Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Place of Residency: Tokyo, JPN - Charlottesville, VA - Zurich, SWI - London, GBR - Greenwich, CT
Schools Attended: ¤µ¤¯¤éÓ×ÖɈ@, SWI - ¥Á¥å©`¥ê¥Ã¥ÒÈÕ±¾ÈËѧУ, SWI - ¥í¥ó¥É¥óÈÕ±¾ÈËѧУ, GBR - ¥Ë¥å©`¥è©`¥¯ÈÕ±¾ÈËѧУ, CT - North Mianus School, CT - Ó¢¹úÁ¢½ÌѧԺ, GBR - Lehigh University, PA
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