This document provides an overview of recent developments in augmented reality (AR). It highlights new AR hardware expected in fall 2013 and April 2014. It also summarizes cool new AR products like an app that brings children's drawings to life, as well as acquisitions and statistics in the AR field. Upcoming AR events are listed and the reader is directed to a YouTube channel for AR videos.
4. "There is a gold rush mentality
around the space
-John Jackson, IDC analyst
35. Upcoming Partner AR Events
AR Summit London - 20th June
ISTAS 13/ Veillance - Toronto - 27-29 June
AR Summit in Shanghai - 10-11 September
ISMAR 2013 - Adelaide, Australia 1-4 Oct
InsideAR - Munich, Germany - 10-11 Oct
Look for an AR Meetup near you (or start one!)
36. If you cant waitwatch
200 videos of AR Goodness on