that year: My Boy in July 1985 and Merry Christmas Baby/Santa Claus Is Back In Town in November 1985.
Marrying Medical Affairs with MarketingAnup SoansInside this Issue:
1. Listening to the Patient by Hanno Wolfram
The answer to the simple question – “Dear patient, to which degree has your health problem been solved or alleviated?” – might be your company’s most important metric.
2. Getting the Bang for Your Buck from Training by K. Hariram
What you do post-training is crucial to the long-term effectiveness of your training programs.
3. 3 Principles of Steve Jobs by Prof. Vivek Hattangadi
Using Empathy, Focus and Imputation to deliver value and to delight your customers.
4. Is Indian Pharma Future-Ready? by Salil Kallianpur
The nature of healthcare delivery is changing rapidly. Can Indian pharma keep pace?
5. Trial by Fire by Dr. Viraj Suvarna
Much rhetoric has muddied the water of what exactly is at stake for clinical trials in India.
6. 42 Years at Pfizer - Special Report
Sudhir Ganguly recently retired after a 42 year stint at Pfizer.
Service Oriented ArchitectureLuqman ShareefSOA is an architectural style that promotes loose coupling between services. A SOA divides applications into distinct services that can be reused. Web services are a popular implementation of SOA using open standards like XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. WSDL describes the services available while UDDI publishes service locations. SOAP is used to exchange XML messages between services. REST is an alternative architectural style where resources are accessed via URIs and representations are exchanged using HTTP methods.
Quella volta che il sito ce lo siamo immaginati noi. E anche lo spettacolo.Flavia Rubino | The Talking Villagedue casi di cocreazione realizzati da TTV: il nuovo sito Nesquik per i genitori (in partnership con Now Available), i cui progettisti sono stati gli utenti della rete, e lo spettacolo Huggies (finalizzato alla creazione di un nuovo posizionamento, in partnership con JWT), frutto della collaborazione delle mamme blogger, autrici teatrali per un giorno.
After a while we learnAndressa PortoThis poem discusses the many life lessons one learns over time. It states that through experiences, you learn that love is more than just physical affection, that presents and kisses are not commitments, and that you must accept defeat with grace. You learn to focus on the present and not make plans based on an uncertain future. While relationships may hurt sometimes, it is important to forgive others and care for them. With maturity comes understanding that people influence us but we are responsible for ourselves, and should not compare ourselves but strive to better ourselves.
Sample Skull CastsstralowThis document lists several fossil casts including casts of skulls such as an Aerosteon skull cast, African pterosaur skull casts showing details, and a Suchomimus skull cast. The document also notes that original fossil material was placed on or next to some of the casts for comparison of detail.
World AIDS Day at University of New HampshireUniversity of New Hampshire Health ServicesThe document provides information about HIV/AIDS including how it is transmitted, ways to protect oneself, myths and facts about transmission, statistics about those affected, and resources for testing and getting involved. It encourages getting tested, wearing a red ribbon on World AIDS Day to raise awareness, and volunteering or attending events to learn more and honor those lost to the disease.
NCB London Seminar GoL Presentation The Health Of Looked after Children Febru...Shirley AyresShirley Ayres, Amy Wilkinson, the health of children in care, NCB, scoping review, learning from emerging practice, final report, GoL, promoting good practice, integrated working, be inspired
SheSpeaks Social Media InfographicSheSpeaks Inc.New SheSpeaks Research Demonstrates Influence of Digital and Social Media on Women’s Shopping and Daily Lives
2009 Elvis MoviesElvis Presley BluesThis document is a list of Elvis Presley movies from 1956 to 1970, including Love Me Tender, Jailhouse Rock, King Creole, Blue Hawaii, and Viva Las Vegas. It provides the movie title, release year, and trailer for each of Elvis's 27 films over that 14 year period.
