7. Social Media To Improve Student Life And School Rating
All teens use social media, schools can use this as a benefit to reach
Better and easier methods to reach homes (students and parents).
Display messages, show actual imagery, up-to-date info.
Increase schools presence in the community.
School and Home as one entity.
8. Benefits of Social Media in Education
Student inducement for writing and reading
Students contact teachers Direct contact with school officials
Parents contact teachers On hand information
Students upload videos Up-to-date News
Direct streaming
Videos of student's activities
up-to-date info regarding school achievements
15. Step 1: Set Your Objectives And Measurement
Public Objectives
Raise knowledge of Strengthen
your school, Exemplify the relationships with
teaching methods, personality of your future clients,
improvement organization prospects, and
methods. influencers
Improve student- Improve parent-
teacher relationship teacher relationship
16. Private Objectives
Build awareness Increase web Improve search
regarding school site traffic engine rankings
Generate leads Generate sales
17. Step 2: Get To Know Your Tribes
Build a questionnaire (What websites are students most interested in?
What Social sites do they use most?)
Analyze this data and build your personas
Gather Insights Directly From Your Students And Parents
To Create More Targeted Social Media Campaigns
21. Step 3: Select Your Social Channels
Facebook Twitter Linked-In You Tube Blogs
Account with Account with Setting up Constant upload Periodical
constant follow constant follow account for of videos in the blogging (weekly)
up up teachers to classroom and Upload of
Page with recent Tweeting during connect in the during extra- workshops,
activities and school event and business world curricular feedbacks,
announcements ensuring the Sending activities brochures and
Constant upload widest number of brochures and Sharing videos flyers on the blog
of photos/ video/ followers flyers of the with students Upload of
useful links Spreading the school to through their activities and
24/7 monitoring activities through companies and Facebook journals of
of other schools' pictures managers to accounts students, staff
accounts widespread and faculty
constant contact
with students
22. Step 3: Select Your Social Search engine ranking
Media Channels
Facebook Ads
Media Google Ads
Commercializing on
Ministry of education's
Commercializing on
Children TV channels
23. Step 4: Put Together An Engagement Plan
Social media strategy (complete!)
Agree social media campaigns with the business
May June Look into resourcing needs for campaigns
Secure your brand names / URLs across the social Web (unless you have
already done this)
Design and launch (selected social network) page structure
Prepare targeted content for your social network
Upload video content to YouTube etc.
July August Launch first campaign
Communicate with key influencers through Twitter and other channels
Monitor conversations on direct chat
September October ,,,
24. Step 5: Set Up A Social Media Policy
Stating who the social media policy applies to, such as employees, teachers, parents, students
Reminding the employees to understand any employment agreements, contracts or communication
policies already in existence. This includes copyright, privacy and other applicable rules or regulations.
Define social media to include all forms of multi-media, social networking websites, blogs or any other
digital content sharing service is covered within the policy
Set clear guidelines on how confidential information should not be used or published via social media
(ex: Pictures without consent of individuals)
Request employees use a disclaimer or their opinions to those of the organization when referring to the
Make clear that any postings from employees from personal accounts should not include any logos or
trademarks unless permission has been granted
Employees are not permitted to create their own pages, accounts or profiles using the branding or
organizations name or slogans which could be misinterpreted as an official page by the public
The organization reserves the right to request that specific subjects are avoided or that individual posts
can be removed if deemed unacceptable or inappropriate
25. Step 6: Bring Your Social Media Strategy To Life!
You now have a solid
plan details
everything you need
to launch social media
Listen out for new
Focus on
trends, measure
achieving results
the impact of your
for your business
campaigns and
and your
keep on tweaking
your plan