La pr辿sentation donn辿e par Olivier Witmeur (Solvay Entrepreneurs) lors de l'ouverture du Startup Weekend de Mons en 2012
Devoxx France 2013: CSS, more or Less -
Il nexiste ce jour plus une seule application Web qui nutilise pas 束 CSS 損, ces fichiers qui permettent de styliser son application. Aujourdhui, 束 CSS3 損 nous permet d辿crire des applications du plus en plus attrayantes mais nest pas encore id辿al puisque nous constatons des manques comme par exemple la d辿finition de constantes de couleurs, chose appr辿ciable pour les sites en marque blanche. Notons 辿galement la difficult辿 pour factoriser et maintenir ce code.
Une lueur despoir est apparue, gr但ce 束 Less 損. Cest un framework qui non seulement nous facilite l辿criture de nos fichiers CSS, mais nous aide 辿galement les maintenir et mieux les structurer, tout en ayant des outils que nous pouvons utiliser dans nos usines logiciels.
Je suis un d辿veloppeur Web, et je nai pas peur de dire que d辿sormais, jaime le CSS !
Devoxx 2012 Gregory Weinbach - il n y a pas de bon modele metierVISEO
Pr辿sentation de Gregory Weinbach au Devoxx France 2012 : il n'y a pas de bon mod竪le m辿tier
Attention ! Cette pr辿sentation ne peut 棚tre comprise sans le commentaire associ辿 (certains slides peuvent 棚tre trompeurs quant au message d辿livr辿).
Pitch : "On vous le r辿p竪te : une application r辿pond bien aux besoins de ses utilisateurs si elle refl竪te bien leur m辿tier. Les approches du d辿veloppement orient辿es Utilisateur sont d'ailleurs faites pour 巽a : le DDD d'Eric Evans comme le BDD de Dan North concentrent leurs efforts sur la mod辿lisation du "Coeur du Domaine". En pratique, comment faire un "bon" Mod竪le M辿tier ? Traditionnellement, on dit qu'il faut repr辿senter au mieux la r辿alit辿 de ce m辿tier : faire "coller" le code au plus pr竪s du monde r辿el pour garantir l'ad辿quation au besoin. Malheureusement, cette approche na誰ve est mauvaise ! Pourquoi ? Parce qu'un logiciel ne repr辿sente pas le monde r辿el, il informatise des services rendus. Parce qu'un Mod竪le de Domaine n'est pas un Mod竪le du M辿tier, c'est un mod竪le de conception r辿pondant des exigences de codage. Et je vous montrerai, partir d'exemples, pourquoi il ne doit pas 棚tre construit en observant le monde r辿el mais partir des besoins de pr辿sentation ou de services."
La conception d'application Web complexe se reposant sur un socle JavaScript devient monnaie courante.
De ce fait, nous nous devons de nous outiller, ainsi que d'utiliser des frameworks ad辿quats.
Cette pr辿sentation a pour but de vous faire d辿couvrir l'un de ces frameworks: RequireJS.
Nous verrons alors que nous pouvons produire des applications modulaires avec gestion de d辿pendances simplement, permettant ainsi d'avoir des applications qui se chargent rapidement alors que nous avons un d辿coupage complexe, mais aussi des applications maintenables et testables facilement.
Communication dune organisation : Le mus辿e Guimet (Paris)ryloune
Dossier sponsoring aide d'urgence aux sinistres du sud du maroc - 2014Imane Chafchaouni
Le Rotary Agadir La Baie se mobilise pour apporter de l'aide aux zones sinistr辿es par de tres fortes pluies dans le Sud du Maroc.
Dossier de Sponsoring!
La checklist du jeune entrepreneurs par Solvay EntrepreneursSolvay Entrepreneurs
Entreprendre est souvent une tres belle aventure. Elle demande de relever de nombreux defis, de faire face a lincertitude, de prendre des risques, dinnover, de sassocier ou sentourer, de se lancer dans des activites quon ne maitrise pas forcement... Le chemin est parfois long. Il exige un peu de patience et beaucoup de determination, voire de lobstination ! Tel est souvent le prix a payer pour developper une activite conforme a vos valeurs et generer une autre forme de valeur que vous pourrez vous approprier et/ou partager.
Il nexiste rien de tel quun 束 bon projet 損 ou un 束 bon entrepreneur 損. Chacun poursuit des objectifs differents, a des rythmes differents. Toutefois, la reussite nest possible que quand lentrepreneur, son projet et les ressources quil peut mobiliser (mais pas forcement celles dont il dispose au debut de laventure) forment un tout coherent.
