I'm 23. My birthday is december 17th. I'm not kinda a big deal,I am the big deal, also I'm moody and easily hurt. I'm friendly. I'm a free spirit...I'm not stupid. I'm unpredictable. I dont hate anybody:), I love to love. I have my opinions. I laugh a lot I dont have regrets. I speak my mind,and I know I get in trouble for that. I Love music,its a big part of me. I enjoy my friends. I have a strong sense of sympathy. I talk a lot. I listen well. I HAVE THE BEST SET OF FRIENDS ANYONE COULD EVER HAVE! I make friends easier than anything. I judge people through observations,that's bad I know.!!! I like to make jokes, even dumb ones. Music is better than your mom. I still listen to fall out boy.