Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Pila, Laguna
Teacher I
I am Cherry Rose I. Reb0ng.
ACc0rding to my m0m,the name "cherry" cAme fr0m a p0pular artist during their times and "rose" fr0m her name "r0sita".My friends often call me "cheb0ng".Why? It's for y0u to think of. Xp
I'm the y0ungest and oNly daugHter of my parents that's maybe the reas0n why s0metimes I'm treateD as a pRincess.
At my y0ung age,I've experienceD so much pain and happinesS in lifE.I always l0ok f0r people who'll just aCcept me as I am.
I use to hang ouT with my bArkada and go anyWhere.I really l0ve dancing and I Kn0w it l0ves me t0o.haha..
Dancing is my lifE becAuse it makes me fEel betTer and c0nfidEnt. 0ther pe0ple t0ld me that I'm a fashi0nista bec0z I love to c0llect
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