Cette check-list a ete conc箕ue pour vous accompagner dans lelaboration de votre projet dentreprise. Elle capitalise sur lexperience et une serie doutils utilises au quotidien par les equipes de Solvay Entrepreneurs.
Il ne sagit pas dune check-list a suivre strictement mais plutot dun aide-memoire qui vous aidera a passer en revue, en toute objectivite, tous les aspects critiques de votre projet et produire, si necessaire, un plan daffaires pour presenter votre projet a des partenaires.
En route !
Olivier Witmeur
Professeur dentrepreneuriat
Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Le plan financier est une mise en chiffres de toutes les hypoth竪ses de votre projet. Il est donc primordial que vous compreniez correctement la mod辿lisation financi竪re qui sous-tend votre projet et den valider les hypoth竪ses. Ce document est une des parties essentielles de votre plan d'affaires. Votre banquier ou un investisseur s'attarderont tout particuli竪rement sur cette section. Soyez certain qu'il soit en b辿ton !
Retrouvez les r辿ponses aux questions suivantes :
Comment savoir si je suis un entrepreneur ?
Comment passer de l'id辿e la nouvelle entreprise ?
Par o湛 commencer ?
L'argent est-il un probl竪me ?
Outline of Human Motivation
1. Introduction to Human Motivation
Definition of motivation
Importance of understanding motivation
Overview of motivational theories
2. Theories of Motivation
A. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation
Definitions and differences
Examples of each type
B. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Overview of the five levels of needs
Application of the theory in real-life scenarios
C. Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
Overview of intrinsic motivation and its three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness
The impact of SDT on personal growth and well-being
D. Expectancy Theory
Explanation of how expectations influence motivation
Components: expectancy, instrumentality, and valence
E. Goal-Setting Theory
Importance of setting specific and challenging goals
The SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
3. Factors Influencing Motivation
A. Biological Factors
Role of genetics and neurochemistry in motivation
Impact of physical health and well-being
B. Psychological Factors
Personality traits and their influence on motivation
The role of mindset (fixed vs. growth mindset)
C. Social and Environmental Factors
Influence of culture, family, peers, and society on motivation
The impact of the workplace environment and leadership styles
4. Motivation in Different Contexts
A. Education
How motivation affects learning and academic performance
Strategies to enhance student motivation
B. Workplace
Importance of employee motivation for productivity and job satisfaction
Techniques for fostering motivation in the workplace
C. Personal Development
Motivation for self-improvement and personal goals
The role of habits and routines in maintaining motivation
5. Challenges to Motivation
Common obstacles to motivation (e.g., procrastination, fear of failure)
Strategies to overcome motivational challenges
6. Conclusion
Summary of key points
The significance of understanding motivation for personal and societal growth
7. References
A list of academic sources and literature on motivation
Devoxx 2012 Gregory Weinbach - il n y a pas de bon modele metierVISEO
Pr辿sentation de Gregory Weinbach au Devoxx France 2012 : il n'y a pas de bon mod竪le m辿tier
Attention ! Cette pr辿sentation ne peut 棚tre comprise sans le commentaire associ辿 (certains slides peuvent 棚tre trompeurs quant au message d辿livr辿).
Pitch : "On vous le r辿p竪te : une application r辿pond bien aux besoins de ses utilisateurs si elle refl竪te bien leur m辿tier. Les approches du d辿veloppement orient辿es Utilisateur sont d'ailleurs faites pour 巽a : le DDD d'Eric Evans comme le BDD de Dan North concentrent leurs efforts sur la mod辿lisation du "Coeur du Domaine". En pratique, comment faire un "bon" Mod竪le M辿tier ? Traditionnellement, on dit qu'il faut repr辿senter au mieux la r辿alit辿 de ce m辿tier : faire "coller" le code au plus pr竪s du monde r辿el pour garantir l'ad辿quation au besoin. Malheureusement, cette approche na誰ve est mauvaise ! Pourquoi ? Parce qu'un logiciel ne repr辿sente pas le monde r辿el, il informatise des services rendus. Parce qu'un Mod竪le de Domaine n'est pas un Mod竪le du M辿tier, c'est un mod竪le de conception r辿pondant des exigences de codage. Et je vous montrerai, partir d'exemples, pourquoi il ne doit pas 棚tre construit en observant le monde r辿el mais partir des besoins de pr辿sentation ou de services."
La conception d'application Web complexe se reposant sur un socle JavaScript devient monnaie courante.
De ce fait, nous nous devons de nous outiller, ainsi que d'utiliser des frameworks ad辿quats.
