3 simple steps to go to the gym at least once a week during your hectic college life! One tiny change in my weekly routine motivated me to go to the gym 1x/week consistently.
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3 simple steps to go to the gym 1x/week
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Go to the gym 1x/week
during your hectic college life
2. My previous failed attempts...
During my past two college years, I had
been trying to go to the gym at least once a
Previous attempts: scheduling going with
friends, signing up for an athletic class,
adding it into my calendar, iPhone alarm
Nothing stuck
...Until now!
3. Step 1: Prepare
Set a realistic goal: "Every Thursday after
class, I will go to the gym"
Set rules: If I did not go to the gym before
bedtime, I stayed in
my gym clothes
I taped a sign on my
computer monitor
4. Step 2: Execute
After getting back to my room from my last
class Thursday, I saw my reminder and
changed into gym clothes + shoes
ResuIt: I went to the gym!
5. Step 3: Celebrate
After every successful gym visit, I celebrate!
I do a double fist pump after leaving the gym,
and think "good workout!".
You could do a fist pump, or pat yourself on the
back. It doesn't matter what you do, just that it
works for you.
6. Why I think it works
no fixed time to go to the gym, just sometime
after changing
Thursdays are good: no homework due until
next week, and only one class on Friday
Small steps
changing into gym clothes not too hard
going to gym when already in gym clothes
seems easier
7. Your turn!
Step 1: Prepare by picking a good day for you
and putting up a conspicuous physical or
digital reminder.
Step 2: Do it.
Step 3: Celebrate!
8. I'm currently in my junior
Contact me year at Stanford University
majoring in Computer
Science. I'm interested in
health technology and how
Tell me how it worked for you: people create healthy
bit.ly/SZrK0g behaviors for themselves.
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Good luck in school and on
your path to better health!