How will service projects change in the future and what
must we do to keep pace with these changes? Learn why
future service projects must involve the members of the
benefiting community in both planning and implementation.
Lecture 09 of the 1st NS-CUK Winter School on Ethics of AI and Robots (AI Ethics 2022)
Lecturer: Dr. Eun-Soon You
Date: Jan 4th, 2023
Topic: Ethical issues caused by AI and robots
How will service projects change in the future and what
must we do to keep pace with these changes? Learn why
future service projects must involve the members of the
benefiting community in both planning and implementation.
Lecture 09 of the 1st NS-CUK Winter School on Ethics of AI and Robots (AI Ethics 2022)
Lecturer: Dr. Eun-Soon You
Date: Jan 4th, 2023
Topic: Ethical issues caused by AI and robots
6. Keyword
?Social, Senior, Digital,
Citizenship, Trans-Generation
? ?? TEXT :
Kebin Kelly : New Rules for the New Economy (1999)
The Inevitable (2016)
E. Jones : The Better World Handbook (2007)
33. New Rules for the New Economy
1) Embrace the Swarm.
2) Increasing Returns..
3) Plentitude, Not Scarcity.
4) Follow the Free..
5) Feed theWeb First.
6) Let Go at theTop.
7) From Places to Spaces.
8) No Harmony, All Flux.
9) RelationshipTech.
10) Opportunities Before