Cette pr辿sentation a pour but de vous faire d辿couvrir l'un de ces frameworks: RequireJS.
Nous verrons alors que nous pouvons produire des applications modulaires avec gestion de d辿pendances simplement, permettant ainsi d'avoir des applications qui se chargent rapidement alors que nous avons un d辿coupage complexe, mais aussi des applications maintenables et testables facilement.
Communication dune organisation : Le mus辿e Guimet (Paris)ryloune
Dossier sponsoring aide d'urgence aux sinistres du sud du maroc - 2014Imane Chafchaouni
Le Rotary Agadir La Baie se mobilise pour apporter de l'aide aux zones sinistr辿es par de tres fortes pluies dans le Sud du Maroc.
Dossier de Sponsoring!
La checklist du jeune entrepreneurs par Solvay EntrepreneursSolvay Entrepreneurs
Entreprendre est souvent une tres belle aventure. Elle demande de relever de nombreux defis, de faire face a lincertitude, de prendre des risques, dinnover, de sassocier ou sentourer, de se lancer dans des activites quon ne maitrise pas forcement... Le chemin est parfois long. Il exige un peu de patience et beaucoup de determination, voire de lobstination ! Tel est souvent le prix a payer pour developper une activite conforme a vos valeurs et generer une autre forme de valeur que vous pourrez vous approprier et/ou partager.
Il nexiste rien de tel quun 束 bon projet 損 ou un 束 bon entrepreneur 損. Chacun poursuit des objectifs differents, a des rythmes differents. Toutefois, la reussite nest possible que quand lentrepreneur, son projet et les ressources quil peut mobiliser (mais pas forcement celles dont il dispose au debut de laventure) forment un tout coherent.
Cette check-list a ete conc箕ue pour vous accompagner dans lelaboration de votre projet dentreprise. Elle capitalise sur lexperience et une serie doutils utilises au quotidien par les equipes de Solvay Entrepreneurs.
Il ne sagit pas dune check-list a suivre strictement mais plutot dun aide-memoire qui vous aidera a passer en revue, en toute objectivite, tous les aspects critiques de votre projet et produire, si necessaire, un plan daffaires pour presenter votre projet a des partenaires.
En route !
Olivier Witmeur
Professeur dentrepreneuriat
Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Le plan financier est une mise en chiffres de toutes les hypoth竪ses de votre projet. Il est donc primordial que vous compreniez correctement la mod辿lisation financi竪re qui sous-tend votre projet et den valider les hypoth竪ses. Ce document est une des parties essentielles de votre plan d'affaires. Votre banquier ou un investisseur s'attarderont tout particuli竪rement sur cette section. Soyez certain qu'il soit en b辿ton !
Retrouvez les r辿ponses aux questions suivantes :
Comment savoir si je suis un entrepreneur ?
Comment passer de l'id辿e la nouvelle entreprise ?
Par o湛 commencer ?
L'argent est-il un probl竪me ?
11. m辿dias sociaux et communication mobile maryl gencryloune
Outline of Human Motivation
1. Introduction to Human Motivation
Definition of motivation
Importance of understanding motivation
Overview of motivational theories
2. Theories of Motivation
A. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation
Definitions and differences
Examples of each type
B. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Overview of the five levels of needs
Application of the theory in real-life scenarios
C. Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
Overview of intrinsic motivation and its three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness
The impact of SDT on personal growth and well-being
D. Expectancy Theory
Explanation of how expectations influence motivation
Components: expectancy, instrumentality, and valence
E. Goal-Setting Theory
Importance of setting specific and challenging goals
The SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
3. Factors Influencing Motivation
A. Biological Factors
Role of genetics and neurochemistry in motivation
Impact of physical health and well-being
B. Psychological Factors
Personality traits and their influence on motivation
The role of mindset (fixed vs. growth mindset)
C. Social and Environmental Factors
Influence of culture, family, peers, and society on motivation
The impact of the workplace environment and leadership styles
4. Motivation in Different Contexts
A. Education
How motivation affects learning and academic performance
Strategies to enhance student motivation
B. Workplace
Importance of employee motivation for productivity and job satisfaction
Techniques for fostering motivation in the workplace
C. Personal Development
Motivation for self-improvement and personal goals
The role of habits and routines in maintaining motivation
5. Challenges to Motivation
Common obstacles to motivation (e.g., procrastination, fear of failure)
Strategies to overcome motivational challenges
6. Conclusion
Summary of key points
The significance of understanding motivation for personal and societal growth
7. References
A list of academic sources and literature on motivation
The Will-Skill Matrix is an essential framework for managers and consultants aiming to optimize team performance. This model divides employees into four quadrants based on their levels of motivation (Will) and competencies (Skill):
1.Contributors (Guide): High Will, Low Skill
2.High Performers (Challenge): High Will, High Skill
3.Low Performers (Direct): Low Will, Low Skill
4.Potential Detractors (Motivate): Low Will, High Skill
This PowerPoint presentation is only a small preview of our content. For more details, visit