A Strategic Model for Product Diversification and Broker Revenue EnhancementbjgilbertThe document discusses a strategic consulting practice that helps brokers diversify their revenue streams by expanding their product offerings to clients. It details how the consulting firm conducted an audit that revealed clients were purchasing multiple ancillary services, like bill repricing and wellness programs. This presented an opportunity for brokers to act as the primary client contact and generate additional fees by placing these services themselves rather than ceding control to third-party administrators. The firm then helped a broker implement a turn-key strategy to place bill repricing and other services for 10,000 covered lives, generating an additional $60,000 in revenues with no disruption to clients.
The Talking Village 2013Flavia Rubino | The Talking VillageThe Talking Village realizza progetti di marketing partecipativo. Scopri cosa facciamo e soprattuto come lo facciamo.
Elvis Persely Disc90sElvis Presley BluesThis document provides a detailed discography of Elvis Presley's singles and albums released in the 1990s, primarily in Germany and Europe. It lists the title, catalog number, and tracklisting for numerous singles, maxi-singles, and compilation albums issued each year from 1990 to 1999. Several singles and albums from this period were reissues or greatest hits compilations. New material included the 1991 album "The Lost Album" and several singles in 1992, 1995, and 1999.
Elvis 1985Elvis Presley BluesThis document provides release information for three Elvis Presley albums from 1985: Valentine Gift for You released in February 1985 with 12 tracks, Reconsider Baby released in April 1985 with 12 tracks, and Always On My Mind released in June 1985 with 12 tracks including the title track with overdubbed strings. It also lists two singles released that year: My Boy in July 1985 and Merry Christmas Baby/Santa Claus Is Back In Town in November 1985.
Marrying Medical Affairs with MarketingAnup SoansInside this Issue:
1. Listening to the Patient by Hanno Wolfram
The answer to the simple question – “Dear patient, to which degree has your health problem been solved or alleviated?” – might be your company’s most important metric.
2. Getting the Bang for Your Buck from Training by K. Hariram
What you do post-training is crucial to the long-term effectiveness of your training programs.
3. 3 Principles of Steve Jobs by Prof. Vivek Hattangadi
Using Empathy, Focus and Imputation to deliver value and to delight your customers.
4. Is Indian Pharma Future-Ready? by Salil Kallianpur
The nature of healthcare delivery is changing rapidly. Can Indian pharma keep pace?
5. Trial by Fire by Dr. Viraj Suvarna
Much rhetoric has muddied the water of what exactly is at stake for clinical trials in India.
6. 42 Years at Pfizer - Special Report
Sudhir Ganguly recently retired after a 42 year stint at Pfizer.
Service Oriented ArchitectureLuqman ShareefSOA is an architectural style that promotes loose coupling between services. A SOA divides applications into distinct services that can be reused. Web services are a popular implementation of SOA using open standards like XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. WSDL describes the services available while UDDI publishes service locations. SOAP is used to exchange XML messages between services. REST is an alternative architectural style where resources are accessed via URIs and representations are exchanged using HTTP methods.
Quella volta che il sito ce lo siamo immaginati noi. E anche lo spettacolo.Flavia Rubino | The Talking Villagedue casi di cocreazione realizzati da TTV: il nuovo sito Nesquik per i genitori (in partnership con Now Available), i cui progettisti sono stati gli utenti della rete, e lo spettacolo Huggies (finalizzato alla creazione di un nuovo posizionamento, in partnership con JWT), frutto della collaborazione delle mamme blogger, autrici teatrali per un giorno.
After a while we learnAndressa PortoThis poem discusses the many life lessons one learns over time. It states that through experiences, you learn that love is more than just physical affection, that presents and kisses are not commitments, and that you must accept defeat with grace. You learn to focus on the present and not make plans based on an uncertain future. While relationships may hurt sometimes, it is important to forgive others and care for them. With maturity comes understanding that people influence us but we are responsible for ourselves, and should not compare ourselves but strive to better ourselves.
