1) Schools from Spain, Germany, Finland, Turkey, and France met multiple times between 2013-2015 to coordinate internship opportunities for students through their WebLab program.
2) The program facilitated internships for students from Spain to work in Germany in electrical installation, security systems, and hotel kitchens as well as internships for German students to work in security and fire systems in Spain.
3) Participants concluded that the WebLab program was a good tool for mentoring international internships, facilitated contact between schools for developing internships abroad, and motivated teachers to apply for Leonardo grants while helping learn about professional qualifications in other countries.
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Final web lab
Attendance 1st Meeting WebLab
In Essen (Germany) 17th -20th Nov.2013
Heinrich-Hertz-Berufskolleg in
D¨¹sseldorf (Germany)
Universidad Laboral (Albacete) Spain
FLOW : Schools
We had an agreement
between schools
2. 2 Students to working in Electrical Installations and Security
Sistems in a supermarket from 3th to 23th May 2014
2 Students to working in the kitchen hotel Melia D¨¹sseldorf
between July and August 2014
FLOW 1: Albacete to D¨¹sseldorf
8. Conclusions:
It?s a very good tool to mentoring Internships
It has facilitated contact between centers for the
development of internships abroad
It has motivated teachers apply for Leonardo
it helps to know the professional qualifications
in other countries