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls...Lviv Startup Club
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
In 2024, I found myself a victim of a cryptocurrency scam, losing $345,000. The sense of loss and frustration was overwhelming, and I was told by many experts that it was highly unlikely to recover such a significant amount. With cryptocurrencys irreversible transactions and anonymity, I felt like my chances were slim. However, after hearing about CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN from a trusted contact, I decided to give it a try, and Im so glad I did. I'll admit, I was initially cautious. The internet is filled with horror stories of recovery services that end up being scams themselves, so I did my due diligence. After speaking with the team at CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN, I was impressed by their transparency and professionalism. They assured me that, while recovery was difficult, it was not impossible. They explained their approach clearly, detailing how they use advanced tracking tools and legal channels to attempt recovery, and I felt confident moving forward. From the start, the process was smooth. The team kept me updated regularly, explaining each step they were taking. They were upfront about the challenges of recovering cryptocurrency, but never made any unrealistic promises. They set proper expectations from the beginning while assuring me they would do everything possible to recover my assets. Their honest and patient approach gave me the trust I needed. After several months of diligent work on their part, I started seeing results. They managed to trace some of the funds to specific wallets and identified potential points of contact that were crucial in the recovery process. While the process was slow, their persistence paid off, and eventually, a significant portion of my funds was recovered. I can say with confidence that CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN delivered on their promise. While they could not guarantee success at the outset, they showed a level of commitment and expertise that made me believe recovery was possible. Their customer support was top-notch, always available to answer questions and provide updates. There were no unexpected charges beyond the initial fee, and they remained transparent throughout the process. While recovering cryptocurrency is not easy, it is absolutely possible with the right team. If youve found yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN. They are a legitimate, reliable service that genuinely works to help you recover lost assets. Just remember that patience and realistic expectations are key, but with their help, recovery is indeed油achievable.
TELEGRAM: @ cranixethicalsolutionshaven
EMAIL: cranixethicalsolutionshaven @ post . com 油OR 油info @ cranixethicalsolutionshaven
WHATSAPP: +44 (7460) (622730)
WhatsApp+ 1 8 4 7 6 5 4 7 0 9 6
I Thought Id Lost Everything, My Crops, My Savings, My Future! I'm a third-generation farmer, and like most of my family, I have weathered storms, both the literal and economic varieties. Nothing, though, could have prepared me for the flood that swept through my farm and nearly drowned my future. Over the past five years, I had amassed a $120,000 Bitcoin buffer in silence as a hedge against unstable crop prices. It was my shield against poor harvests and market crashes.
And then the flood came. It wasn't rain, it was the wrath of nature. Water flooded into my office, turning documents into pulp and sending my computers floating around like lumber. My hardware wallet, the sole bulwark between me and that $120,000, was submerged in muddy water. When the skies finally cleared, I held the waterlogged device in my hand, praying fervently that it would still work. It didn't.
Panic ensued. The soybeans were ruined, the barn needed to be repaired, and now my electronic savings, the one thing I thought was sacrosanct was gone. I couldn't tell my wife; she had already been up to her knees helping shovel sludge out of our home.
Desperate, I had put it on an agriculture technology site. I had cried and written, praying that someone somewhere would know what to do. A user responded with a username that turned out to be my savior, Salvage Asset Recovery.
I called them the next day, preparing for robot voice or a bait-and-switch sales pitch. But to my surprise, I spoke with human compassion, patience, and understanding. I unloaded my story, and they listened like neighbors calling after a tornado. They worked immediately, using fancy data reconstruction tools I couldn't even understand.
Every day, they updated me in simple terms. I was anxious, but their professionalism calmed me down. On the ninth day, I got the call. They had recovered my wallet. All the Bitcoins were intact. I was so relieved that I nearly kissed my filthy boots.
When they heard about the flooding damage, they even discounted part of their fee. That touched me more than the rain. Salvage Asset Recovery didn't just restore my savings, they restored my trust in people. They are heroes in my book, and thanks to them, my family's future is once again set on stable ground.
Advancing North America's Next Major Silver & Critical Minerals District
Western Alaska Minerals is unveiling a prolific 8-km mineral corridor with its two stand-alone deposits. Anchored by the high-grade silver deposit at Waterpump Creek and the historic Illinois Creek mine, our 100% owned carbonate replacement deposit reveals untapped potential across an expansive exploration landscape.
