What can I say??
, i'm beyondd fyye . ((:
, at the end of the day, imma do me . ((:
, serving God is my only concern, not pleasing the world. ((:
, like it or leave it alone . ((:
, if you hate you can kick rocks .((:
, i love my family and friendss . ((: [♥]
, they day i stop tryin', well, that's the day hell's
gone frezze over! (:
, I love to have fun plain and simple! (:
, have awesome friends and don't mind making new ones!
, mess with my girls, messing with me!
, WE GON SQUADD UPP! [insider) ((:
, and you better know that it is what it is. (:
, i absolutely hate FAKINESS, DRAMA, and B*A*NESS!
, imma keep it real.
, imma make it rain! ((:
, have associates to