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33 Schubert street, Binghamton | ckshirs1@binghamton.edu | (607) 297-0055
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chaitanya-kshirsagar/ Github: https://github.com/ckshirs1
Masters in Computer Science Dec 2020
Binghamton University, State University of New York, Watson School of Engineering.
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Aug 2012  May 2016
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune Vidyarthi Grihas College of Engineering and Technology, Pune, India.
Programming: C/C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, CUDA
Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle
Frameworks: Hibernate, Spring boot, JPA, Angular JS, Angular 6
Maxxton Technologies India Private Limited, Kharadi, Pune, India
Software Engineer, Development Jun 2018  May 2019
 Involved in development of a web application for companys product known as Maxxton Software, ERP system used by resorts.
 Designed various restful APIs in java spring boot for Rate Manager and Payments Module of this software.
 Used spring batch for programming batch specific tasks.
 Created a handler API for postback requests coming from ingenico in spring boot for Payments module.
 Wrote unit tests in mockito, junit and integration tests in rest assured for Rest APIs.
 Technologies used: Spring boot, Spring data JPA, hibernate, Oracle, Servlets, Git
Vignet IT Solutions, Aundh, Pune, India
Software Engineer, Development Jul 2016  Sep 2017
 Analyzed requirements, development, and testing of project Stay Strong and MIBP.
 Created a web portal for researchers depicting statistics of end users health having tables and graphs in angularjs, HTML and CSS.
 Integrated APIs of fitbit, android and web portal to backend of system using spring boot.
 Worked on android push notification from server and conducted tests for ensuring working.
 Implemented message scheduling using quartz scheduler in java for getting timely messages for user on app.
 Analysis of requirements and re-use of existing code.
 Technologies used: Spring boot, Hibernate, Angular JS, HTML, CSS, Javascript, SVN
Firewall Engine Based on GPU Jul 2015  May 2016
 Implemented an optimized model of a Firewall on GPU as compared to serial model of firewall.
 Showed 11 times speed up of parallel implementation over serial implementation of firewall.
 Programmed project in CUDA and C. Converted serial string-matching algorithm into a parallel algorithm so as to work on GPU.
 Published a paper in an international journal IJESRT for project.
Dhruva Club  Organizer Jul 2019
 Organized and coordinated for the seminar Unleash the Power of Mind by Mr. Anand Patil in PVGs COET, Pune in
July 2019.
Corporate Youth Center  Volunteer Mar 2019
 Played various dramas related to Stress management and Mind Control. Marketed for these events by visiting
corporate youths.
ASCI  PVGs COET, Pune - Volunteer Mar 2015 and Mar 2016
 Volunteered in various events organized by Association of Computer and IT students (ASCI) in college. Conducted events -
Durby race and Beg, borrow and click.

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Resume chaitanya kshirsagar-04-01-20

  • 1. CHAITANYA KSHIRSAGAR 33 Schubert street, Binghamton | ckshirs1@binghamton.edu | (607) 297-0055 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chaitanya-kshirsagar/ Github: https://github.com/ckshirs1 EDUCATION Masters in Computer Science Dec 2020 Binghamton University, State University of New York, Watson School of Engineering. Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Aug 2012 May 2016 Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune Vidyarthi Grihas College of Engineering and Technology, Pune, India. TECHNICAL SKILLS Programming: C/C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, CUDA Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle Frameworks: Hibernate, Spring boot, JPA, Angular JS, Angular 6 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Maxxton Technologies India Private Limited, Kharadi, Pune, India Software Engineer, Development Jun 2018 May 2019 Involved in development of a web application for companys product known as Maxxton Software, ERP system used by resorts. Designed various restful APIs in java spring boot for Rate Manager and Payments Module of this software. Used spring batch for programming batch specific tasks. Created a handler API for postback requests coming from ingenico in spring boot for Payments module. Wrote unit tests in mockito, junit and integration tests in rest assured for Rest APIs. Technologies used: Spring boot, Spring data JPA, hibernate, Oracle, Servlets, Git Vignet IT Solutions, Aundh, Pune, India Software Engineer, Development Jul 2016 Sep 2017 Analyzed requirements, development, and testing of project Stay Strong and MIBP. Created a web portal for researchers depicting statistics of end users health having tables and graphs in angularjs, HTML and CSS. Integrated APIs of fitbit, android and web portal to backend of system using spring boot. Worked on android push notification from server and conducted tests for ensuring working. Implemented message scheduling using quartz scheduler in java for getting timely messages for user on app. Analysis of requirements and re-use of existing code. Technologies used: Spring boot, Hibernate, Angular JS, HTML, CSS, Javascript, SVN ACADEMIC PROJECTS Firewall Engine Based on GPU Jul 2015 May 2016 Implemented an optimized model of a Firewall on GPU as compared to serial model of firewall. Showed 11 times speed up of parallel implementation over serial implementation of firewall. Programmed project in CUDA and C. Converted serial string-matching algorithm into a parallel algorithm so as to work on GPU. Published a paper in an international journal IJESRT for project. LEADERSHIP AND INVOLVEMENT Dhruva Club Organizer Jul 2019 Organized and coordinated for the seminar Unleash the Power of Mind by Mr. Anand Patil in PVGs COET, Pune in July 2019. Corporate Youth Center Volunteer Mar 2019 Played various dramas related to Stress management and Mind Control. Marketed for these events by visiting corporate youths. ASCI PVGs COET, Pune - Volunteer Mar 2015 and Mar 2016 Volunteered in various events organized by Association of Computer and IT students (ASCI) in college. Conducted events - Durby race and Beg, borrow and click.