25 years of experience in Aerospace/Commercial Applications:
* Open Source Software Component Development: Rools, MapBuilder, OpenWFE...
* Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) interoperability standards for the SensorWeb
NASA GSFC/JPL - EO-1 autonomous sciencecraft
* ONI - Global Maritime Intelligence Integration
* NRL - Vessel Tracking & Maritime Domain Awareness Programs
* DoD Communications Systems (A2C2S, UCIM, JCIT, Tactical/Software defined Radios)
* AFRL - Techsat-21 autonomy
* Johns Hopkins - Flight and Instrument Ground Control (FUSE satellite)
* Lockheed Martin - SBIRS, SCS-21...
* Naval Research Laboratory - First rule-based expert system in space in 1994 on Clementine with auton...