Waterpump Creek: 75 Moz @ 980 g/t AgEq (Inferred), open to the north and south.
Illinois Creek: 525 Koz AuEq - 373 Koz @ 1.3 g/t AuEq (Indicated), 152 Koz @ 1.44 g/t AuEq (Inferred).
2024 New Discovery at Warm Springs: First copper, gold, and Waterpump Creek-grade silver intercepts located 0.8 miles from Illinois Creek.
2025 plans: Drilling for more high-grade silver discoveries at the Waterpump Creek South target. Our 114.25m2 claim package located on mining-friendly state land also includes the promising Round Top copper and TG North CRD prospects, located 15 miles northeast of Illinois Creek.
The financial technology landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and 2025 promises to be a transformative year for the industry. From AI-driven banking to decentralized finance, the future of FinTech is brimming with innovation. In this carousel, we explore the five key trends that will shape the FinTech ecosystem in 2025. Stay ahead of the curve and discover how these advancements will redefine the way we manage, invest, and interact with money. Swipe through to dive into the future of finance! 叶
21 Best Crypto Wallet in UAE The complete 2025.pdfDubiz
The cryptocurrency sector worldwide has undergone significant transformation with increasing adoption and acceptance. It is one of the emerging sectors converting cash treasuries into digital currencies. In UAE too, people are heavily being drawn towards investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In fact, it is among the top investment opportunities in Dubai in 2025. You can find some of the best crypto wallet in UAE, offering safe and efficient platforms for storing, managing, and even trading digital assets.
However, with such digital transformation comes an increased risk of cyberattacks and scams. This is why, to ensure your investments are completely safe, you must choose a secure and highly reliable crypto wallet in the UAE.
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, having a well-structured roadmap is essential for achieving success. Heres a comprehensive digital marketing roadmap that outlines key strategies and steps to take your marketing efforts to the next level. It includes 6 components:
1. Branding Guidelines Strategy
2. Website Design and Development
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Strategy
5. Social Media Strategy
6. Emailing Strategy
This PowerPoint presentation is only a small preview of our content. For more details, visit
Ross Chayka: AI in Business: Quo Vadis? (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Businesses must optimize their supply chain to remain competitive. Seamlessly integrating freight forwarding, trucking, and warehousing services can significantly improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. A well-coordinated logistics strategy is essential for businesses dealing with large shipments, furniture storage, and distribution operations.
The Importance of an Integrated Logistics Approach
A logistics service provider in Singapore must ensure a seamless flow of goods from the manufacturer to the end customer. This process involves multiple stages, including freight forwarding, trucking, and warehousing. When these elements operate in isolation, inefficiencies arise, leading to delays and increased costs. However, integrating them into a cohesive system offers several benefits:
Cost Efficiency: Reduced handling, storage, and transportation costs through streamlined operations.
Faster Delivery: Optimized transit times due to better coordination between different logistics components.
Improved Inventory Management: Centralized storage and real-time tracking enhance stock control.
Better Resource Utilization: Trucks and warehouses are used efficiently, reducing idle time and wastage.
Enhanced Scalability: Businesses can scale operations more effectively by utilizing integrated logistics services.
Customer Satisfaction: Faster deliveries and accurate order fulfillment enhance the overall customer experience.
Freight Forwarding: The First Step in Logistics Optimization Freight forwarding is the backbone of global supply chains. It involves managing the transportation of goods across international borders using various modes, including air, sea, and land. A logistics service provider specializing in freight forwarding plays a crucial role in:
Customs Clearance: Handling documentation and compliance requirements to ensure smooth international trade.
Carrier Selection: Choosing the most cost-effective and reliable transportation options.
Cargo Consolidation: Combining smaller shipments to optimize container space and reduce costs.
Route Optimization: Selecting the best routes to minimize transit time and costs.
Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating potential risks such as delays, damage, and unforeseen expenses.
By partnering with a reliable freight forwarder, businesses can streamline their global shipping processes and reduce the risks associated with international logistics.
Trucking: Bridging the Gap Between Freight and Warehousing
Once goods arrive at ports or distribution centers, trucking services become essential for last-mile delivery. Efficient trucking operations ensure timely deliveries and minimize disruptions. Key strategies for optimizing trucking include:
Fleet Management: Using GPS tracking and route optimization software to reduce delays and fuel consumption.
Load Optimization: Maximizing truck capacity to lower transportation costs per unit.
Timely Scheduling: Coordinating truc