Sample Skull CastsstralowThis document lists several fossil casts including casts of skulls such as an Aerosteon skull cast, African pterosaur skull casts showing details, and a Suchomimus skull cast. The document also notes that original fossil material was placed on or next to some of the casts for comparison of detail.
World AIDS Day at University of New HampshireUniversity of New Hampshire Health ServicesThe document provides information about HIV/AIDS including how it is transmitted, ways to protect oneself, myths and facts about transmission, statistics about those affected, and resources for testing and getting involved. It encourages getting tested, wearing a red ribbon on World AIDS Day to raise awareness, and volunteering or attending events to learn more and honor those lost to the disease.
NCB London Seminar GoL Presentation The Health Of Looked after Children Febru...Shirley AyresShirley Ayres, Amy Wilkinson, the health of children in care, NCB, scoping review, learning from emerging practice, final report, GoL, promoting good practice, integrated working, be inspired
SheSpeaks Social Media InfographicSheSpeaks Inc.New SheSpeaks Research Demonstrates Influence of Digital and Social Media on Women’s Shopping and Daily Lives
2009 Elvis MoviesElvis Presley BluesThis document is a list of Elvis Presley movies from 1956 to 1970, including Love Me Tender, Jailhouse Rock, King Creole, Blue Hawaii, and Viva Las Vegas. It provides the movie title, release year, and trailer for each of Elvis's 27 films over that 14 year period.
A Strategic Model for Product Diversification and Broker Revenue EnhancementbjgilbertThe document discusses a strategic consulting practice that helps brokers diversify their revenue streams by expanding their product offerings to clients. It details how the consulting firm conducted an audit that revealed clients were purchasing multiple ancillary services, like bill repricing and wellness programs. This presented an opportunity for brokers to act as the primary client contact and generate additional fees by placing these services themselves rather than ceding control to third-party administrators. The firm then helped a broker implement a turn-key strategy to place bill repricing and other services for 10,000 covered lives, generating an additional $60,000 in revenues with no disruption to clients.
The Talking Village 2013Flavia Rubino | The Talking VillageThe Talking Village realizza progetti di marketing partecipativo. Scopri cosa facciamo e soprattuto come lo facciamo.
Elvis Persely Disc90sElvis Presley BluesThis document provides a detailed discography of Elvis Presley's singles and albums released in the 1990s, primarily in Germany and Europe. It lists the title, catalog number, and tracklisting for numerous singles, maxi-singles, and compilation albums issued each year from 1990 to 1999. Several singles and albums from this period were reissues or greatest hits compilations. New material included the 1991 album "The Lost Album" and several singles in 1992, 1995, and 1999.
A l'enquesta només l' han contestat 22 alumnes.
1. De 22 alumnes que han contestat, 20 tenen ordinadors.
2. La majoria tenen un ordinador. Una persona en té 4i un altra en té 5.
3. 6 alumnes de 6è tenen ordinador propi, 14 el tenen compartit i dos
persones no en tenen .
4. Tots els que tenen ordinador propi el tenen a la seva habitació.
5. La majoria d' alumnes passen una hora amb l' ordinador.
6. A la majoria d'alumnes no li limiten el temps que passa amb l'
ordinador, però n'hi ha 6 que sí.
7. 21 alumnes tenen internet a casa.
8. La majoria d'alumnes de 6è utilitzen l' ordinador per jugar, per
connectar-se a le xarxes socials, per fer treballs i per cercar informació.
5. 3. Teniu ordinador propi, compartit o
no en teniu?
No en tens
No en tens
6. 4. Quants alumnes tenen l'ordinador
a la seva habitació?
7. 5. Quant de temps passes amb
menys d'1h
d'1h a 2h
mes de 2h
no valid
menys d'1h d' 1h a 2h mes de 2h
no valid
8. 6. Et limiten el temps que passes
amb l'ordinador?